This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 8676 times - uploaded 21 November
Downloaded 2030 times - uploaded 21 November 2013Release notes
Blog post
Blogs about pre-release versions of v7
Upgrading from Version 6
This is a major version, there are therefore several things you must be aware of before attempting to upgrade a site.
Upgrading from older versions?
- The version-specific upgrade guide be followed in conjunction with the general guide mentioned above
Whats new
- A brand new design of the entire application
- All new client-side layer, built on AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap
- New Content, Media, Member and datatype editors
- Search driven navigation
- Better media handling and upload support
- List-views for big content collections
- Everything is faster
Besides the main points above, we've been tweaking every possible part of the application CSS, js and images, making this the fastest version ever.
Documentation for developers
With the shift towards AngularJS and with an entirely new way to build editors, property editors (the artists formerly known as datatypes and datatype editors) and to extend the UI, we have a (temporary) home for Umbraco 7 documentation
NOTE: However, please note that all serverside APIs are the same as in Version 6.x - in case we had to make any changes to them in v7, these have also been made to v6.2.0.
Breaking changes
There are several breaking changes, consult the Umbraco 7 upgrade documentation for further infomation
- Old property editors do not work anymore
- Old macro parameter editors do not work anymore
- Legacy API events have been disabled
- Legacy tree events have been disabled
- All configuration files have changed and must be migrated
- All code marked as obsolete since Version 4 has been removed
- There is no ImageCropper Property editor
- The Related Links property editor uses a new data format for xslt
- Complete list of breaking changes on the issue tracker
Related changes from the issue tracker
- U4-11 - FormsAuthentication for back office login
- U4-115 - Consolidate configs
- U4-15 - Text for application icons - not just images with embedded text
- U4-1770 - appSettings/umbracoDebugMode - could this be triggered by <compilation debug="true">
- U4-2288 - Removing obsolete code for v7
- U4-2735 - Request: PreValue Editor Integer View
- U4-2798 - MVC as default rendering engine
- U4-2847 - Drag and drop into media section
- U4-2851 - v7 Tags system / db structure updated with new backwards compatible property editor + db upgrade script
- U4-2858 - Request - Too many clicks to create content. Please add create content button/icon in main content slide-out panel
- U4-2886 - Database changes
- U4-2887 - New Property editors
- U4-2888 - Services & Repositories
- U4-2891 - Trees & Editors
- U4-2913 - Route Angular.JS edit.html view to the App_Plugins directory instead of /umbraco/views/{tree}/edit.html
- U4-3144 - Create Menu item when no content types allowed
- U4-3502 - Added ability to query template hierarchy with new Services API
- U4-3546 - Display section name in title
- U4-3551 - Auto focus on Username textbox on login page
- U4-3581 - Make sure advanced v7 prop editors can also be used from xslt
- U4-2606 - Resolvers - List available items in a resolver
Breaking Changes
- U4-11 - FormsAuthentication for back office login
- U4-115 - Consolidate configs
- U4-1373 - Overhaul create dialogs and obsolete how ui.xml works
- U4-15 - Text for application icons - not just images with embedded text
- U4-1770 - appSettings/umbracoDebugMode - could this be triggered by <compilation debug="true">
- U4-1897 - 'umbraco.GlobalSettings.UseMediumTrust' is obsolete: '"This property is no longer used and will be removed in future versions"
- U4-2288 - Removing obsolete code for v7
- U4-2289 - IDataTypeDefinition does not contain a setter for control ID
- U4-2387 - Remove umbraco.editorControls.mediapicker.MemberPickerDataType from the codebase
- U4-2388 - Remove umbraco.BusinessLogic.Utils.TypeFinder from the codebase
- U4-2389 - Remove umbraco.BusinessLogic.Utils.TypeResolver from the codebase
- U4-2390 - Remove VersionID Guid in IPublishedContent properties
- U4-2391 - Remove GlobalSettings.UseMediumTrust
- U4-2396 - Remove umbracoApp and umbracoAppTree tables completely and associated code
- U4-2415 - Remove legacy RestExtensions and restExtensions.config
- U4-2423 - Remove legacy installation webforms classes
- U4-2434 - Remove legacy webservices and config section from umbracoSettings
- U4-2435 - Move appSettings and connectionStrings to external file to web.config
- U4-2511 - Locallink:NODEID not working
- U4-2536 - Legacy document, media events will not fire anymore because everything is done using the new API
- U4-2714 - New Property Editor format
- U4-2722 - Change Property Editors over to use unique alias instead of GUID
- U4-2740 - Remove un-used legacy classes from namespace "umbraco"
