Status: ReleasedReleased on Tuesday, July 9 2019
There is a newer version available - v15.1.2
This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 3337 times - uploaded 09 July 2019Release notes
This version includes a security fix, make sure to read our advisory about this. If you're using members in Umbraco you might be affected.
Read all about version 8.1.0 on our blog.
This release has some version-specific upgrade instructions, make sure to give them a read.
Related changes from the issue tracker
- 3458 - Add an option to keep the mini profiler active
- 3957 - Add keyboard support for slider
- 3985 - v8 - Update slider in image cropper
- 4371 - Support 2 letter and 5 letter lang files in App_Plugins dir
- 4417 - Set root node name in file picker
- 4427 - TextString limitation
- 4515 - V8 — make login screen fit new brand identity
- 4590 - IFactory should itself be resolvable
- 4654 - Angular routing should be case insensitive
- 4683 - V8 Multilanguage as folders and variants
- 4686 - Adjust naming in Nested Content configuration to fit ElementType
- 4746 - Ability to show the Content App first instead of the List View App
- 4756 - Users section should remember choice of layout
- 4759 - Change format of LocalizedText file to reduce page weight
- 4790 - v8 - uduf - Implement Content and Media Udi[] overloads
- 4837 - Support getting multiple members by id
- 4839 - Missing extension methods to get siblings
- 4894 - Strengthen Babel's browser targets to only include supported browsers
- 4905 - Update picker in Multi Node TreePicker to match other pickers
- 4924 - MNTP - when using "Allow items of type" show a tooltip on hover which types are allowed to be selected.
- 4940 - Save a media reference in RTE instead of media URL in property editors
- 4942 - Create media Url provider
- 4949 - Grid Settings Row configuration missing Save button
- 5077 - Make Permission angular component more generic
- 5123 - Update RTE to use data-UDI attribute for images
- 5212 - Move IsVisible from IPublishedContent to IPublishedElement
- 5229 - ICreateBuilder PrimaryKey should allow non clustered config
- 5292 - Umbraco 8 HSTS Default Setting
- 5319 - Nested Content should have a 'no blueprint'-state
- 5327 - I would like to use the umbraco confirm dialog for deleting a nested content entry
- 5349 - Video not playable in Umbraco 8 backoffice
- 5350 - Make TypeCollectionBuilderBase chainable
- 5370 - V8 Settings - Remove old 'Editors Manual' link from the 'Start Here' dashboard message
- 5406 - Add empty state in user layout views
- 5443 - Make the save-options available by keyboard
- 5485 - U8 Macros alphabetical order
- 5528 - V8 - Install local package gives error: incorrect version
- 5561 - Make more helpful message than "there are no allowed document types available"
- 5584 - Datepicker doesn't allow copy and paste
- 5727 - Accidental click outside of a dialog closes the dialog, and changes are lost
- 5749 - Need to prepare MB future
- 2441 - Ignore user start nodes option in pickers
- 4904 - Update the umbraco ascii art
- 4945 - Patch/update published content request comments
- 4983 - Use umb-checkbox in the delete mediatype confirm
- 4984 - Use umb-checkbox in the delete datatype confirm
- 4985 - Use umb-checkbox in the delete membertype confirm
- 4986 - Use umb-checkbox for "open in new window" in the link picker
- 5006 - Use umb-checkbox for user filters
- 5029 - Add optional culture parameter to UrlAbsolute extension
- 5085 - Use "group" instead of "tab" on Nested Content config
- 5086 - Remove unused translations from area "editcontenttype"
- 5097 - Improve notifications save button style and interaction
- 5109 - Updated Constant.System.Root references (to use correct constant, and others)
- 5116 - Add back button to listviews in media
- 5119 - Use umb-checkbox for RTE configuration
- 5138 - Make XmlHelper class public again
- 5158 - Add back button to listviews for members
- 5252 - Allow sorting manually by name in listviews
- 5256 - Add busy state to <umb-confirm/> OK button
- 5287 - Send notifications for changes in permissions
- 5288 - Send notifications for changes in public access
- 5301 - Send notifications for content rollback
- 5304 - Login form accessibility improvements and form input tabbed focus styles
- 5309 - Always show content and media search results first
- 5320 - Re-adding outline to the umb-button__button for focus states
- 5333 - #5277 Adding correct button element,styling to remove default styles
- 5353 - ClipboardService + implementation for nested content
- 5358 - Allow localizing content types and properties using language files
- 5369 - Default nested content item names to the item type name
- 5447 - Prompt to save changes after pasting items into Nested Content
- 5450 - Login errors are not identified for screen reader users
- 5454 - Don't load the breadcrumb twice when editing content
- 5456 - V8/feature/5443 add publish menu hotkeys
- 5458 - Menu items have insufficient focus (tab) states
- 5460 - Use umb-load-indicator when loading the RTE
