Status: ReleasedReleased on Tuesday, September 4 2018
There is a newer version available - v15.2.2
This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 2928 times - uploaded 04 September 2018UmbracoCms.AllBinaries.7.12.2.zip
Downloaded 923 times - uploaded 04 September 2018Release notes
Bug fixing on the 7.12.1 release.
Related changes from the issue tracker
No items to display
Breaking Changes
No items to display
Issues & Tasks
- 2896 - Plus icon for creating new media folder in media picker is missing in 7.12.x
- U4-11145 - Email validation is too strict on password reset screen
- U4-11166 - HideDisabledUsersInBackoffice not honoured in Users view
- U4-11409 - "Create content" tour is failing when doing the tour with the starter kit installed
- U4-11506 - Gregorian DateTime.MinValue is out of range for PersianCalendar
- U4-11526 - Member Group Picker doesn't remove group after unselecting it during selection.
- U4-11527 - EnsureApplicationUrl concurrency issue
- U4-11569 - A few small tweaks to the getting started tour text.
- U4-11577 - Content Item Info Tab: Editors cannot see document type.
- U4-11584 - RelatedLinks2 throws exception with null value in Link field
- U4-11587 - Media link does not update when the file is swapped
- U4-11594 - HasFocalPoint in ImageCropDataSet does not return correct value
- U4-11595 - umb-node-preview "Edit" button has a title of "Open"
- U4-11596 - Update to Link Picker has caused issues with saving manual urls.
- U4-11597 - The Umbraco.UserPicker is unsorted
- U4-11599 - Instruction processing stops after failure to connect to database
- U4-4441 - The TinyMCE modal has higher z-index than the logout screen in Umbraco 7
- U4-8310 - Can't change casing of doc type alias