This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 3387 times - uploaded 02 May
Downloaded 1376 times - uploaded 02 May 2017Release notes
"Template experience update"
- New script and template editors
- New Colors
- Improved content/media/member picker experience
- Support for list view pickers
- New “UDI” ids for unique relation between umbraco items
- Improved security defaults
Read the blog post about the 7.6.0 release.
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide - there may be some breaking changes for you in this release.
Important if you are upgrading an existing site: for the best results:
- In web.config do NOT change useLegacyEncoding to false if it is currently set to true - changing the password encoding will cause you not being able to log in any more
- In umbracoSettings.config leave EnablePropertyValueConverters set to false - this will help your existing content queries to still work
Related changes from the issue tracker
- U4-1324 - log4net assembly Umbraco uses and older custom log4net build that is not strongly typed - now on 2.0.8
- U4-7318 - Add Core Property Value Converters for all Property Type's that require them by default - but careful of breaking changes
- U4-7385 - Improve UI for listview - Make it clearer that users can search children
- U4-9250 - Guid all the Macros
- U4-9293 - Search the entire media section in Media Picker when inserting an image into content
- U4-9310 - Update content, media and member pickers to store UDI instead of integers
- U4-9345 - New Scripts Editor
- U4-9410 - Hook up delete dialog for Code Files
- U4-9413 - Make link to document a part of the header
- U4-9429 - Make new create dialogs for code files (or rethink snippets)
- U4-9497 - Update Related Links Property Editor to support UDIs
- U4-9538 - Template Editor, Partial View Editor - Keyboard Shortcuts
- U4-9583 - Update UI colours and typography
- U4-9611 - Create Property Value Converters for all new UDI Property Editors
- U4-9687 - Update login screen UI
Breaking Changes
- U4-10144 - Umbraco.Web.Trees.FileSystemTreeController has breaking changes for inheritors
- U4-10761 - SaveAndPublish from the Saved event doesn't publish the child node if parent is not yet published
- U4-1324 - log4net assembly Umbraco uses and older custom log4net build that is not strongly typed - now on 2.0.8
- U4-6228 - RTE: invalid HTML with images
- U4-6566 - Membership provider `useLegacyEncoding` should default to `false`
- U4-6595 - Bad value for attribute rel on element img in Richtext editor
- U4-7318 - Add Core Property Value Converters for all Property Type's that require them by default - but careful of breaking changes
- U4-8432 - Update log4net async appender to use the official log4net one
- U4-9004 - Remove dependency
- U4-9201 - Database conflicts in background threads
- U4-9310 - Update content, media and member pickers to store UDI instead of integers
- U4-9406 - Create Scope object to wrap multiple Service calls to have a single transaction
- U4-9499 - Update to latest Json.Net
- U4-9655 - Html Agility pack assembly binding needs to be updated
- U4-9720 - No more _thumb thumbnail file generation - all thumbnails should be generated via Image Processor
- U4-9930 - Can't edit WebForms templates in Umbraco v7.6.1
Issues & Tasks
- U4-7009 - Changing passwords design oversight
- U4-7093 - If allowManuallyChangingPassword=false on new install, installation doesn't work
- U4-8658 - RTE Editor: Edit an existing image by clicking 'media picker' in toolbar, show a blank picker
- U4-8734 - Custom two factor authentication built in for umbraco back office
- U4-8835 - cmsMember.LoginName needs a DB index
- U4-8908 - Signal-R implementation in Core
- U4-8909 - Merge deploy branch bits into dev-v7
- U4-8998 - umbracoRelation table needs unique index on columns: parentId, childId, relType, umbracoRelationType needs indexes on alias,name
- U4-9046 - Deal with GetSize for IFileSystem in dev-v7-deploy
- U4-9115 - Move locks from umbracoNode to umbracoLocks
- U4-9127 - Member profile properties are unsorted
- U4-9240 - Kill umbracoDeployChecksum
- U4-9249 - MemberTypeRepository returns inconsistent types
- U4-9273 - Add date picker to query builder
- U4-9274 - Master template is not saved
- U4-9275 - Show correct render section in “Sections” dialog
- U4-9276 - Update copy in dialogs
- U4-9278 - Query builder: When filtering by date the service returns 500
- U4-9321 - QueryBuilder - Selecting a date will throw an exception when the page is rendered
- U4-9324 - New template editor is lacking all validation (both client side and server side)
- U4-9325 - New template editor stays in a $dirty state if you change and then save
- U4-9328 - UI: It shouldn’t be possible to select the current template or the selected master template in the master template picker.
