Hi! Thanks for a great package, we have used it effectively a couple of times already but we are now for the first time implementing a basket and checkout process.
I have already discovered how I can list the shipping methods available, although I feel I must point out that finding information about that was not easy. The customer can choose a shipping method and the next page they go to shows an overview of their order.
Now my question is, how can I show which shipping method they chose? The basket does not seem to have any GetSavedShippingQuote kind of method although it does have a SaveShipmentRateQuote method so it must be possible to retrieve which method has been saved, so how to go about it?
Show chosen shipping method on overview
Hi! Thanks for a great package, we have used it effectively a couple of times already but we are now for the first time implementing a basket and checkout process.
I have already discovered how I can list the shipping methods available, although I feel I must point out that finding information about that was not easy. The customer can choose a shipping method and the next page they go to shows an overview of their order.
Now my question is, how can I show which shipping method they chose? The basket does not seem to have any GetSavedShippingQuote kind of method although it does have a SaveShipmentRateQuote method so it must be possible to retrieve which method has been saved, so how to go about it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I found a way (maybe it is not a good solution):
Is there another way to accomplish that?
is working on a reply...