Status: ReleasedReleased on Thursday, October 7 2021
There is a newer version available - v15.3.0
This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 1311 times - uploaded 07 October 2021Related changes from the issue tracker
Notable features (1)
Breaking changes (1)
Accessibility (1)
API and API documentation updates (1)
Block editor (2)
Dependencies (1)
Developer experience (2)
Localization (1)
Performance (1)
UI and UX updates (16)
"True/false" value change is not replicated on variant in split view when toggled
Parenthesis around node name when using variants
Reintroduce tabs
#10572 watch model value
Check invariant name of custom listview
Password tip not updated correct on init
UI improvement: Add option to select/deselect all filters in Log Viewer drop-down
Upgrade to noUiSlider v15.3.0
Implement drag start and drag stop events
Inherit text color from parent element
Adjust styling of umb-file-icon
Grid: Add button styling fix
Suggestion: Add config setting in Rich Text Editor to control the linkpicker overlay size
Fix incorrect attribute in hidden prevalue attribute
Adjust icon size in umb-checkbox
Align sortable handle vertically in multivalues prevalue editor
Other features (2)
Bugfixes (9)
EditorModelEventManager does not emit SendingContentModel event on adding / editing block item to the BlockList dditor
File Upload extensions isn't validated
Multi-URL Picker does not save values when used in a nested block list item when using the new tabs feature
v9: Nested Content not rendered when group name contains "System".
V9: Saving document types generates new property group unique keys on each save.
Fixes: Cannot migrate from Umbraco 7 to Umbraco 8 with v8.14+ because userId 0 is skipped over
Decouple NuCache.Property from NuCache.PublishedSnapshot
Update to noUiSlider v15.4.0
Save and publish using super user id