- U4-2741 - Removed un-used obsoleted code in namespace umbraco.presentation.cache
- U4-2742 - Remove legacy xsltExtensions.config - xslt extensions are configured using attributes
- U4-2743 - Remove legacy/un-used code from the namespace UmbracoExamine.*
- U4-2744 - Remove very old TinyMCE 2 and all that is related to it
- U4-2768 - Remove legacy/unused webforms files/classes in folder: /umbraco
- U4-2801 - Remove legacy/un-used editDataType.aspx webforms editor
- U4-2802 - Obsolete unused/obsolete legacy umbraco.datalayer SQL utilities and installers
- U4-2836 - Remove EXSLT xslt extensions since many have been broken for some time
- U4-2846 - BaseRest configuration has moved assemblies/namespaces
- U4-2850 - Cannot open legacy editors in a standalone window without being loaded within the main app
- U4-2868 - Remove ActionSave
- U4-2869 - Get new property editors working for macro parameter editors
- U4-2873 - Change cmsMacroProperty table to reference an alias for the property type and remove cmsMacroPropertyType
- U4-2874 - Add a unique index to column cmsMacroProperty.macro + cmsMacroProperty.macroPropertyAlias
- U4-2875 - Add unique index to column cmsMacro.macroAlias
- U4-2878 - Add ResetDirtyProperties(bool rememberPreviouslyChangedProperties) to interface IRememberBeingDirty
- U4-2893 - Obsolete & remove the entire umbraco.macroRenderings assembly
- U4-2895 - Remove the cmsMacroProperty.hidden column
- U4-2896 - Remove unused umbraco.cms.businesslogic.macro.MacroComment
- U4-2909 - Remove unused/obsoleted interfaces in interfaces.dll
- U4-2916 - Remove skinning support
- U4-2917 - Remove canvas/live editing support
- U4-2919 - Remove defaultToLiveEditing column
- U4-2926 - Remove unused/obsoleted 'tasks' for media & content
- U4-2935 - Remove all core dashboard usercontrols
- U4-2940 - Remove old spellchecker for now
- U4-3006 - Legacy DataTypeDefinition API will not function with new property editors
- U4-3032 - Update TinyMCE 3 to Version 4
- U4-3086 - Remove EditMember.aspx
- U4-3094 - GetPropertyValue returns string on DynamicPublishedContent
- U4-3095 - IPublishedContent navigation axes are broken
- U4-3192 - No more official support for .net control/assembly macros
- U4-3226 - Remove IActionHandler
- U4-3227 - Clean up installer - there's lots of code in that that is not used and wont actually work
- U4-58 - UmbracoSettings to be an actual .Net config section
- U4-98 - Remove the need for back office UI to use JS to resize all panels
- CON-1496 - Form fields can be marked as sensitive
- U4-3025 - Replace ShortStringHelper
Issues & Tasks
- U4-1988 - Remove rasterized labels from the backoffice Tray Sprites spritemap, add into markup as actual text
- U4-2455 - Tree items, doesnt always have the js function available
- U4-2461 - If umbraco is not installed and accessing the back office - should redirect to installer
- U4-2473 - Installer throws examine exception: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.String'
- U4-2498 - There's currently no way of creating root content/media
- U4-2503 - After creating content we need to change the route location
- U4-2504 - Content and media editor reloads page on submit
- U4-2529 - Media chooser doesn't let you un-select a media item after it has been selected.
- U4-2646 - Tree not loading, could not get root node
- U4-2647 - Creating a media folder returns a ysod
- U4-2654 - Convert content/media/data types trees to new tree structure
- U4-2655 - Double click on section forces tree cache removal
- U4-2656 - Put in upgrade checker functionality like we have in v6
- U4-2657 - Renders out all JavaScript references that have bee declared in IActions for legacy trees
- U4-2658 - Have to look at the new property editor structure and see how we can write raw xml to the umb config file since I think we allow that currently
- U4-2659 - Finish pre-value / data type editor
- U4-2660 - Finish all permission checks when dealing with content
- U4-2661 - Create styles to apply to tree nodes: 'dimmed' (not published), protected, has saved revisions pending publishing
- U4-2662 - Ensure all context menus are working
- U4-2664 - Create DB upgrade script
- U4-2665 - Create the ability for developers to drop in their own icon sprites for use with doc/media types
- U4-2666 - Change the drop down for selecting an icon/thumbnail for doc/media types to display the new list of icons to choose from
- U4-2669 - Ensure we can ctrl + click a section to open in new tab
- U4-2672 - Fix how trees are rendered when a start node is applied, the Content/Media titles must always be visible
- U4-2673 - Need to look into the packaging compatibility - property editors have changed and the db structure has changed
- U4-2674 - We should deal with 400 status errors (when someone puts a wrong route value in like 'undefined' instead of a real id
- U4-2677 - Fix content/media creation
- U4-2678 - Fix logging out and then logging in as another user, the sections, etc... do not get updated.
