
Status: Released

Released on Not yet determined

There is a newer version available - v15.2.2


This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.

Downloaded 6728 times - uploaded 02 September 2013


Downloaded 1941 times - uploaded 02 September 2013


Downloaded 1617 times - uploaded 02 September 2013

Also available on NuGet

Release notes


Read the release blog post for 6.1.5.

Upgrading from 4.10+ and 6.0.0 beta/RC to 6.1.5

There are no config change between 6.1.4 and 6.1.5. If you're upgrading from a different version make sure to do a merge (use WinMerge for example) of all of the config files, especially the web.config.

Upgrading from older versions?

Visual Studio 2013 Preview

If you're testing Visual Studio 2013 then the install process will fail, the new "Browser Link" option in the preview release interferes with our javascript. You can disable Browser Link temporarily to get through the installer. This error has been reported to Microsoft.

Related changes from the issue tracker