- U4-9338 - Add focus to code editor on load and after closing dialogs
- U4-9346 - New Partial Views Editor
- U4-9348 - New Partial View Macro Files Editor
- U4-9351 - Add events for package install/uninstall
- U4-9352 - Server side APIs for new Partial/Macro Views editor
- U4-9354 - SPIKE Update content picker UI
- U4-9362 - Review new template editor
- U4-9363 - Template Editor - Add localisation strings
- U4-9407 - Update service Scope with new EventManager to track all events triggered in services and to emit then when required
- U4-9419 - The new content picker adds picked items in a random order
- U4-9428 - Update scope to handle XML Cloning
- U4-9433 - Add index to path column on umbracoNode
- U4-9440 - Update the last few Danish translations for template editor
- U4-9441 - Active node is not set in tree for partial views, scripts and partial view macros
- U4-9465 - Mini list view: don’t show expand arrow on list views in trees not supporting mini list view
- U4-9466 - Duplicate reorder links for Umbraco grid
- U4-9467 - Mini list view: don’t animate list view if it is a start node
- U4-9468 - Mini list view: add empty state for no children + no search result
- U4-9470 - Mini list view: only show expand option for nodes with children
- U4-9471 - Mini list view: show breadcrumb instead of back button
- U4-9472 - Mini list view: show published/unpublished state of node
- U4-9474 - Update macro picker to follow the new picker UI
- U4-9481 - Endpoint for creation of folders for partialviews, partialviewmacros and scripts
- U4-9483 - SPIKE Creating a new partialview with new create dialog loads undefined
- U4-9484 - Implement correct tree menu logic for partialviews, partialviewmacros and scripts
- U4-9491 - Back Office Property Editor to highlight mandatory fields to user
- U4-9509 - Fix bugs in shadow filesystem
- U4-9512 - Missing index on umbracoUser2NodePermission
- U4-9543 - Shadow filesystem should be fixed to do things right instead of imitating broken behavior
- U4-9552 - 7.6 MemberType cannot be saved
- U4-9576 - Scannable plugin types should implement a marker interface, then PluginManager should scan for all plugins once instead of multiple times for each type
- U4-9578 - Increase default font-size for RTE
- U4-9588 - Don't necessarily die on non-configured filesystems
- U4-9591 - All PetaPoco Relators for 1:M mappings need to be reviewed to ensure there is a correct sort being used
- U4-9620 - Exceptions are thrown when editing nodes after renaming a document type
- U4-9621 - More UI color tweaks
- U4-9632 - Ensure GUID generation on updated entity types in v7.6 is unique
- U4-9633 - Update the offline dashboard to new content and styles
- U4-9640 - error viewing empty scripts folder in Umbraco 7.6 beta
- U4-9644 - Local Link in Rich Text throws javascript error, when using the legacy link picker
- U4-9645 - RTE link dialogs should use the new picker dialog
- U4-9647 - 7.6.0-beta: New template editor not set $dirty on code change
- U4-9648 - 7.6 Query Builder "Where" items delete.
- U4-9651 - Issues with new files controllers
- U4-9652 - EntityService.GetKeyForId doesn't respect the UmbracoObjectType parameter
- U4-9654 - 7.6.0-beta: Legacy icons are not resolved in new listview picker
- U4-9659 - Javascript error when inserting an image into the rich text editor from the media picker
- U4-9660 - EntityService is not using readonly uow where it could be
- U4-9665 - Creating a Partial View Macro no longer creates a Macro, just the view
- U4-9666 - Macro Parameter Type Editors show deprecated Property Editors
- U4-9671 - Fix failing client side unit tests for the content picker and template editor
- U4-9679 - Inserting partial views in the new template editor is broken
- U4-9680 - The font change has made the tiny editor boxes a little to small.
- U4-9684 - 7.6-beta - UDI Media Picker Value Converter should cache prevalues
- U4-9685 - Disable picking folders in the partial view picker
- U4-9693 - Add support for loading uninitialized trees in the treepicker
- U4-9694 - Add support for specifying custom login background photo
- U4-9696 - Update hover of Umbraco Forms install button
- U4-9702 - Error deleting Content Type Folder
- U4-9706 - Partial View Macro File is not created but Macro is
- U4-9707 - Umbraco 7.6.0 - add border-radius to listview create button
- U4-9708 - Make lightbox screenshots in packages section bigger
- U4-9717 - 7.6 "Do something else"-button
- U4-9722 - 7.6 RC layout issues
- U4-9723 - 7.6.0-RC - dropdown in action menu is too far from button
- U4-9729 - New menus for Create dialogs are inconsistent with existing Create Document Type panel
- U4-9732 - Insert Value in new template editor missing standard metadata fields
- U4-9744 - Creating folders from the media picker doesn't work
- U4-9745 - Update outdated NuGet dependencies
- U4-9749 - Clean up ace themes and modes
- U4-9751 - "Your recycle bin is empty" shows when folders are added to media recycle bin
- U4-9753 - When uploading, moving or deleting folders in the media section you have to reload to see the changes
- U4-9756 - Tree Picker Overlay - Support for empty state message
- U4-9758 - New index can't be applied when CmsMember table has very long login names
- U4-9760 - Template editor: Tree collapses when using nested master templates
- U4-9761 - Creating a new partial view saves the file with a wrong path
- U4-9762 - ezSearch package complains about pickers in macro parameters
- U4-9764 - IPublishedContent does not contain a definition for 'property'
- U4-9768 - Examine Management dashboard indexers and searchers not in same order
- U4-9769 - Installer - Background image fades to greyish/black as opposed to new colors
- U4-9780 - Use email input type for password reset
- U4-9782 - Umbraco 7.6 nuget upgrade needs to add a assemblyRedirect for log4net 2.0.8
- U4-9789 - Email input type is not same height as text input type
- U4-9795 - Update alert in public access dialog to follow same conventions as other alerts
- U4-9798 - DatabaseSchemaCreation for 7.5.x doesn't create the umbracoLock table
- U4-9824 - Login screen: Change "username" to "email"
- U4-6233 - umbraco 7.2.1 - desktop preview - offcanvasmenu is cut off - see possible css fix
- U4-9384 - 7.5.7 UmbracoVirtualNodeRouteHandler is failing to create UmbracoContext when route has a dot in it.
- U4-9748 - Add some debug logging for scheduled (un)publishing
- U4-9775 - AlreadyClosedException is thrown when retrieving media if the app domain is currently in a shutdown state and the site is under heavy load
- U4-9812 - FailedLoginAttempts should be reset to 0 after a successfull login attempt