Status: ReleasedReleased on Tuesday, April 30 2019
There is a newer version available - v15.1.1
This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 6383 times - uploaded 30 April 2019Release notes
Bugfixing on the 8.0.1 release.
Related changes from the issue tracker
Breaking Changes
No items to display
Issues & Tasks
- 4627 - v8 - validation UI is broken between the accordion items
- 4659 - TinyMCE link picker should filter recycle bin
- 4827 - Multiple media picker always return null
- 4828 - Public access doesn't show overlay behind backdrop
- 4911 - Imagepicker prevalue editor is broken
- 4963 - MemberTypeService.Save throws exception
- 4975 - Bug while selecting Culture and Hostname
- 4976 - valPropertyMsg should hide when the error is corrected
- 4992 - NuCache "panic"
- 4998 - Exception in BPlusTree
- 5102 - Some SetValue methods are missing for files
- 5121 - NuCache needs to be rebuild after uploading files to FTP
- 5124 - Bulk move members don't make sense
- 5174 - Bad Composers Ordering
- 5222 - NuCache Vanishing Content
- 5273 - Can't set configuration for DropDownFlexiblePropertyEditor
- 5315 - Bug in RebuildContentDbCacheLocked
- 5328 - V8.0.1 - recycle bin / restoration problem
- 4956 - Fixed issue when creating variant content templates,
- 5117 - Reload listview after moving items
- 5135 - Fix case of query parameter
- 5173 - YSOD when creating the same content type twice (mapping issue)
- 5176 - Fix node permissions YSOD (mapping issue)
- 5197 - Fix spelling mistake in the Packages section of the back office