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XSLTouch Install package

Project owner:
Peter Duncanson
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.NET Version:
Supports Medium Trust: No
20 April 2010
Is Stable:
Project is stable
Current version

XSLTouch for Umbraco from the guys at

Automatically "touches" the modified date of any XSLT files that include a child XSLT file when that child is saved. This causes .net's XSLT cacher to refresh both files to ensure that what you see when you next run it is what you expect.

Install and forget. Debug log messages are written every time a file is changed and touched for reference. 

To test just include one XSL file in another using <xsl:include href="yourfile.xslt" /> make a change in the child file and notice the parent's modified date gets changed too.

Runs on both servers and local version. Does not mess with source control (tested with SVN/Mercurial) check ins either.

Standalone version for other .net projects available too at

Any bugs or feedback let me know ([email protected] or via #xsltouch on twitter where you can get me on @peteduncanson).

UPDATE: Please download the right version for the .net framework you are running. DotNet 4 code has some extra work arounds in it to handle an encoding issue highlighted of late.

Yet another of our many best practise tools for helping developers make better websites, check out our other packages including DocTypeMixins, XSLToJSON and Asset Compressor.

What others are saying:

@cultiv: "@greystate Just tried XSLTouch and it's magic!! And even works in VS indeed, woohoo!#umbraco"

@greystate: "Once again, XSLTouch just does its thing without the need to tell me in a yellow "balloon"... :-) #lovethatthing #umbraco"






