Status: ReleasedReleased on Thursday, October 3 2024
There is a newer version available - v15.1.1
Release notes
Release notes.
You can view the frontend changes here.
You can view the backend changes here.
Related changes from the issue tracker
Notable features (1)
Dependencies (6)
Developer experience (4)
UI and UX updates (1)
Other features (43)
- Adding Condition for Content Type Alias
- Feature: Search in Member Picker
- Feature: Read-only documents
- Feature: Data Type / Property Editor UI picker modal amends
- Feature: Validation System
- Feature: Export member and member group collection module
- Feature: System for searching in Pickers
- Chore: Aligns "Picker Input Context" class names
- Feature: Document types import/export
- Feature: Media types import/export
- Feature: Readonly mode for Date Picker Property Editor UI
- Feature: Readonly mode for Slider Property Editor UI
- Feature: Readonly mode for Radio Button List Property Editor UI
- Feature: Readonly mode for Dropdown Property Editor UI
- Feature: Readonly mode for Tiny MCE Property Editor UI
- Feature: Support Language Permissions in Dictionary Section
- Feature: Readonly mode for Document Picker Property Editor UI
- Feature: Readonly mode for Rich Media Picker Property Editor UI
- Feature: Readonly mode for Member Picker Property Editor UI
- Feature: Readonly mode for Content Picker Property Editor UI
- Feature: Readonly mode for Multi URL Picker Property Editor UI
- Feature: Readonly mode for Checkbox List Property Editor UI
- Feature: FileUploadPreview Extension
- Feature: Workspace Save, Publish, Publish With Descendants, and Schedule language permissions
- Feature: Localization of validation messages
- Feature: Readonly mode for Member Group Picker Property Editor UI
- Feature: Readonly mode for Markdown Property Editor UI
- Feature: block grid validation
- Feature: UFM component filters
- Feature: Readonly mode for Block List Property Editor UI
- Feature: Block Grid Editor — Multiple Specified Permissions Group Rules
- Feature: Show system information
- Feature: Version check
- Feature: Document Notifications
- Feature: Content Type Structure Manager properties observable
- Readonly small clean up
- V14: Rename readonly of Property Datatsets
- Remove dashboard collection manifest type
- Feature: Member Type Property Options
- V14: hotfix, Validation Context polish
- Feature: Unsupported properties
- Add endpoint for upgrade checks
- Add notification alias to document notifications endpoint output
Bugfixes (64)
- Bugfix: Auto generate alias
- Chore: Bundle Models Builder package
- Chore: Bundle Search Package
- Chore: Bundle Package Management Package
- Bugfix: `<umb-table>` align icons centrally
- Chore: Bundle Log Viewer Package
- Chore: Bundle Static File Package
- Chore: Bundle Relations Package
- Chore: Bundle Markdown Package
- Chore: Bundle UFM Package
- Chore: Telemetry Package and Bundle
- Chore: Performance Profiling Package and Bundle
- Chore: Publish Cache Package and Bundle
- [v14.2.0-RC] Fix Block Grid `layoutStylesheet` not using correct URL
- Block Workspace: Inherit Property VariantId
- Fix: inline editing mode for Block List Editor
- Bugfix: Set document name to read only when user does not have access to edit a language
- Fix: Determine when to create Blocks directly or via Block Workspace
- Bugfix: Exports `UmbUfmComponentBase` type
- Bugfix: Change password for current user
- Fix: Update dictionary's name fallback value when using it as a placeholder in `dictionaryItem_description` localization term
- Build: Treat src/packages/* as workspaces
- Bugfix: RTE TinyMCE data-type sorts configuration field order
- Bugfix: Fix bug user can not login after remove ui culture of user
- Fix null ref exception in Context Data
- Bugfix: Prevent publishing of readonly cultures
- Feature: V14: correct workspace action padding
- Bugfix: add null check before passing search config
- V14-RC2: Colour Picker Datatype - Tab and return behavior when adding colours to is incorrect
- V14-RC2 - Image Upload field datatype doesn't add new row on return
- V14-RC2: Document types, possible to create a property without a label
- V14-RC3: BlockList inline editing mode does not work
- Trying to save a node without name gives "Bad Request" error
- I can create a property for a doctype without entering a label or selecting a property editor
- V14.0.0-RC4: Cannot focus lock icon in alias
- V14: Missing client-validation when creating Data Type without name
- MNTP dynamic root doesn't work inside block list elements
- [v14] Block level validation UI missing
- 14.1.0-RC1 Image cropper in a block doesn't save
- [BUG]: Property can be created without an editor
- Infinite Editing should not close when there is validation errors
- Small overlay is slim compared to old backoffice
- Cannot get variantId of property
- Inactive Users showing up in the event log of a deleted Media item
- Clicking Insert Block In RTE redirects to frontpage of backoffice
- Can not customize CSS for login page
- Attended upgrade from v10 > v13 > v14 fails due to missing 'umbracoUser.key' column
- v14 richtext editor not showing any block options
- V14: Remove Rollback Permission from user group has no effect
- "Edit permissions for this Document Type" gives APIError
- Update LogDto.cs
- Add `RemoveDefault()` extension method to fluent API for CMS webhook events
- Cache a dictionary of dictionaries
- Use version of the assembly with the same name as the package ID (for telemetry data)
- Fix for MemberDefaultLockoutTimeInMinutes lockout time
- V14: Align permissions for audit log
- improve missingProperties data returned for missing propertie values
- Support parentId in document/media item search endpoints
- Fix `IContentBase.GetUdi()` extension method to support document-blueprint entity type
- V14: Extensions of type `AppEntryPoint` are not being executed on the login screen
- V14: Fix templates not having set master template on package install
- Updated the assembly names to avoid a debug-warning in the log
- Allow client to send language values, that user cannot persist
- Move all V14 User and User Group migration to pre-migrations