- U4-2679 - Loading the avatar causes an error due to cross domain downloading
- U4-2680 - Fix file uploading
- U4-2683 - Ensure all uploaded files are cleaned up when they change for the FileUploadValueEditor
- U4-2689 - Get the template picker / drop down list implemented
- U4-2690 - Fix issue with data type editor, it makes 2 requests for the initial load
- U4-2692 - Add attribute access to property editor prevalues
- U4-2693 - Make package.manifest less complext
- U4-2695 - Make framed/legacy urls contain the section alias
- U4-2697 - Prevalue Editor doesn't retrieve previously saved value
- U4-2702 - Ensure the new file uploader has consistent pre-values pre previous versions
- U4-2703 - Content editor save/publish should update modified attributes
- U4-2704 - Change property editor value editor to return/receive object instead of string
- U4-2706 - Change form watching in the validators over to use functions
- U4-2720 - Add a get all users method to the UserService
- U4-2725 - Header CSS still a bit funky and validation still not working properly.
- U4-2726 - colors.less doesn't seem to need to exist since we have variables.less
- U4-2730 - 500 - PostSave
- U4-2749 - Fix auth filters to return 401 when not logged in and 403 when the user has no access
- U4-2751 - Check that when publishing keys for drop down list prop eds that if we change a value that the id remains constistent
- U4-2762 - Handle errors in package.manifest
- U4-2767 - Dashboard.config to be real .net config section
- U4-2770 - Legacy content dialogs doesnt render
- U4-2771 - Content sort dialog, ysod on loading children
- U4-2773 - Missing file references: + glyphicons-halflings.png
- U4-2774 - FileUploadValueEditor needs to remove old files
- U4-2777 - Get legacy tree pickers working
- U4-2778 - FileUploadValueEditor - need to create pre-values like we had in v6 including thumb sizes.
- U4-2780 - UserPermissions editor just YSODs
- U4-2786 - Need to figure out how to deal with login timeouts when viewing legacy iframe editors
- U4-2787 - Copy dialog results in YSOD
- U4-2789 - Tree.config registeres tree inconsistently
- U4-2790 - Typefinder not found in businesslogic
- U4-2800 - ContentPostValidate apparently doesn't work - need to look into it
- U4-2816 - The tree no longer hides
- U4-2818 - Sort Dialog cancel button are causing the submit POST to occur
- U4-2819 - Legacy file based tree icons no longer display
- U4-2821 - External requests to the services abort
- U4-2825 - Remove default permissions column
- U4-2826 - Permissions check in dashboards
- U4-2828 - Finalize new PropertyValueConverters -> replacing IPropertyEditorValueConverters
- U4-2829 - Allow for JSON objects to be saved/retrieved by property editors
- U4-2832 - Could not load stylesheets tree
- U4-2835 - Remove unused/obsoleted code from namespace umbraco.cms.presentation.developer
- U4-2845 - Copy and move dialog should be migrated
- U4-2849 - Ensure editor views, etc... can exist outside of the /umbraco folder for package devs
- U4-2852 - Create dialog with legacy implementations.
