Status: ReleasedReleased on Tuesday, October 15 2019
There is a newer version available - v15.1.2
This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 2218 times - uploaded 15 October 2019Release notes
An improved editing experience, performance updates, cache improvements and a ton of community contributions. Read all about this v8.2.0 release on our blog. 🚀
Related changes from the issue tracker
- 4253 - Dashboard Styling (Models Builder & PublishedContent)
- 4863 - Element types should not inherit from non-element types
- 5669 - Infinite editing editorService.contentEditor unable to create new content item
- 5939 - Remove unused .visuallyhidden class from main.less
- 5941 - Accessibility: Ensure "cancel" is clickable from move/restore dialogs
- 5993 - 8.1: "Allow varying by culture" value not included when creating package
- 6055 - The v8 Log Viewer should display the current log level
- 6064 - Support hexa color code in hexBgColor directive
- 6095 - Rename component for flatpickr
- 6097 - Allow lang-files placed relative to package.manifest
- 6098 - Missing dirty check in document type editor
- 6175 - Sort state not persisted when using the back link
- 6176 - Search state not persisted when using the back link
- 6309 - Clicking the "inherited from" link in a doc type composition, should open the doctype in an infinite editor
- 6359 - Add 'translation' to User Group 'Administrators' by default
- 6381 - Accessibility: the button to customize the installation is an anchor tag
- 6383 - Accessibility: the link to accept the starter kit has the link text of "Loading"
- 5757 - Added constants for Property Editor Groups
- 5783 - Hide the tree picker search results automatically when removing the search term
- 5807 - Accessibility changes for Forgotten Password Screen
- 5821 - Refactor checkered background
- 5884 - Accessibility: "Save and publish" has a drop down that can't be accessed via keyboard
- 5885 - Change PropertyType.Alias to virtual
- 5888 - Accessibility Changes For Title On Login Page
- 5905 - Accessibility: No alt text on any icons
- 5928 - Accessibility: Health Check - unable to navigate to additional options via keyboard
- 5930 - Accessibility: Open Package - Identifies back button as "Left hand arrow back button"
- 5944 - Accessibility: Media uploader widget can't be accessed via keyboard
- 5960 - Accessibility: Create drop down can't be accessed via keyboard
- 5963 - Accessibility: Grid filter drop down can't be accessed via keyboard
- 5964 - Accessibility: Unable to navigate to close 'X' icon with keyboard
- 5970 - Accessibility: Open User Details - Back icon arrow is identified as "Umbraco link"
- 5998 - Set the form as dirty when adding/removing colors to/from Umbraco.ColorPicker
- 6054 - fix: spelling error in comment :)
- 6073 - Make it possible to select styles on selected text in distraction free mode.
- 6092 - Ability to distinguish document types with same name in Nested Content config
- 6216 - Enable Paste & Drag n Drop of images into RTE editors
- 6236 - Accessibility Changes For Title On Content Section
- 6246 - Allow drag/drop copy/paste images within the rich text editor
- 6258 - Use umbCheckbox in packager
- 6262 - Added GetAllElementTypes extension method to ContentTypeService
- 6264 - ConfigurationFields - `Add` extension method
- 6265 - Improve consistency around some buttons in the backoffice
- 6294 - Localize the default property validation error
- 6303 - "Actions" is identified as a button, but behaves like a drop down
- 6304 - Links components (e.g. 'Footer links'), 'Add' is identfied as "Add link" but doesn't identify the label
- 6305 - Links components (e.g. 'Footer links') can not be tabbed to
- 6325 - RTE & Grid Datatype Config - Set Media folder for dragged & pasted images into the Rich Text Editor to be saved
- 6341 - Allow OEmbed items within the rich text editor to be drag/dropped, copy/pasted and re-edited
- 6372 - Improve content pasted from MS Word into Rich Text Editor
Breaking Changes
Issues & Tasks
- 4178 - Edit embed grid editor
- 5362 - Caches refreshing too many things on publish/updates?
- 5768 - U8: Log Viewer pie chart has the wrong verbiage.
- 5878 - Sticky header shows in "scrolled down" state before scrolling
- 5879 - Sticky header doesn't stick to the top in the media section
- 5880 - Sticky header throws a JS console error
- 5908 - Upgrade from 7.15 to 8.1 fails: "System.FormatException: The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is an unknown word starting at index 0"
- 5954 - Tours, popup hidden with no scrolling
- 5983 - MNTP does not allow setting media type, or member type when you change to a matching node type of Media or Member in v8.1
- 5989 - v8 no focal point in media model in mediaPicker
- 5996 - Values from DataType not included in package
- 6006 - Changing document type template makes the document type unusable.
- 6045 - Custom routes break umbraco backoffice
- 6162 - Nested content copy choice label is just one letter
- 6227 - Some published member properties are empty
- 6349 - Rollback - Umbraco 8
- 6380 - Add language button uses the wrong color
- 6513 - Minor UI issue when choosing 'Image Upload Folder' for Rich Text Editor
- 6516 - Dragging an image into the Rich Text Area, highlighting, then pressing 'Insert Image' toolbar icon triggers error
- 5753 - Typo in umb-grid-selector
- 5869 - Fixes LogViewer Error Count search result click
- 5955 - Fixed GetCurrentLoginStatus() summary
- 6147 - Improve JS Asset load of TinyMCE Editor
- 6220 - Fix preview with multiple cultures + highlight the current culture
- 6290 - Make validation work properly with multiple invalid properties
- 6300 - Add leave function for "Save and publish" options popup #6298
- 6327 - store img size as html attributes
- 6336 - Remove limit of dashboard tabs and fix when expand menu is shown
- 6342 - Fix some accessibility misunderstandings
- 6347 - Lazily recompile PureLive models and lazily create models for nucache
- 6365 - Content items must prevent saving while image upload is in progress
- 6390 - Add clientside mandatory validation to textarea
- 6391 - Add clientside mandatory validation to Multiple Textstring properties
- 6393 - Make mandatory validation work clientside for Member and Member Group pickers
- 6394 - Fix clientside validation for mandatory media pickers
- 6395 - Add clientside validation to mandatory markdown editor properties
- 6412 - Drag/Drop & Pasted images in RTE aren't resized to configured max image width setting
- 6415 - RTE turn off agressive paste tidying
- 6447 - Automatically assign LuceneIndexDiagnostics instead of GenericIndexDiagnostics for LuceneIndexes
- 6498 - V8/bugfix/0000 tiny mce css icon issue
- 6568 - Allow pasted & dragged images that are not yet saved to allow ALT text to be edited