Status: ReleasedReleased on Monday, December 28 2020
There is a newer version available - v15.0.0
This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 1077 times - uploaded 28 December 2020Related changes from the issue tracker
Breaking changes (2)
Accessibility (15)
- Associate existing label to the button for a umb-toggle-group item (#8716)
- Installed packages view: Convert i to umb-icon
- Login screen: Convert a to button
- Installer: Starterkit - Convert <a> to <button>
- umb-tree-search-results directive view fixes
- ContextDialog: Accessibility improvements
- Listview: Fix icon-picker a11y
- Grid prevalues: Improve accessibility and semantics
- Grid: Layoutconfig improvements
- Accessibilty: set the html lang element
- Allow to close list view settings overlay via esc shortcut
- use umb-outline for umb-block-card
- When creating a new dictionary item clears out the page title
- This PR sets the page title when editing and maintaining languages
- Accessibility (keyboard navigation): The 'Content' drop down menu opens automatically when tabbing
API and API documentation updates (6)
Block editor (3)
Developer experience (1)
Performance (2)
Refactor (6)
UI and UX updates (28)
- Feature: Begin able to copy a whole block (including layout and settings)
- Broken layout for member group id
- 8.10RC: Change prompt when preview mode has ended
- 8.10RC: Better name/description for "Label on top"
- added round corners in umb-media-grid for media-picker
- Feature: Property label on top
- Review Feature: umb-property-info-button
- Review: Always show action buttons in delete dialogs & enable once checked
- Fix - user delete shows notifications twice
- 8838: Node Actions menu should be disabled on listview
- Make Nested Content icons centered and same size as Block Editor
- umb-tree-search-results directive view fixes
- UX: Auto exit PreviewMode, If Preview Mode is active user should Confirm to stay.
- Issue 8353 - Fix of issue that caused small screens labels alignment
- Do not show cryptic confirm dialog when editing group
- Grid prevalues: Improve accessibility and semantics
- umb-control-group directive: Fix styling issue
- Help drawer adjustments
- Add confirmation dialog to media picker "remove all entries" action
- Allow to close list view settings overlay via esc shortcut
- Scale the preview iframe to fit the viewport
- Styling all code elements in backoffice UI docs
- User group picker: Use <umb-search-filter> directive
- use umb-outline for umb-block-card
- Enable auto-focus for confirm button in umb-confirm
- Fix save buttons not working when using non-live models builder
- Remove double editorService.close()
- V8/feature/ab9079 use tree for element type pickers
Other features (10)
- Composition: Refactor search box to use umb-search-filter directive
- Iconpicker: Switch to umb-search-filter
- Macropicker: Change search to use umb-search-filter directive
- Userpicker: Change search to use the <umb-seach-filter> directive
- Add umb-icon to umb-tree-item and umb-tree-search-box
- Change button style for listview settings
- Show badge in user state filter and icon in user group filter
- Added a Welsh translations file
- Formlulate the block list delete confirmation as a question
- Add an override for GetMostRecentRedirectUrl to allow for culture
Bugfixes (27)
- set a minimum version requirement for node
- V8/feature/0000 remove out icon
- keep umb-editor inside viewport width
- Adjust tags editor typeahead to fit within container in splitview
- use block.edit()
- App header: Use umb-icon
- Creating a "System" content type breaks Umbraco
- Sort the variant picker entries by display name
- Sort the languages in the global language selector
- Prevents templates being created when adding DocTypes through the block list config
- Do not remove files from media editors when hitting enter
- umb-search-filter: Convert i to use umb-icon
- Hide property actions for culture invariant properties
- Remove .woff font
- 9176: Fix editing labels and added functionality to edit colors
- Conditionally show check icon if umb-tree-item is selected
- Update umb-button directive parameter usage to reflect accurate imple…
- Update NestedContentPropertyEditor.cs to fix 2 bugs
- Make blockConfigModel optional
- Bugfix: Add null check for null converted treenode icon so .startsWith does not throw
- Make RTE toolbar sticky
- Casting tree controllers to TreeControllerBase
- Limit access to logviewer endpoints to people with access to the settings section
- Anonymous telemetry
- Turkish language has been arranged according to v8
- Ensure that TaskScheduler.Default is used anywhere that ContinueWith is used, adds more debug logging to MainDom operations
- SqlMainDomLock will stop listening if Sql Server connection terminates