

Status: Released

Released on Thursday, June 16 2022

There is a newer version available - v14.1.1

Recommended install from the command line:

dotnet new -i Umbraco.Templates::10.0.0
dotnet new umbraco -n "MyProject"
dotnet run --project "MyProject"
Or use any of the alternative ways to install Umbraco.

Release notes

The next long-term-supported version of Umbraco, running on the latest long-term-supported version of .NET. Details on the release, how to get started, and report any findings can be found in the Umbraco 10 release blog post.

Umbraco 10.0.0 is now available on NuGet.


Updates for Final - Release June 16, 2022

Updates for RC5 - Release June 9, 2022

Updates for RC4 - Release May 25, 2022

Updates for RC3 - Released May 23, 2022

Updates for RC2 - Released May 20, 2022

The location of the appsettings schema file has changed, this means that to enable intellisense again you must open your appsettings.json files and change the schema from:

"$schema": "./umbraco/config/appsettings-schema.json",


"$schema": "./appsettings-schema.json",

Related changes from the issue tracker

Notable features (6)
Breaking changes (25)
API and API documentation updates (1)
Configuration (1)
Dependencies (10)
Developer experience (3)
Front end (1)
UI and UX updates (4)
Other features (7)
Bugfixes (25)