Status: ReleasedReleased on Tuesday, February 26 2019
There is a newer version available - v15.1.2
This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 5589 times - uploaded 26 February 2019Release notes
Welcome to Umbraco v8, make sure to read the blog post about this new major release of Umbraco!
Have some questions about Umbraco 8?
We've put together some answers to the most frequently asked questions - you can find it in the Umbraco 8 - FAQ article.
What are the highlights of Umbraco 8?
The introduction of three new features: Infinite Editing, Content Apps and Language Variants. All features that have been added to make working with Umbraco even simpler, smoother and basically, more enjoyable. For everyone involved!
Related changes from the issue tracker
- 3034 - V8 - tree not aligned with editor
- 3035 - V8 - Remove App_Browsers folder
- 3087 - Angular and C# updates to support tree sections and tree syncing
- 3088 - Dashboard updates
- 3089 - New packages section
- 3090 - Re-organization of back office sections and trees
- 3091 - Moving trees to correct sections
- 3092 - Add bulk publish descendants button
- 3093 - C# controller updates for 'Add bulk publish descendants button'
- 3094 - Moving the save action to a separate button
- 3327 - Data type property editor controls disappeared on mobile
- 3370 - Adding CleanCSS to the Belle build process
- 3434 - Change "Allow varying by Culture” checkbox to toggle in doc type property settings
- 3438 - Move stylesheet editor from webforms to Angular.
- 3439 - Change date picker property editor to use flatpickr instead of bootstrap-datetimepicker
- 3531 - Allow for property editors to be able to determine what values are indexed by Examine
- 3612 - Remove custom event directives and use the Angular ones
- 3787 - Macro partial snippets shouldn't rely on javascript libraries used for the back office
- 3962 - Adjust disabled toggle
- 4036 - Add contributors to package
- 4060 - Rename Seperator to Separator
- 4150 - Ability to create folder under stylesheets
- 4349 - v8 - A description on the default mediaType
- 4373 - Login screen should ask for email not username
- 4379 - Rename label property editor alias
- 4390 - A few issues with dashboards
- 4474 - Simplify font setup
- 4494 - Media picker doesn't show Folder names, so it's pretty difficult to find the folder I need
- 4499 - Remove ie7 related CSS hacks
- 4501 - Remove uneeded CSS vendor prefixes
- 4612 - Remove OpenSans font
- 4614 - Remove canvasdesigner.loader.js
- 2764 - U4-11502 - fall-back languages [v8]
- 2842 - [v8] U4-11555 - Remove App_Browsers folder
- 3879 - Removes umbraco.aspx
- 3882 - Better Validation Options
- 3884 - Remove/Replace endPreview.aspx with MVC endpoint
- 3885 - Remove ClientRedirect.aspx
- 3888 - Use the member group picker for member groups assignment
- 3971 - Removing masterpages support from V8
- 4035 - Remember editor language between sessions
- 4171 - Add Multi Url Picker
- 4277 - Removing legacy webservices
- 4278 - Removing legacy content tree menu items
Breaking Changes
- 3437 - Add option to show ellipsis (…) for context menu items that opens a dialog
- 3543 - Reduce model graph size
- 3544 - Remove ITemplate reference from IContent
- 3637 - Remove dialogService
- 3724 - Remove Bootstrap Datepicker
- 3767 - Remove bootstrap slider
- 3793 - Upgrade jquery to latest
- 3799 - Upgrade client dependencies
- 4060 - Rename Seperator to Separator
- 4477 - v8 - radio button editor still stores values as "ID" even though ID doesn't exist
- 4479 - v8 Cannot detect sql server version, sql syntax error
- 4494 - Media picker doesn't show Folder names, so it's pretty difficult to find the folder I need
- 4542 - V8 Re-picking a property editor in the document type fails
- 3414 - v8 - Remove legacy drop downs
- 3971 - Removing masterpages support from V8
- 4277 - Removing legacy webservices
- 4278 - Removing legacy content tree menu items