- U4-2854 - Legacy links to UmbClientMgr.contentFrame
- U4-2855 - Section name behind the tab
- U4-2857 - Get search working correctly with tree sync in sections that are searchable
- U4-2859 - Cannot save content, authorization errors
- U4-2863 - Date picker-textbox jumps between 12 and 24 hours clock
- U4-2867 - Check for browse permission on content and render appropriately
- U4-2871 - Cannot un-select an item in the content picker
- U4-2872 - Create new macro repository/service API layer
- U4-2880 - Packages tree doesnt load
- U4-2882 - Fix remaining legacy SQL calls for controId to use the propertyEditorAlias column
- U4-2889 - Get template macro dialog working with new macro parameter editors
- U4-2890 - Get RTE macro dialog working with new macro parameter editors
- U4-2894 - Update installer report to show non-supported macro parameter editors
- U4-2898 - Create unpublish action content controller
- U4-2899 - Ensure we have the HideLabel parameter for property editors and pre-value fields
- U4-2900 - remove explicit declarations in web.config
- U4-2901 - YSOD when loading packages/package trees
- U4-2905 - Refresh node at tree root (i.e. content/media) doesn't work
- U4-2906 - Need to convert ALL calls to the legacy Document business logic layer to the new one
- U4-2911 - Enable editors without a label
- U4-2915 - Ensure all legacy login logic like ActiveDirectory support exists
- U4-2918 - After I set admin password, the error shows.(7.0.0-build.85, new install)
- U4-2923 - mediaController deleteByID does not validate on delete rights
- U4-2927 - Ensure new trees have the correct event system
- U4-2928 - Packages tree shows context menu for items that shouldn't have one
- U4-2929 - Finish obsoleting the remaining legacy property editors
- U4-2930 - Get macro picker dialog working with partial views and partial view macros
- U4-2932 - Fix up how thumbs are displayed for upgraded sites - big thumb wont exist
- U4-2933 - Do a legacy check in the data type editor for non-existent property editor
- U4-2934 - Update the package installer to convert any non-found property editors to labels
- U4-2937 - A tree item should be able to have a default action
- U4-2938 - Content types can be marked as a container
- U4-2939 - Figure out how to deal with the new large format thumbnails from upgrades
- U4-2941 - Sort dialog YSODs on root node
- U4-2942 - re-publish all on content root not displaying
- U4-2943 - Insert macro dialog no longer works when editing mvc views
- U4-2947 - Fix complex property editors with $watch expressions
- U4-2950 - Create callback on property editor model for the editor to notify of value changes
- U4-2952 - Preview mode causes ysod - null reference
- U4-2955 - Convert all legacy document/media event handlers to use the new events
- U4-2956 - Update all services with correct public methods/properties
- U4-2957 - Member type saving generates YSOD
- U4-2959 - Fix the BackwardsCompatibleData class to use the XML converter to property support the legacy business logic APIs when formatting XML
- U4-2960 - Need to create the member editor just like the media and content editors
- U4-2961 - Create new member tree in order to render new member editor
- U4-2962 - With the new editor name changes it doesn't clearly show you validation errors when you have an empty name
- U4-2963 - Updated EntityService / IUmbracoEntity to have a dictionary to fill additional data
- U4-2966 - Fix content dialogs
- U4-2971 - When the document tree is empty the first doc type should default to "Allow at root"
- U4-2972 - Chrome: Rightmost panel has no scrollbar
- U4-2973 - Chrome: Template 'Save' button doesn't work
- U4-2974 - Authentication fail displays username and password
- U4-2975 - Touch-based Navigation on Windows is not usable
- U4-2976 - IE 11 User Agent String change causes JS errors for v7.0.0.alpha login page
- U4-2977 - Adding properties or tabs to document type resets current tab
- U4-2978 - No indication on session timeout
- U4-2979 - Right hand panel too tall and has no scrollbar when editing a template and inserting an Umbraco field
- U4-2981 - Content tree doesn't automatically sync
- U4-2982 - Menu items should have spaces between words
- U4-2984 - Related links data type displays no UI
- U4-2989 - Username & password must be changed if login credentials are invalid in order to submit again.
- U4-2990 - Fix up user permissions editor
- U4-2995 - javascript error in ExamineManagement.ascx
- U4-3000 - Cannot change a document's name once you've cleared it
- U4-3001 - Tree picker dialogs do not show the root node so you cannot select the root node.
- U4-3002 - The "Do something else" button in media isn't clickable and doesn't align bottom
- U4-3008 - Create default property value converters for json stored data
- U4-3009 - Search includes context menu
- U4-3013 - Feature Request - For version 7 - Breadcrumb or subnav or keep tree open
- U4-3014 - Create new tags property editor
- U4-3015 - Tags db structure updated
- U4-3016 - Create tags data repository and link to content/media/members services
- U4-3018 - Media tree options overlap "Do something else"
- U4-3019 - Scrolling when looking a a installed package
- U4-3020 - Installning package with legacy data types just gives error
- U4-3022 - Fix package install so that the app is restarted after install - Fixes resolution freezing issue
- U4-3026 - Member groups picker
- U4-3029 - The alias no longer auto-populates when creating a doc type property
- U4-3030 - Need to remove the starter kit/skin dashboard
- U4-3038 - Fix redirect issue to login/logout.aspx from the installer when umbraco is installed
- U4-3040 - Create UmbracoHelper methods for querying real tags on the front-end
- U4-3044 - Change password form doesn't function
- U4-3045 - Can't empty recycle bin
- U4-3046 - After rollback, indication to close windows is displayed, YSOD on clicking
- U4-3052 - Create TagsService
- U4-3053 - Ensure cascade deletes are the same for install as upgrades
- U4-3054 - New icon picker does not show persisted icon after post back
- U4-3056 - Remove old loadPackage Itree
- U4-3058 - right panel for savng field settings doesn't have save button
- U4-3060 - save button too far from form fields when saving mediatype/doctype
- U4-3061 - icon for media type dissapears when clicking save button
- U4-3066 - RTE stops working when pre-values from v6 exist
- U4-3067 - Send to publish not implemented
- U4-3069 - When creating new content/media/members the doc type list selectors exceed the width and then when scrolling they dissapear
- U4-3073 - scrolling blue bar when clicking triangle on member in members list
- U4-3083 - new Member service needs to save password in the format supplied by the membership provider
- U4-3084 - Members Change password needs to adhere to membership provider specifications
- U4-3085 - member editor should automatically generate a password for new users
- U4-3089 - fix membership provider to be able to change email address
- U4-3093 - RTE doesnt pre-render macros
- U4-3096 - no save button for RTE when in html mode
- U4-3097 - You cannot create new data types
- U4-3100 - Dashboards don't change per section - only the content dashboard is ever displayed
- U4-3101 - umb-content-name - still no way to show validation messages
- U4-3103 - The content name doesn't rebind from the server if the server changes the name
- U4-3104 - When a document is not published the links list shows there's an internal error
- U4-3107 - New db indexes
- U4-3110 - Cant create new relationstype
- U4-3111 - Codeeditorsave.asmx always appear to fail
- U4-3112 - Tinymce does something weird with /media paths
- U4-3113 - Changing a members password in backoffice asks for old password
- U4-3115 - how to add member to member group?