- 5463 - Add auto-focus to the default action in overlay dialogs
- 5465 - UX update for content/media sort dialog
- 5500 - Add keyboard support for navigating search results
- 5506 - Use a picker to select allowed types for MNTP
- 5548 - Automatically hide the context menu after reloading a node
- 5549 - Don't show "Reload" for list view nodes
- 5558 - Added a check for and delete descendants when deleting a dictionary item
- 5560 - Add option to keep the mini profiler active at all times in debug mode
- 5567 - Support negative values for integer and decimal property editors
- 5618 - Icon Constants consistency
- 5623 - Prevent deletion of System DataTypes
- 5664 - Accessibility improvements for textbox validation
- 5690 - Fix confirmation for permissions dialog
- 5701 - Fix secondary menu item accessibility
- 5710 - Highlight when tabbing to umb-toggle
- 5729 - Make the content tree keyboard accessible
- 5731 - Add Giphy embed provider support
- 5748 - Prepare MB future
- 8827 - Show only settings and styles boxes when each of them has configuration
Breaking Changes
- 3498 - v8 EntityService changes
- 4234 - Sort out IContent vs Content
- 4759 - Change format of LocalizedText file to reduce page weight
- 4775 - WebApi MapHttpAttributeRoutes causes error in IComponent
- 4845 - Inline AngularJS templates into directives and controllers
- 4940 - Save a media reference in RTE instead of media URL in property editors
- 5123 - Update RTE to use data-UDI attribute for images
- 5170 - Refurbish IPublishedContent (was: not created nodes are returned by children property)
- 5206 - Umbraco exposes all tags publicly by default
- 5212 - Move IsVisible from IPublishedContent to IPublishedElement
- 5350 - Make TypeCollectionBuilderBase chainable
- 5351 - UmbracoDatabaseFactory fix
- 2441 - Ignore user start nodes option in pickers
- 5087 - Refactor (auto) mapping
- 5106 - Simplify our Poco mappers
- 5246 - Add GetById(Udi) to published caches
Issues & Tasks
- 3624 - Add back support for 2-factor-auth on login screen
- 3673 - Content/Media picker picked details should be contextual to the variant language
- 3869 - Image not updated after changing it in Media
- 3958 - Opening help panel on content info mess up layout of history
- 4011 - Issue with inherited Grid in splitview
- 4181 - Loosing context after editing DocType from content
- 4217 - changes of DataTypes are not reflected when edited in infinite editing
- 4468 - Switch language on content TREE vs on content WINDOW
- 4489 - Document Type in active view after deletion
- 4521 - Input widths and width limit should be changed to a fixed value, not 66%
- 4529 - Sub header actions in infinite editing need adjustments
- 4559 - TinyMCE does not sync data to angular store when dragged away in grid-editor
- 4652 - Cannot insert image in TinyMce editor
- 4657 - TinyMCE source overlay doesn't animate from right
- 4682 - Selection of users and groups are not consistent with rest of UI
- 4687 - Multinode TreePicker doesn't fail when the amount validation doesn't meet the requirement
- 4690 - Save button saving states should be corrected to match colors
- 4695 - umb-sticky-bar does not get positioned correctly when editing DocumentType in infinity editing mode.
- 4699 - v8 Adding hostname and creating member dialog boxes do not close after saving
- 4706 - Grid panel should not be shown unless there is available actions inside it.
- 4715 - V8 - IE11: section name underline not in correct position
- 4728 - Confusing state when trying to publish content where a mandatory language haven't been created.
- 4740 - Accordion collapse still available in media and member section
- 4757 - Selecting a proposed option when creating a user takes you away.
- 4772 - Umbraco installer double-encodes connection string password
- 4774 - Creating a content template appears to fail
- 4778 - Property Editor Slider Step Increments
- 4788 - Importing Document type does not work
- 4811 - local language-selector should be fixed to work in narrow screens
- 4830 - Slider with mandatory checked and initial value fails validation
- 4884 - When publishing content with no Name, I want to see serverside validation, not an error
- 4932 - V8 Backoffice RTE has bad paths to style files in nesteed folders
- 4935 - v8 - The language <language>-<culture> already exists when added the <language> already
- 4936 - v8 - Selecting "true/false" editor during document type generation
- 4947 - Skype link ("sip:name@domain") is automatically converted to "mailto"
- 4963 - MemberTypeService.Save throws exception
- 4965 - Package download doesn't handle special characters
- 4967 - List View - Unable to sort on "Is Published", when language variants is used
- 4979 - Dropup is behind grid hover overlay
- 4988 - v8 - overlays after creating new content (redirect) reference a stale controller
- 4990 - Unable to use paging with ContentService's GetVersionsSlim
- 5007 - Putting in a content title > 255 characters causes "String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated." exception.
