Status: ReleasedReleased on Tuesday, July 9 2019
There is a newer version available - v15.3.0
This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 1389 times - uploaded 09 July 2019UmbracoCms.AllBinaries.7.15.0.zip
Downloaded 946 times - uploaded 09 July 2019Release notes
This version has a bug where your media tree will look empty (though all of your media still exists). A workaround is posted on the issue. This will be fixed as soon as possible in the upcoming v7.15.1.
This version includes a security fix, make sure to read our advisory about this. If you're using members in Umbraco you might be affected.
Read all about version 7.15.0 on our blog.
Related changes from the issue tracker
4131 - TypedContent method doesn't support Udi[]
4920 - Show document type alias when you hover the document type name on info tab.
5059 - Alternate Preview Engine for v7
5507 - Member Edit - Member Groups - Ordered Alphabetically v7
2441 - Ignore user start nodes option in pickers
3064 - Updates .NET Framework to 4.5.2 and updates dependencies
4851 - Updates to latest Examine
5302 - V7: Send notifications when an item is copied
5303 - V7: Send notifications when an item is moved or restored
5306 - V7: Send notifications for changes in permissions
5736 - Add Giphy EmbeddedMedia support
Breaking Changes
Issues & Tasks
3842 - Custom UrlProvider blanks links shown in CMS for multi-domain site
3869 - Image not updated after changing it in Media
4140 - Richtext Editor never dirty again after saving
4144 - Changing member password in the backoffice not working as expected when allowManuallyChangingPassword is set to true
4661 - umbracoUserLogin table not pruned
4702 - Update TinyMce to latest v4 version
4860 - V7 - Umbraco automatic redirects don't always get generated
4947 - Skype link ("sip:name@domain") is automatically converted to "mailto"
5137 - V7.14 - MNTP filter by document type not working
5195 - Uploaded image height / width is incorrectly set to 200 px
5233 - Error in Backoffice when selecting Order By Document Type in Custom List View
5295 - setting just an hash link is ignored by RTE
5574 - Doc type as child of itself is not persisted on create
5613 - Users with access to the user section can edit the Initial User account by typing it's ID in the url.
5617 - Can't log in with user that only has access to the users section
5645 - Add assembly redirect for `System.Web.Http.WebHost` in release web.config/nuget transforms
5665 - Non-administrator users can create but not edit User Groups
4994 - Fixes the authorization for certain endpoints on the UsersController
5054 - V7: Log correct user ID when emptying the content recycle bin
5055 - V7: Log correct user ID when moving media
5056 - V7: Log correct user ID when emptying the content recycle bin
5210 - Backoffice session timeout on custom-URL backoffices leads to high browser CPU and self-inflicted backend DDoS
5216 - Fixed not using preview in GetById and added UDI support
5423 - Fixes #4144 - AllowManuallyChangingPassword Regression Fix
5715 - Custom IAntiForgeryAdditionalDataProvider implementation