- U4-3116 - blue bar continuously scrolling when deleting member group
- U4-3118 - Install of Umbraco 7, can't get to backend.
- U4-3123 - Umbraco 7 - unable to use email address as user name
- U4-3124 - Javascript error after adding new tab for document type
- U4-3127 - Empty container document types show excessive paging
- U4-3128 - Name of Content tab with container document types
- U4-3129 - Container document types Content tab not refreshed after a change
- U4-3130 - Display of checkboxes for bulk actions on container document types
- U4-3131 - Container document types allow bulk actions even when none selected
- U4-3135 - Create package editor needs updated styling
- U4-3137 - The un-install package page doesn't have a scroll bar so you can't see the process to uninstall
- U4-3146 - Ensure legacy tree js UmbClientMgr.mainTree() returns an proxied implementation
- U4-3147 - Create tag supported property editors
- U4-3148 - Change PublishById to return the published status and fix the listview to show the result.
- U4-3149 - List view check boxes on bulk edit options don't track properly
- U4-3151 - 'Reload Nodes' menu option results in never ending update bar
- U4-3155 - Ensure new tree events are fired for legacy trees
- U4-3156 - Check references that redirect to logout.aspx
- U4-3160 - panel admin stays open when clicking 'edit your profile' button
- U4-3161 - YSOD when clicking on user permissions
- U4-3162 - can not choose start node for the media library when creating a new user
- U4-3163 - [iscontainercontenttype] appears in Structure tab of create and edit Document Type
- U4-3164 - Checkbox label vertical alignment
- U4-3165 - Install Local Package binary "Read more..." warning message needs scrollbar when clicked
- U4-3166 - umbraco 7beta - can't get to backoffice any longer
- U4-3168 - Proxy legacy macro APIs to new MacroService
- U4-3169 - Publicize new MacroService
- U4-3171 - Create an interface for RelationService
- U4-3177 - Content/Media tree does not refresh after creating an item
- U4-3178 - No cancel button on "Insert link" dialog w TinyMCE
- U4-3179 - Save button does not work on iPad
- U4-3183 - [encoding] appears in insert umbraco page field menu
- U4-3185 - Properties of unpublished content not populated
- U4-3190 - Look for all umbraco.aspx references as there's still some buttons redirecting to there
- U4-3191 - Fix build so that it doesn't include all the JS files that we don't need
- U4-3194 - member editor needs group/role support
- U4-3206 - MemberService doesn't generate xml for a member
- U4-3209 - Ensure user is validated for PostAddFile on MediaController
- U4-3212 - Support unlocking a member
- U4-3214 - Create 'json' type instead of using 'dark magic' to do the json conversions on the front-end
- U4-3217 - Multinode tree picker "select" increments wrong
- U4-3218 - Rich text editor settings are not working properly
- U4-3225 - Media recycle bin malfunction
- U4-3229 - Content tree doesn't automatically sync when adding a rootnode
- U4-3231 - Nodetree not refreshed when...
