This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 1938 times - uploaded 19 September
Downloaded 1124 times - uploaded 19 September 2017Release notes
- Beautiful user management
- Content Templates (formerly known as Blueprints, also know as default values or standard values)
- ISearchableTree - search anywhere, not just in the current section
- New starter kit - highlighing Umbraco best practices
- Scheduled health checks - perform automated health checks on a schedule you like. Get an e-mail result or implement a Slack alert or any type of alert you can think of.
- Nested Content is now no longer just a package, it's available out of the box in Umbraco
Read the blog post about the 7.7.0 release.
Make sure to follow the general upgrade guide AND the version specific upgrade guide - there may be some breaking changes for you in this release.
Related changes from the issue tracker
- U4-2676 - implement ISearchableTree to abstract search for each tree into it's own logic
- U4-7907 - With non OAuth external login providers we should have an 'auto-link' / 'auto-create' callback option
- U4-8604 - Nested Content in Core
- U4-8632 - User management - Usergroup functionality
- U4-8643 - Usermanagement - Store password algorithm in Usertable
- U4-8741 - UmbracoHelper Guid support for media
- U4-9984 - Add option to run Health Checks on a schedule and provide options for notifications
- U4-9990 - Content blueprints
Breaking Changes
- U4-10084 - Cleanup all unused/legacy webforms editors, tinymce files and affiliated services
- U4-10103 - API Breaking change list
- U4-10196 - Forms installer is not compatible with the changes made in the user-group-permissions branch
- U4-10398 - No longer shipping with CookComputing.XmlRpcV2 assembly
- U4-5546 - Remove user 'channels', weblog api, and all code / db tables relevant to those
- U4-5804 - Remove all the old images that are no longer used in the umbraco and umbraco_client folders
- U4-8643 - Usermanagement - Store password algorithm in Usertable
Issues & Tasks
- U4-10023 - Update all tree/tree pickers, etc... to support multiple start nodes
- U4-10053 - Review anywhere else in the codebase that may reference User Type
- U4-10054 - Prototype granular permissions on user group
- U4-10055 - Wire up content permissions dialog
- U4-10056 - Wire up default permissions on user group
- U4-10057 - Wire up granular permissions on user group
- U4-10058 - Wire up user state filter
- U4-10059 - Localize users and user groups
- U4-10060 - Make UI for user groups overview
- U4-10061 - Add functionality for show/hide/copy password when creating new user
- U4-10062 - Restrict current user permissions
- U4-10075 - Inherited permissions for content nodes
- U4-10095 - Need to be able to remove a user's avatar
- U4-10096 - Ability to bulk assign users to groups in the user list
- U4-10104 - Dashboards are not showing up in backoffice
- U4-10105 - Can't create a user group if content exists
- U4-10106 - Cannot delete user groups
- U4-10107 - Weird UI bugs with filter dropdowns
- U4-10109 - Need to indicate that granular permission entries can be edited
- U4-10111 - Changing email on a user doesn't show the username field
- U4-10117 - Getting a dictionary item may not be cached properly
- U4-10118 - Umbraco.Core.IO.FileSystemProviderManager is simply not testable and cannot be properly used or setup in tests
- U4-10119 - ISearchableTree UI updates
- U4-10133 - Investigate issues with SMTP Invite and async
- U4-10134 - Disabled doesn't override Invited
- U4-10138 - Cannot upgrade to 7.7 due to user groups
- U4-10142 - Adding a user - does not show up until refresh
- U4-10146 - Modifying a group does not apply to users
- U4-10155 - Prompt the user before deleting user groups in the user group list
- U4-10156 - User with multiple start node cannot reload content tree
- U4-10173 - Start node calculation should take into account more restrictive start nodes
- U4-10174 - The Edit profile button when clicking on your avatar routes to the wrong (old) user editor
- U4-10175 - User avatar should refresh in top left corner when it's changed
- U4-10201 - Exception when deleting a user's start node
- U4-10202 - Make it more obvious when no content or media start nodes are selected the user has access to the root node.