- 4531 - Don't ship with the cmsContentXml or cmsPreviewXml tables since they are not used
- 4626 - v8 - removal of "Created" events that shouldn't exist
Issues & Tasks
- 3010 - Umbraco 8 - Split view issue with Markdown editor
- 3196 - Data updates when changing default languages
- 3199 - V8 Remove the settings on a list view property editor that don’t make sense since they only exist in content apps now
- 3237 - Too many sections will not show the last one
- 3282 - Change password button not hidden V8
- 3298 - Move rollback to Info app
- 3305 - IPublishedContent Linq & HasCulture
- 3315 - V8 - Remove trees.config & load types only
- 3332 - Audit trail needs to log the culture(s) being edited
- 3333 - Update content models to support change tracking for variants
- 3334 - Show changed culture names in the audit trail UI
- 3335 - Bulk publishing
- 3336 - Ensure ContentService.SaveAndPublishBranch follows the correct bulk publishing rules
- 3341 - Unpublishing
- 3342 - Unpublishing button is gone
- 3343 - Performance testing of new Cache
- 3358 - V8 Angular doesn't filter out ($)-properties when send to the server
- 3359 - Sorting variant nodes gives YSOD
- 3395 - Unpublish last variant for a node gives wrong notification
- 3396 - Publish a variant without a name gives YSOD
- 3417 - Macros - create/edit/delete needs to be angularized
- 3425 - Add notification badges to content apps
- 3433 - Change "Allow varying by Culture” from checkbox to toggle on doc type permissions
- 3436 - Move relation types editor from webforms to Angular
- 3469 - List views bulk actions - confirmation dialog
- 3470 - List views bulk actions - angular/controller updates
- 3473 - Relation types editors and context menus rebuilt in angular
- 3474 - Public access protection dialog rebuilt in angular
- 3482 - Cleanup & simplify migrations
- 3539 - Enable support for variant URL structure for 301 redirects
- 3540 - Database changes for redirects (if any)
- 3550 - Cannot delete property from doc type in v8
- 3558 - Content picker returns to home page instead of picking content
- 3569 - Turning off Autocomplete on initial install screen for password field
- 3593 - Services.UserService returns null in UmbracoApiController
- 3610 - Change date picker property editor to use flatpickr
- 3639 - Service level events
- 3648 - Navigating using the breadcrumb clears the culture from the query string
- 3649 - Infinite Editing
- 3650 - Handle keyboard shortcuts in infinite editing
- 3653 - Animations
- 3659 - Remove Serilog dependency in UmbracoModule
- 3662 - Handling missing values and no fallback
- 3663 - Proper fallback
- 3664 - Cleanup all the Value() overloads
- 3668 - Query-builder needs to be updated to generate the correct snippets
- 3687 - Installer Re-Factoring
- 3689 - Umbraco 8.0 - Refactoring & Cleanup
- 3690 - List Views
- 3694 - Bootstrap removal
- 3708 - Fix publish/draft status for variant content when invariant properties are edited
- 3709 - Fix publishing descendants for invariant property changes
- 3710 - [v8] Some reliances on HostingEnvironment.MapPath
- 3713 - [v8] Decoupling UmbracoApplicationBase from runtimes
- 3730 - [v8] Nightly doesn't bump version number on MyGet
- 3765 - Squashed drop-down empty selection in template query builder
- 3768 - List view is missing expand option in content pickers
- 3777 - When a node is opened through content picker don't allow editing doc type and template
- 3779 - Add dirty tracking for slider and dateTime picker
- 3805 - Fix ISearchableTree in v8
- 3816 - Upgrade dev-dependencies
- 3821 - Tags are Completely Broken (TM)
- 3824 - Review dashboard in manifests
- 3828 - IPublishedContentQuery.Search needs to support culture
- 3881 - v8 - When clicking preview, document gets published
- 3895 - Close infinite editors with the esc key
- 3901 - Remove configuration based index/searchers and index sets
- 3905 - Build script dies when using npm prefix.