- U4-3235 - Possible to select nodes not listed on MNTP
- U4-3236 - Not possible to move created nodes in media archive
- U4-3240 - Date picker disappears off screen in content editor
- U4-3241 - New content thinks it has been published
- U4-3242 - Stuck in search mode in the backoffice
- U4-3243 - Keyboard shortcuts for back office fail silently
- U4-3251 - Tree syncing doesn't actually sync the current node
- U4-3252 - File uploader needs to adhere to DisallowedUploadFiles config
- U4-3253 - The folder browser file uploader should be disabled when creating a new media folder otherwise the files uploaded go to the root
- U4-3254 - Property level validation not working when no field level validators are used
- U4-3255 - Fix search - shouldn't search on every key change, shouldn't show up for non-search sections, shouldn't return ISearchResults
- U4-3261 - Ensure label/readonly displays pre-values
- U4-3262 - Media picker search isn't implemented
- U4-3263 - Member picker isn't working as expected
- U4-3264 - Content picker still shows 'Add' button even though you can't add anymore
- U4-3266 - Xml cache file is not created/persisted
- U4-3267 - When choosing an internal related link from the content picker it does not save the link properly
- U4-3268 - UserPicker doesn't actually persist a value
- U4-3269 - When a document doesn't have a link and instead just displays a message (because it isn't published), the UI shouldn't render an achor as a link
- U4-3270 - Ensure GUID -> Alias mappings are correct
- U4-3274 - Create new Slider editor
- U4-3276 - Create content picker macro param editor
- U4-3277 - Macro insert in rte is not pre-populating selected macros
- U4-3280 - Logout button isn't actually clickable - except at it's bottom part
- U4-3281 - Permissions editor is completely broken
- U4-3283 - The Publish/Save drop down buttons are wonky
- U4-3285 - Cannot use custom icons in tree
- U4-3286 - Using a custom aspx page that inherits from UmbracoEnsuredPage seems to log you out
- U4-3288 - Member types still has legacy icon in tree
- U4-3289 - Setting the datatype title isn't that obvious
- U4-3290 - PackageBinaryInspector returns error during install
- U4-3291 - Umbraco 6.1.6 to Umbraco 7 nightly build 10/31 FK_cmsMacroProperty_cmsMacroPropertyType_id
- U4-3292 - Cannot move content or media to the root
- U4-3293 - MNTP, Markdown editor, related links should be core property editors in c#
- U4-3294 - When creating new content and there are validation errors we don't redirect to edit the content, instead validation errors are displayed and we create another item
- U4-3295 - When adding a new related link by the picker, nothing is saved/displayed
- U4-3296 - After moving a node the tree is not synced
- U4-3298 - Uninstalling a package results in tree JS error
- U4-3299 - Why is Umbraco.Web.UI.XmlSerializers.dll under root?
- U4-3300 - Need to test content service copy API with tags - since there's 'special' code in there to handle it that's not been tested with the new changes
- U4-3301 - You cannot update user without entering a new password
- U4-3302 - Installing a starterkit doesnt work with old data types
- U4-3305 - When installing a package in the back office sometimes a YSOD is produced based on reading the stream from the repository feed
- U4-3308 - Related links, removing seems to remove wrong one
- U4-3309 - Dashboards cannot have multiple area elements
- U4-3310 - Installer fails with starterkits
- U4-3312 - JS error and missing image on load
- U4-3313 - Lots of JS/angular errors on context menu load
- U4-3315 - A few of the new 'options' context menu items don't work
- U4-3316 - Media/Member/DataType save buttons + options, etc... are not consistent with the new content editor format
- U4-3317 - Creating member fails, Data at root level is invalid
- U4-3318 - Refactor internal context menu logic to support both tree and editor
- U4-3319 - Tree sync on members section loses the members section tree
- U4-3320 - When creating a new data type the pre-values are not displayed for a given editor unless you change the editor a couple of times
- U4-3322 - MNTP doesn't work when choosing media or members
- U4-3323 - umbraco 7 RC: gravatar
- U4-3324 - Overflow starterkit error 500 on /
- U4-3325 - umbraco7 UX: navigating through menu, panel and content areas
- U4-3326 - Create dialog - add default icon/thumbnail
- U4-3328 - 404 on zoom-in.png during install
- U4-3329 - Link to "Edit Profile" errors if you don't have access to Users
- U4-3334 - Icon picker on member type editor, choose caption seems a bit small
- U4-3337 - Not able to create new member
- U4-3338 - Content editor, only have hotkeys on one set of pub/save buttons
- U4-3339 - Installer: Starter Kit installs on click and no indication of process
- U4-3340 - Installer: Make SQL CE Default option
- U4-3343 - Media files get stored as only the file extension
- U4-3344 - Styling issues on content page text
- U4-3347 - MNTP can't pick media/member startnode
- U4-3349 - Members: When creating a new member, tree goes into a weird state
- U4-3350 - Content Validation: Can't get rid of DateTime error
- U4-3352 - Macro container doesn't work
- U4-3353 - Media: Error in text, Create "Page" under media
- U4-3357 - Tags datatype is throwing hundreds of JS errors
- U4-3358 - Media Folder Browser sometimes calculates positions wrong
- U4-3361 - clicking umbraco/avatar multiple times locks panel
- U4-3366 - Macro param editor has value instead of watermarks
- U4-3368 - Add "icon-globe-alt" as temporary icon on Translation
- U4-3371 - Can only create folder under media root but can upload other stuff from the dashboard
- U4-3375 - Last edited description is wrong
- U4-3376 - input[submit] rule overrides btn-primary
- U4-3380 - The built-in core LoginController conflicts with custom controllers with the same name
- U4-3384 - Member.GetCurrentMember() returns "admin"
- U4-3392 - Umbraco 7RC ctrl + p dupplicate items
- U4-3396 - PowerShell script error when installing Umbraco 7RC via NuGet
- U4-3399 - YSOD in after clicking starter during install
- U4-3401 - Unable to go to umbraco back office
- U4-3406 - V7 RC: upload media item will rename file name incorrectly
- U4-3407 - V7 RC: if node's name include Chinese character, the Chinese character will be cleaned.
