Status: ReleasedReleased on Thursday, June 29 2023
There is a newer version available - v15.1.1
Release notes
The final version of 12.0.0 is now live on Nuget. For more details on new features and updates see the Umbraco 12 Release Candidate blog post.
Changes in RC5
- Updated the login screen - 2cbf44d
- Remove content from public-facing Examine indexes when it's made protected - 14415
Changes in RC4
- Fixed an issue preventing unlinking external login providers - 14341
- Fixed a performance issue - 14364
- Ensured that the security stamp is updated on logout - 14362
- Added toggle to enable trust server certificate from installer - 14361
- Fixed missing editor toolbar icons in rich text configuration - 14404
- Cache refreshers optimisations - 14332
- Added delivery API information to detailed telemetry - 14418
- Updated dependencies - 14407, 14419, 7eef9f4, 9c1f912
- Delivery API Change
Changes in RC3
Changes in RC2
Downgraded OpenIdDict to version 4.2.0 to resolve external login not working fixing #14265
Updated EF Core extension method to map |DataDirectory| in connection string #14278
Related changes from the issue tracker
Notable features (2)
Breaking changes (6)
Dependencies (6)
Front end (1)
UI and UX updates (1)
Other features (4)
Bugfixes (17)
- NuCache corruption when block size set > 8192
- Cannot connect to SQL Server during install
- Richtext editor toolbar icons are missing in configuration
- Fixes #14102 - NestedPropertyIndexValueFactoryBase ignores compositions
- XPath can unambiguously use $site/$parent
- Wrap RTE content in a dedicated model for future expansion
- Start-item support in RTE markup
- Delivery API: Adding support for "Contains" filters
- Empty filter and sort values should not be considered when executing queries
- V12: Use hosting environment to get local temp path
- Update OpenIdDict
- Fix unlinking with external login tokens
- Update security stamps on logout
- Make the Delivery API JSON type info resolver un-sealed
- Delivery API: Add query params and headers to Swagger document
- V12: Add deliver api information to detailed telemetry
- Delivery API: Ensure the path parameter starts with forward slash