

Status: Released

Released on Thursday, July 6 2023

There is a newer version available - v14.3.1

Recommended install from the command line:

dotnet new -i Umbraco.Templates::10.6.0
dotnet new umbraco -n "MyProject"
dotnet run --project "MyProject"
Or use any of the alternative ways to install Umbraco.

Release notes

10.6.0 is now available on Nuget.

This minor release for Umbraco 10 adds a number of fixes and improvements mainly backporting from recent Umbraco 11 releases and aligning with Umbraco 12.

Highlights in Umbraco 10.6

A new counter for the number of external login providers in a project has been added to telemetry. This only shows the number of login providers, not which ones are being used.

Notable Fixes

You can see the full contents of 10.6 below ⬇️

Related changes from the issue tracker

Accessibility (1)
Dependencies (2)
Developer experience (2)
Front end (1)
Localization (3)
Preview (3)
Refactor (1)
UI and UX updates (7)
Bugfixes (12)