- U4-3413 - V7 RC: All child nodes will be listed in left tree after I created a new child node under a Container data type node.
- U4-3427 - Tree persistence not working
- U4-3428 - Macro Parameter Types aren't set correctly when a (legacy) package installs them
- U4-3429 - After sorting the tree doesn't get refreshed
- U4-3430 - Save Properties not working for usercontrol macro
- U4-3431 - Macro property not passed to ASCX usercontrol
- U4-3435 - Showing the original media file
- U4-3436 - Icon picker in doc type editor causes chrome CPU to spike and lock up for about 1 minute
- U4-3437 - Deleting a macro with parameters causes YSOD
- U4-3438 - Missing macro parameter editor - 'contentTree'
- U4-3441 - Copy dialog results in JS error - currentNode is null
- U4-3442 - tree sync doesn't work for nodes that are not loaded
- U4-3444 - Rename 'Options' to 'Actions' in UI
- U4-3458 - A few Issues with the new tab changes (tab drop down)
- U4-3463 - Disable drag with cursor from left to right on login page?
- U4-3465 - Media tree not updating
- U4-3466 - Deleting Document Type with children fails
- U4-3467 - CTRL-s does not work in the multiple editors
- U4-3469 - Umbraco 7 + MVC 4 + nuget, web.config error
- U4-3471 - UI issues - v7 RC
- U4-3472 - New document type properties are lost after restarting iis express (v7 + WebMatrix)
- U4-3473 - Cannot edit Partial views - getting YSOD data reader error
- U4-3474 - Tree in IE doesn't show legacy document type icons
- U4-3479 - Right click should work on entire li-element in tree
- U4-3480 - Link to edit Profile does not work
- U4-3482 - keepUserLoggedIn setting ignored?
- U4-3484 - Can't close help overlay in Belle 7.0.0
- U4-3488 - Tree syncing not working for creating script folders
- U4-3489 - Member tree items should not have refresh node as an action
- U4-3491 - When the editor has many properties the Save button get's overlayed by the status messages and cannot be clicked
- U4-3493 - Cannot delete a template with children
- U4-3496 - When deleting the last package in the installed packages list the tree does not sync - but this causes a ysod when trying to load the installed packages menu
- U4-3501 - Error when selecting multiple items with the media picker in v7
- U4-3504 - Sorting media doesn't work, always defaults to sorting the root
- U4-3506 - Linkpicker in RTE doesn't expand tree to last selected link - missing GetPath parameter
- U4-3509 - Using cancel button in firefox on sort or any other dialog doesn't close the Dialog
- U4-3517 - Package tree doesnt load
- U4-3518 - 'Start Node in content' property of user does not work.
- U4-3520 - The editor area doesn't re size the the full height - this then cuts elements off if they overlay
- U4-3521 - DataType editor save button does not float at the bottom when the editor height is exceeded
- U4-3522 - Umbraco 7 RC - Mutli Node Tree Picker Bugs!
- U4-3523 - Cannot move media to the root
- U4-3524 - Dashboard Controller is only looking for one section
- U4-3527 - Add Path to CreateTreeNode instead of parent
- U4-3528 - Make sure the related links picker can work with migrated data (if upgrading from v6 -> v7)
- U4-3530 - Setting public access only remembers the selected nodes on update
- U4-3531 - SImple Editor Data type is missing, but this may be by design ?