- U4-10210 - Add title and filter to user groups overview
- U4-10212 - Clean up test css classes
- U4-10214 - Disable ability to delete admin and translators group
- U4-10215 - Update partial view snippets
- U4-10217 - Blueprints: When clicking "Create Blueprint", add explanation on what it is and what will happen
- U4-10218 - Blueprints: When clicking "Content Blueprints" in the settings section nothing happens
- U4-10219 - Rename "Blueprints" to "Content Templates"
- U4-10220 - Missing the ability to create Content Templates (blueprints) from the blueprints tree directly when none exist
- U4-10221 - When creating content that has Content Templates (blueprints) created for it, we should distinguish between "Blank' and Blueprints
- U4-10222 - Install a custom machine key during umbraco installation
- U4-10227 - Users section should start in the user tree
- U4-10228 - Overflowing text in group dropdown in permissions menu
- U4-10230 - Umbraco 7.7 beta - hover on table row affect datepicker
- U4-10231 - Avatar is slightly off center
- U4-10233 - Umbraco 7.7 beta - format user last login date
- U4-10235 - Umbraco 7.7 beta - misleading placeholder text in profile email
- U4-10236 - Umbraco.7.7 beta - add larger click area of permission items
- U4-10243 - Umbraco 7.7. Difference between "Enable/Disable" and "LockedOut"
- U4-10244 - Umbraco 7.7-beta - Migration fails when upgrading users
- U4-10248 - Change content and media start node pickers to use new picker layout
- U4-10256 - Make umb-box component + add documentation
- U4-10257 - Add "invite user" success state
- U4-10260 - Umbraco.7.7 beta - NestedContent with ModelsBuilder disabled throws error
- U4-10262 - Missing UDI + GUID friendly MediaService.CreateMedia, ContentService.CreateContent methods
- U4-10263 - Missing UDI + GUID friendly MediaService.GetByIds, ContentService.GetByIds
- U4-10264 - Umbraco 7.7 beta - UX - 'Set permission' above 'Close'
- U4-10265 - 7.7 Beta - User cannot create content if they have Browse + Create permissions (why would they also need Update?)
- U4-10268 - 7.7 Beta - Changing password should be safe by default
- U4-10272 - Health Check Notification Methods (such as core email) that don't have configuration cause all notifications to fail
- U4-10275 - Render 'site' nodes for the content/media trees for users with non root access
- U4-10278 - Administrator user group is missing access to Forms section
- U4-10279 - User states filter in user overview is broken
- U4-10280 - Add markers to required fields in user section
- U4-10299 - Legacy trees are causing errors in the backoffice after upgrading to v. 7.7
- U4-10326 - Creating a new content node using Content Templates (Blueprints) always places node at root.
- U4-10329 - Umbraco.7.7 beta - Upgraded from 7.6, can't create new users
- U4-10346 - Whenever you visit either the users or the groups section BOTH controllers: Users and Groups initialize
- U4-10348 - Show readonly user profile information on user editor
- U4-10368 - Need option to set username different than e-mail for AD compatibility
- U4-10374 - EntityService, ContentService and MediaService should use a prefix query for GetDescendants instead of a Contains query
- U4-10385 - Examine indexing performance bottleneck: IUserService.GetProfileById which is not cached
- U4-10389 - Some webforms editors do not authorize on the user's path access or permissions set for the editing node
- U4-10401 - Being able to rename Data Type folders
- U4-2449 - Change the default admin users lang to en-us
- U4-2474 - Remove caching for user permissions
- U4-6411 - UserType with apostrophe gives YSOD
- U4-6929 - User permissions security issue
- U4-7580 - Make doc type folders renamable
- U4-9831 - Custom avatar (so we don’t depend on gravatar)
- U4-9888 - User Management API Controller
- U4-9889 - Paged and filter queries for Users on IUserService
- U4-9900 - Add support for selecting an editor sub view trough route params
- U4-9913 - Build invite APIs including the deep link handler/token
- U4-9914 - UserController method to upload an avatar and set password when receiving invite
- U4-9915 - User Groups will have a start node assigned and Users can have multiple start nodes assigned
- U4-9944 - User table needs to have created/update dates
- U4-9946 - Update the ExternalSignInAutoLinkOptions to support groups - currently still using UserType
- U4-9964 - Change password functionality
- U4-9965 - Group management API Controller
- U4-10121 - Scheduled publishing as a background task