Status: ReleasedReleased on Thursday, September 12 2024
There is a newer version available - v15.1.1
Related changes from the issue tracker
Dependencies (2)
Developer experience (2)
Performance (1)
UI and UX updates (1)
Bugfixes (20)
- v13: Blocks in RTE not rendering after save
- Strange behavior for validation of RTE inside a block list field
- BlockList: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'variants')
- Block Grid with Area specific elements becomes unresponsive when the element with area is removed from the options
- V13.3.0 - Upgrade Error - SqlException: Either the parameter @objname is ambiguous or the claimed @objtype (OBJECT) is wrong.
- List view's move and copy don't respect a users content start nodes
- DeliveryApiContentIndex doesn't raise TransformingIndexValues event
- ImageSharp WebP transparency issues
- Could not obtain an HTTP context when ContentPublishedWebhookEvent fired
- Twitter embeds broken now that it is "x.com"
- Blocks in RTE content doesn't gets updated when you use the clipboard to copy
- `CacheValues.For` should null check culture + segment parameters
- Redirect url not created for urls longer than 255 characters when using SQL Server
- V13.5-RC Content fields to stay disabled when save and publishing
- Combining OpenId and OfflineAccess scope
- Fix for MemberDefaultLockoutTimeInMinutes lockout time
- Fixing regression bug introduced in #14806
- V13: RTE Blocks editable after save
- V13: fix 16663
- Fix: V13 ensure data change is detected on embedding media (16806)