- 3920 - Need to have Examine's field definitions as dynamic
- 3941 - Public access - single user protection throwing exceptions
- 3988 - When saving only one content variant, changes on other dirty variants are cleared
- 4005 - v8 - Publishing or Unpublishing a content item does not update it's URLs
- 4006 - v8 - Changing tag values don't track dirty changes on the form
- 4012 - Tags validation issue
- 4025 - Install hook for Deploy
- 4027 - Doctype alias placeholder sometimes stays at Generating Alias...
- 4028 - Cleanup Filesystems registrations
- 4037 - MNTP - Could not convert string to integer + #4039, #4055
- 4038 - Find a proper way to identify "element" content types.
- 4039 - MNTP- xPath $current or setting a start node, does not return its children if is list view enabled
- 4055 - MNTP- Can't see picked media items
- 4064 - Value of a price field cannot be used in a view
- 4065 - Images added by a Media Picker editor cannot be used in a view
- 4066 - Cannot select a Start node for a Media Picker editor
- 4067 - Mandatory fields with inserted information complain that there are errors or that the value of a property is empty
- 4068 - Headline doesn't save as headline but as normal text
- 4072 - Link to an image is not being generated
- 4083 - Linkpicker misbehaves when editing a link
- 4089 - Disable LastPass on page heading
- 4095 - v8 Macro picker is broken because EntityController no longer supports dynamic post filtering
- 4119 - Saved content overridden by published content
- 4121 - Variants - "This document is published but its url cannot be routed"
- 4149 - Rich text editor styles preview should use normal line height
- 4168 - Element type content in the content tree or not?
- 4185 - V8 — Returning to node after saving a DocType in infinity editing turns the current content app into a blank
- 4204 - Fixme - Add IsPublished on IPublishedContent
- 4209 - Image link exceeding its space
- 4244 - [v8] Update Partial View Snippets to use the new v8 API
- 4386 - Ensure "add" in pickers are consistent
- 4426 - Selecting rollback version returns console errors
- 4438 - local variant switcher goes on top of node name, if node name is long.
- 4446 - v8 Services like ContentService and MediaService default to user 0, but -1 is now the default
- 4451 - v8 Rich text editor source code viewer too small, button in a weird place on toolbar
- 4455 - Strange keys in settings area
- 4464 - V8 enabling WebApi attribute routing breaks PostSave endpoint
- 4478 - v8 Packages section loads to a blank screen after a local package is installed
- 4483 - Image cropper slider does not work appropriate
- 4485 - Missing localization of content apps
- 4495 - Content App dropdown and Actions dropdown partially disappear behind list view bar
- 4547 - issue when unpublishing content node that has variants and variant children.
- 4548 - V8 backoffice notification positioning still allows for vertical nav
- 4566 - Component / Composers mixing namespaces
- 4569 - v8 TinyMce property editor alias has "v3" hard coded which is incorrect
- 4572 - v8 cannot access published content during startup
- 4581 - Image Cropper doesn't appear in V8 if configured under Media Type
- 4582 - Image cropper cant switch between crops
- 5637 - Fix padding for the umb-checkbox component
- 3755 - Fix the OK button for move and close success messages
- 3757 - Fix the changing source name when copying a node
- 3761 - Fix YSODs when moving and copying things in the Settings section
- 3762 - Make Nested Content support content variants
- 3770 - Fix and clean up the restore content dialog
- 3771 - Fix the flickering source name and the close button when moving items in the media tree
- 3781 - Fix and clean up the restore media dialog
- 3831 - Fix content template creation
- 3839 - Fix media types folder creation
- 3880 - Update translation alias to use existing emptyRecycleBin alias
- 3906 - Fix the disappearing preview/save/publish buttons in listviews
- 4010 - v8 - remaining packages section to angular
- 4534 - Removing ClientDependency setup for non-web runtimes
- 4640 - v8 - fix publishing new content when there are validation problems