- U4-3533 - Creating childs to a "Container content type" will showed the tree
- U4-3534 - Sorting content items
- U4-3537 - Cannot clear date/time value, still have problems with it's null validation not clearing from the server
- U4-3539 - Cannot set a scheduled publish at date/time gives a warning message
- U4-3540 - When creating a Container type node - the list view shows all children of the item it's being created underneath
- U4-3541 - media tree is not catering for container types
- U4-3544 - Member properties can't be edited
- U4-3553 - Settings - Document Type - Tabs do not work
- U4-3554 - Ensure drop down publishing keys is doing what it should be!
- U4-3555 - Membership tree letters should not contain the 'delete' action
- U4-3558 - members tree syncing is a bit strange and not showing the selected member
- U4-3559 - Image sorting, makes images fly around on the screen
- U4-3565 - Starter kits not installable
- U4-3566 - Don't make Media Folders "Listviews" by default
- U4-3570 - Don't wrap xml fragments with CDATA for INT or Date
- U4-3572 - CSS class changes are not applied to tree nodes after resync
- U4-3573 - MNTP allows you to select root (content) node when a custom start node is set
- U4-3574 - right click menu options for trees emit events for all nested nodes involved
- U4-3576 - When editing file based items and changing the file name - we need to change the route location
- U4-3582 - Legacy content picker doesn't show the tree
- U4-3583 - 404 with custom trees in v7
- U4-3586 - Updating password result in an error
- U4-3587 - Can't delete a member when there is a group assigned
- U4-3591 - Creating PropertyValueConverter for a v7 prop editor (created with manifest) ends up with YSOD when outputting value on frontend
- U4-3593 - It doesn't make sense to be able to choice a folder when inserting media into the RTE
- U4-3594 - Selected section stays at initial stage (so the orange line at the left side of active section)
- U4-3595 - Hitting help shows dialog but first link in dialog goes to and ends up in 404
- U4-3597 - Scripts tree, don't show files in tree that aren't allowed to be edit...
- U4-3601 - Umbraco package repo, clicking on it returns 404
- U4-3604 - Create new relationtype dialog, direction radiobuttons not alligned correctly
- U4-3605 - Create new relation type dialog, when clicking on a label the whole dialog goes blank (dunno if that's the same with others)
- U4-3608 - When logged in as a user with a custom start node the media thumbs do not display on a folder
- U4-3610 - When adding another tab to a member type no members will load and result in a YSOD
- U4-3611 - The tags property editor no longer works in the UI
- U4-3612 - Cannot install Txt starter kit in the back office
- U4-3613 - tall tree icons get cut off
- U4-3615 - Xslt visualizer is broken, not possible to choose content node
- U4-3621 - v7 Media Picker - can't select a image
- U4-3622 - If a picker is set to single selection it doesn't make sense to have it's caption set to add
- U4-3623 - Text corrections in install wizard
- U4-3625 - List view filtering is not enabled on media
- U4-3626 - List view filtering needs to be applied using debounce
- U4-3627 - tree sync broken for partial view macros
- CON-1483 - Option of not storing the submitted data on the form in the Forms data store
- CON-1490 - Hide sensitive data based on security and from exported data
- U4-2124 - Umbraco 6.0.3 - UmbracoMembershipProvider umbraco parameters not working?
- U4-2559 - Accessing the DescendantsOrSelf() method is changing the collection scope
- U4-2812 - Ensure unpublished content & media indexes are synced on all server nodes
- U4-3057 - MembershipPasswordFormat problem at EncodePassword method in UmbracoMembershipProvider class
- U4-3077 - No id "xxxx" exists in dictionary
- U4-3158 - user back office password policies doesn't adhere to membership provider rules
- U4-3173 - UserMembershipProvider.ChangePassword does not work
- U4-3174 - UsersMembershipProvider.ResetPassword does not work
- U4-3176 - UsersMembershipProvider.CreateUser does not encrypt/hash the password
- U4-3186 - Neither User or Member membership provider actually validates the password based on the config settings.
- U4-3193 - Partial view cache needs to invalidate based on cache refreshers
- U4-3208 - Ensure all membership provider properties exist on the default Member type shipped with Umbraco
- U4-3278 - Cannot save user with re-entering passwords
- U4-3279 - YSOD when there is no content / content types created - PublishedContent issue
- U4-3385 - Find a better solution for approving members
- U4-3404 - Pressing preview should save the changes and then open preview window
- U4-3440 - Tempates (MVC Views) tree sync doesn't work correctly
- U4-3519 - ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider not working
- U4-3525 - CreateIndexBuilder.NonClustered() just sets IsClustered to false, but SqlSyntaxProviderBase uses IndexType