This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 5134 times - uploaded 08 April 2014UmbracoCms.AllBinaries.7.1.1.zip
Downloaded 1593 times - uploaded 08 April 2014Release notes
Read the 7.1.0 release blog post.
Read the 7.1.1 release blog post.
Upgrading from 7.0.3/7.0.4
Follow the general upgrade guide.
The significant config file changes are that the UmbracoMembershipProvider, UsersMembershipProvider and UmbracoRoleProvider have been updated in the web.config and an assembly redirect is added to point to Newtonsoft.Json version 6.
Please also remove the /Install folder if you haven't done so, it is no longer used and might conflict with the new upgrader if it's still there.
Upgrading from version 7.0.0/7.0.1./7.0.2/7.0.3
Follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide.
The significant config file changes are that the UmbracoMembershipProvider, UsersMembershipProvider and UmbracoRoleProvider have been updated in the web.config and an assembly redirect is added to point to Newtonsoft.Json version 6.
Please also remove the /Install folder if you haven't done so, it is no longer used and might conflict with the new upgrader if it's still there.
Upgrading from Version 6
This is a major version, there are therefore several things you must be aware of before attempting to upgrade a site.