Status: ReleasedReleased on Thursday, August 22 2024
There is a newer version available - v15.1.1
Release notes
14.2.0 is now on NuGet.
Release notes.
You can view the frontend changes here.
You can view the backend changes here.
Related changes from the issue tracker
Dependencies (3)
Developer experience (1)
Other features (27)
- Feature: Force paths to be no longer than 120 characters to support Windows
- Bundling: Templating package
- Feature: Block Custom Views
- Chore: Bundling Property Editors package
- Chore: Bundling Media package
- Feature: Property Type workspace
- Chore: Bundle user package
- Feature: Added Umb-Notifications
- Feature: Property label mandatory indicator
- Feature: Imaging thumbnail component to load thumbnails in parallel
- Translate package section to español
- Feature: Entity Bulk Action `moveTo` kind
- Feature: Document entity bulk action "move to"
- Feature: Entity Bulk Actions: adds optional button icon
- Feature: Document entity bulk action "duplicate to"
- Feature: Entity Bulk Action `trash` kind
- Feature: Document entity bulk action "trash"
- Feature: Improve when `umb-code-editor` loads Monaco
- Chore: Bundle members package
- Chore: Bundle tiny-mce package
- Feature: media & member compositions
- Feature: Document Type reference localizations
- Block Grid: Retrieve and render content type name in Area Permission Config
- Block type custom view guide
- V14: Add `usernameIsEmail` to the user configuration object
- Make block editor base classes public
- Removed Type attribute from parsed local links
Bugfixes (99)
- V14/bugfix/missing css vars
- Bugfix: Collections description, removes tree child items reference
- Bugfix: Ensure entity structure is reloaded after publish
- Bugfix: Render collection icon for document/media tree items
- Bugfix: Hide Content Editor workspace view when no properties (Document, Media, Member)
- Bugfix: Show correct msg for ApiError
- V14: The option `usernameIsEmail` is not supported
- Bugfix: Localizes 'sectionSidebarApp' headers
- Bugfix: Localizes collection create action labels
- Bugfix: Localizes the Collection view's "Clear" button label
- Chore: Remove the `user-defined.css` as it is not needed
- Chore: Do not redefine `clamp`
- Bugfix: Data Type selection for Property Editors without schema in manifests
- Chore: Remove interfaces deprecated before the RC
- Bugfix: UFM review, fixes and amends
- Bugfix: Caret buttons in the menus have no aria-label
- Bugfix: Crops do not show their label and invalid crops are rendered
- Bugfix: Enables document blueprint create menu
- Bugfix: Use the right property editor UI alias for config options
- Bugfix: Correct Block Grid default stylesheet path
- Chore: Lazy-load missed repositories
- Bugfix: focus directive refactor to support late case
- Bugfix: Webhooks localizations + other fixes
- Feature: example custom view
- Improvement: Use constant for language workspace alias
- Bugfix: Health check icons and colors
- Bugfix: Block area config use workspace create
- Refactor composition logic
- Bugfix: Document Type Picker - enable boolean properties
- multiple-app-languages-condition
- Bugfix: Member workspace, mandatory markers
- Bugfix: Use `<uui-input-lock>` for workspace aliases
- Chore: Property Type manifest name correction
- Bugfix: Set trashed context when creating a new item
- Chore: Remove property-actions for textbox property-editor
- Bugfix: Reexport `UmbBlockTypeBaseModel` from `@umbraco-cms/backoffice/block-type`
- Hotfix: Add back reexport of UmbSaveWorkspaceAction
- v14-rc2 - add custom view to a block in the settings of a Block Grid datatype
- V14-RC2 : Document types Cannot add properties directly to tabs.
- V14-RC2: Language selector shows when only 1 language
- V14-RC3: a11y: cannot tab to alias
- V14-RC3: Composition for Media and Member
- V14-RC3: Remove "All" filter option from user status
- v14-rc3 - Media section - switch between table/grid view - dropdown do not disappear
- Save button has border radius on one side
- Block list - Settings content app shows up for block list types even when settings model is not configured
- V14.0.0-RC4: Consistent naming of content templates / blueprints
- V14.0.0-RC4: Creating document or media type from tree root doesn't focus name input
- Textarea "Maximum allowed characters" configuration is not utilized
- MNTP does not respect min and max configuration
- Templates do not show validation messages
- V14: Media upload area is not clickable
- v14: Wrong icon for "Label" property editor
- [V14] Unexpected behaviour when switching editing language
- Console error when picking Block List as property editor
- Collection view column headers do not scroll gracefully
- Removing a doctype composition does not update the UI
- V14: Creating a new configuration for a property editor, shows an overview of the existing configs
- V14: Missing “Compositions” button on Media Type and Member Type
- Media/Content access node view is not updated with access nodes until the page is refreshed
- Parent page shows list view and tree view at same time
- Nodes does not show as published in the tree
- Create new content item doesn't work if the current page is in the recycle bin
- v14-RC5 errormessages showed in raw text format
- [V14] Can't update the email of a user
- After publishing a new node, it sometimes shows as grayed out in the navigation tree.
- Block Grid does not render block editor thumbnails
- [BUG]: UmbVariantableWorkspaceContextInterface is marked as obsolete but suggested interface `UmbVariantWorkspaceContextInterface` does not exist
- [BUG]: A11y - Content tree caret buttons has no accessible name/role/value
- [BUG]: UI for toggles shrink if text for permission type is long
- [BUG]: Multi-url-picker component not showing when extending backoffice
- More than 50 items in media folder results in Api error "Not Found"
- Can not use created blueprint / content templates
- V14 Block List Editor Configuration is missing Custom View
- V14 Block Data Types are missing color pickers for background color and icon color
- V14 Block List Editor Configuration is missing Thumbnail
- V14 Block Grid area creation in a block
- Long file paths in backoffice files
- V14 Logviewer, navigating to the search tab has the value for search as "undefined"
- Issues with Umbraco Flavored Markdown
- Users with fixed content/media start nodes can't see more than 50 items
- Not possible to clear a Date Picker value once set
- notification.CancelOperation message not showing
- Unable to use the Date Picker inside of a block list
- ApiError The authenticated user do not have access to this resource when accessing a media folder
- Unable to Publish to Azure Web App
- V14: Unable to reuse existing `propertyEditorSchemaAlias`
- Document Type Localization does not work in v14 and user defined language files
- Combining OpenId and OfflineAccess scope
- Added apostrophe to allowed characters for username.
- Move ReservedFieldNames to type configuration endpoints
- Fix `UdiRange.Parse()` throwing `ArgumentException` for valid value
- V14: Remove user-defined.css
- Graceful handling of unauthorized requests to the Management API
- Fixing regression bug introduced in #14806
- Remove favicon from dotnet templates
- Fix: .well-known/openid-configuration doesn't work anymore
- FIX: Deleting language can make the backoffice client unusable
- Do not allow save of invalid domains