- 5008 - minor usability corrections for users section
- 5020 - Sections are collapsed too early
- 5024 - V8 : Query Builder code error returning child items of type
- 5038 - Radio button list is wrongly positioned in narrow viewports
- 5069 - Umbraco 8.0.1 PluginController attribute does not work on Rootnode
- 5075 - Text modified in HTML editor not saving to Umbraco
- 5092 - 8.0.1: logResource.getPagedUserLog throws error on pageSize 0
- 5094 - Inconsistant spacing between umb-box and umb-group-panel elements
- 5129 - Improve visibility of focus states for the main section header
- 5131 - Return to starting focus when closing the search using the ESC key
- 5156 - v8 - content editor server side notifications are not transmitted on redirect of creating new content
- 5160 - DoNotCloneAttribute should be public
- 5163 - Can't show list views for variant content on latest
- 5171 - Trying to access Permissions on a node throws an exception
- 5183 - Content doesn't save
- 5190 - v8 - Server side validation is not cleared on invariant properties on non default lang
- 5195 - Uploaded image height / width is incorrectly set to 200 px
- 5198 - Media picker does not show file names
- 5214 - Multi content picker as Macro parameter is not allowing multiple items to be selected
- 5220 - No linebreaks, invisible completing paragraph tag in "View Source Code" bar in Richtext editor (RTE) in Backcoffice
- 5230 - Log message should wrap inside container
- 5231 - Carets in Tiny MCE toolbar are not vertical center aligned
- 5232 - Make tree item annotations clearer
- 5233 - Error in Backoffice when selecting Order By Document Type in Custom List View
- 5236 - Ability to delete the logfile on a running application
- 5244 - Delete content notifications not sending
- 5268 - V8 : Auditservices sql error
- 5295 - setting just an hash link is ignored by RTE
- 5297 - Linking to an anchor doesn't give the handy anchor dropdown any more in v8
- 5326 - Search shadow-layer should be on top of the user-dialog
- 5345 - RTE editor in grid collapsed/disappears after reordering
- 5360 - V.8.0.1 Multi url picker have the wrong language for content page node
- 5363 - Richtext editor view source code editor should get focus
- 5373 - Make async file logging possible with serilog
- 5380 - Changing icon color in listview layout break icon
- 5381 - Toggle color picker labels squeeze spectrum color picker
- 5393 - Issue with colorpicker
- 5403 - syncTree causing trees to flicker
- 5404 - Avatar should use hand cursor
- 5420 - v8 Invited user keeps showing as "has not logged in yet"
- 5428 - Changes made in property settings are applied instantly
- 5441 - Dictionary intro paragraph needs updating
- 5486 - Drawer in overlay is no longer fixed at bottom
- 5489 - Gap left to actions button
- 5534 - Saving a user with no groups fails validation, but no message is displayed
- 5574 - Doc type as child of itself is not persisted on create
- 5588 - Wrong location xml documentation files in NuGet packages
- 5600 - Content tree blocks TinyMCE in fullscreen
- 5605 - V8 Emptying the Recycle bin with a protected page and associated login page throws a SQL error
- 5612 - Innitial account can't add roles to own profile
- 5659 - Issues with linking to media in the Rich Text editor
- 5665 - Non-administrator users can create but not edit User Groups
- 5671 - Both view and content models are PureLive, with different versions error when making change to doctype
- 5675 - Users get delete option on content they've created - even if they're don't have delete permission
- 5676 - disallowedUploadFiles not working as expected
- 5689 - LinkPicker does not work when using the search box
- 5700 - Macro Rendered in Richtext Editor when not configured to do so.
