Status: ReleasedReleased on Thursday, January 28 2021
There is a newer version available - v15.1.1
This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 783 times - uploaded 28 December 2020Related changes from the issue tracker
Breaking changes (2)
Accessibility (5)
Dependencies (1)
Developer experience (1)
Front end (1)
UI and UX updates (18)
- Contextmenu: Add focus lock
- Search overlay: Improve accessibility
- NestedContent DoctyperPicker view: Various a11y fixes
- Grid editors: Accessibility improvements
- Package section: Edit view
- Use color picker component in block list editor configuration
- Make sure external links are not attempted to be opened inside preview iframe
- Use ace xml mode for package actions
- Ensure content wrapper is positioned to left in section without tree
- remove unnecessary classnames/markup
- Add "Remove all entries" property action to MNTP
- 9153: Only show the cultures of the node in preview
- Mediapicker: Use <umb-search-filter>
- Added char counter for dictionary items
- Update Language keys for 'Public Access' to become 'Restrict Public Access' …
- Little tweak in Turkish translation
- Add back icon name in class attribute to work again with font icons
- Inject missing localization service
Other features (8)
- v8 - use ng-hide in validation directive
- Don't log query result to avoid confusion
- 9078: Allow changing the login logo through umbracoSettings
- When a user switches their own language the menu doesn't update to reflect the language change
- Add Swedish translation for the member section.
- Add overloaded method for RecurringTaskBase
- Update Dutch translations
- Add rel="noopener" to anchor elements with target="_blank"
Bugfixes (12)
- V8.5.1: 'Allow Varying by Culture' on a composition is deleting field content
- V8 Bug Validateuser throws error
- Save error after validation fail
- Nested validation freezes browser
- "Allowed child nodes" picker filter not working in v8.9.1
- Backoffice UI - checkboxes on doctype compositions uncheck after selecting an item
- Umbraco 8.9.1 Infinite Editing, document type template list - fonts are oversized and truncated
- Fix SQL parameters in GetNewChildSortOrder
- Get default culture comparable to the variant culture
- Update version umbColorPicker was introduced
- V8 - remove console.log statements
- [AMEND] Updated the redirect URL Repository to search for entries wit…