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Last.FM for Umbraco Install package

Project owner:
Warren Buckley
Package downloads
Package karma
This project is compaitible with
.NET Version:
Supports Medium Trust: No
13 August 2009
Current version

This has been confirmed to work with version 4.5 of Umbraco


This package allows you to display your recently played tracks from the Last.FM service. This can be tracks listened to directly on the Last.FM website, or through your media player such as iTunes (with a plugin) or services like which scrobble tracks back to your Last.FM profile.

This package is just a nice simple XSLT macro with a CSS file and a few images to apply a vinyl cover look to the album covers when outputting your tracks, but it being XSLT you can fully customise the XHTML markup to your needs.


  1. Download the package (zip file) to your machine
  2. Login to your umbraco install and goto the developer section
  3. Expand the packages folder
  4. Select install local package and point to zip file you just downloaded
  5. Wait for the install to finish
  6. Insert the [XSLT] CWS - Last.FM macro into your template
  7. Fill in your username and the number of tracks to display in the parameters for the macro
  8. Add the CSS reference to you <head> of your template
  9. VOILA - Your done !

Installs the following files

  • XSLT/CWS_LastFM.xslt
  • CSS/CWS_lastFM.css
  • Media/CWS_LastFM/vinyl.png
  • Media/CWS_LastFM/vinyl_insert.gif

Example Track XML

<track nowplaying="true">  <artist mbid="1239d1bc-cc09-43e0-bcd0-374f60346138">Kelis</artist>  <name>4th Of July (Fireworks)</name>  <streamable>1</streamable>  <mbid></mbid>  <album mbid="">Flesh Tone</album>  <url></url>  <image size="small"></image>  <image size="medium"></image>  <image size="large"></image>  <image size="extralarge"></image></track><track>  <artist mbid="">Bombay Bicycle Club</artist>  <name>Ivy &amp; Gold</name>  <streamable>1</streamable>  <mbid></mbid>  <album mbid="">Ivy &amp; Gold / Flaws</album>  <url></url>  <image size="small"></image>  <image size="medium"></image>  <image size="large"></image>  <image size="extralarge"></image>  <date uts="1279142523">14 Jul 2010, 21:22</date></track>


Version 1.1 (Latest)

YouTube -