- 5708 - Dashboards not obeying c# access rules
- 6063 - Action button in tree is not visible for longer tree name
- 6193 - Core Multi Url Picker doesn't work inside Macro
- 4364 - fixed type of dashboards in EditorModelEventManager
- 4619 - Make "Open in split view" look better in narrow viewports
- 4621 - v8 Fix create button style
- 4724 - Make header name input look OK when disabled
- 4754 - UI — updated login screen
- 4755 - Make it possible to upload the same file twice or more
- 4776 - Datatype configs are not validated in infinite editing
- 4779 - Remember choice of layout in Users section
- 4832 - Fix table cells collapsing when sorting doctypes in Nested Content
- 4853 - Fixes javascript error when trying to unpublish an invariant item
- 4858 - Fixes LogViewer if JSON log contains malformed JSON lines
- 4890 - Don't "Create matching template" before the content type is created
- 4892 - Don't allow opening an uncreated template
- 4906 - changed umb-checkbox model to be the boolean property, not a object c…
- 4908 - Use umb-checkbox for all content variant dialogs
- 4926 - Fixed casing of editorService open method inline documentation for the size parameter
- 4948 - Provide url in content lists for ability to open item in a new tab
- 4954 - Fixes inserting an image into the grid rte since it doesn't get resized correctly
- 4970 - General tidy up of styles for logviewer
- 4974 - Fixing code in sync functionality of checkbox-list
- 4981 - Fix glitch in umb-checkbox background
- 4994 - Fixes the authorization for certain endpoints on the UsersController
- 5000 - v8 - Added missing parameters to the JSdocs for editorService.iconPicker
- 5002 - Avoid removing a public method (used by forms 8.0.0)
- 5011 - Content/Media/MemberTypeRepository refactoring
- 5048 - fixes - TinyMCE does not sync data to angular store when dragged away…
- 5054 - V7: Log correct user ID when emptying the content recycle bin
- 5055 - V7: Log correct user ID when moving media
- 5056 - V7: Log correct user ID when emptying the content recycle bin
- 5095 - Fix the style of the public access confirmation button
- 5105 - Improvements for logviewer search results view
- 5107 - Replace dynamic ViewBag with ViewData
- 5122 - Various UX improvements to the RTE configuration
- 5128 - Replace listview bulk action permission checkboxes with umb-toggle
- 5134 - The ImageCropperPropertyValueEditor doesn't convert values in ConvertDbToString correctly
- 5140 - Use umb-checkbox for select all in listview
- 5149 - Fix broken listview pagination when using the back link
- 5177 - Missing "metadata" breaks media picker (mapping issue)
- 5180 - YSOD when saving variant content (mapping issue)
- 5188 - Relation type alias is "generating" when editing an existing relation type
- 5194 - Fix the layout for editing datatypes in infinite edit mode
- 5210 - Backoffice session timeout on custom-URL backoffices leads to high browser CPU and self-inflicted backend DDoS
- 5213 - Make sure Nested Content item blueprints are listed in defined sort order
- 5219 - bigger area for add-property + only hover-state if you can edit property
- 5221 - Making Umb-Toggle round
- 5226 - Accessibility and UI update of umb-tags
- 5248 - Composite doctype links don't go to the right place
- 5262 - Tree node annotation "pending changes" should take precendence over "is listview"
- 5324 - Make Nested Content work with hidden item icons
- 5329 - nested content consistent "add content"-button, and other adjustments.
- 5330 - prettier outline for buttons, and only shown when tabbing is active.
- 5331 - Update jQuery to latest 3.4.0
- 5332 - prettier outline on media picker
- 5337 - Created umb-outline to make it easy to apply pretty focus outline for elements.
- 5338 - app header action focus outline
- 5339 - focus outline + hover states for umb-checkbox and umb-radio
- 5340 - Disable tabbing state if user clicks
- 5389 - V8 improved focus state of umb-form-check inputs
- 5401 - Added support for changing the dates of the log files
- 5432 - Corrected `EntityController.ConvertToObjectType` return type for MemberType
- 5434 - Fix noPasswordManager name for docs
- 5448 - Hide "Create new" header in Nested Content create item dialog if all items are filtered out
- 5494 - umb-confirm button cursor should be "pointer"
- 5544 - Accessibility improvements for top header
- 5563 - Don't show multiple open menus
- 5587 - Handle `loginModel.RedirectUrl` in Login partial
- 5594 - Fix the Nested Content title overflow
- 5602 - Fix the back button for media type list views
- 5615 - ReadOnlyValueController - Fixes filter
- 5636 - V8 Remove duplicate comments in MediaService
- 5640 - Remove bold from default variant.
- 5647 - Fix the overflow wrapping for repeatable textstrings
- 5648 - Enforce max width on numeric inputs
- 5687 - Fix overflow for specific node permissions
- 5728 - Custom IAntiForgeryAdditionalDataProvider implementation
- 5746 - Fixes filter problem with minilistview when no filter is applied (#5744)