Status: ReleasedReleased on Tuesday, December 10 2019
There is a newer version available - v15.2.1
This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 3189 times - uploaded 10 December 2019Release notes
Data Type Tracking, improved backoffice search, property actions, faster media library, UI and accessibility improvements and more than 180 community contributions.
Related changes from the issue tracker
3604 - Scheduled publishing - show the status on the Info app
4318 - Pick macro parameters in an infinite editor like content type properties
4633 - v8 Too long document type name gives error
4636 - Implement a non generic PagedResult base class
4691 - Update RenderModel comments
4747 - Ability to set icon for list view content app
5021 - UX: List view configuration should open as an infinite editor.
5294 - Full path for DocType on Nested Content configuration
5464 - Use overlay as confirm when deleting user
5516 - V8 - Configurable editorService width
5591 - Allow custom filters on columns in list view
5633 - Extend the umb-checkbox component to handle localization
5644 - assetsService.load doesn't load any assets missing an expected file extension so promise never returns
5674 - Can't edit content name
6174 - Saving ContentType with Segment variation throws NotSupportedException
6248 - RTE style editor content required
6334 - Return 503 status code when in upgrade mode
6374 - hide settings when reordering DocType
6436 - Content delete confimation dialog shows an unnecessary alert when not using language invariants
6455 - Add screenreader descriptions for the icons in the header (help, user profile, search)
6467 - Remove the leftover code from the legacy MacoContainer datatype
6476 - Use a Regex match to test for blob images in SetContent in TinyMCE
6477 - Unable to sort by last edited date
6495 - Remove Microsoft.Net.Compilers dependency
6622 - Pass in user id when using EmptyRecycleBin method
6633 - Allow name templates for grid editors
6711 - v8.20 New Macros don't show in the content tree until you perform a reload of the macro folder or refresh the browser window
6740 - v8 UX: Swatch picker is hard coded to prefix class names with `btn-`
4829 - Remove the GUID hover title from the name input
4982 - Use umb-checkbox in the delete doctype confirm
5776 - Update the German translation with new keys and better translations
5790 - Update noUiSlider to latest patch version
6266 - Update positioning of umb-overlay on resize/content-changes
6293 - Add umb file icon component
6315 - Accessibility Changes For umbEditorHeader Directive
6402 - Use aria attributes in dialog markup
6406 - Add aria-live to let screen readers announce notifications
6428 - Change button style for "create package" and "show more" (in the log viewer)
6449 - Health Check - Text alternatives for icons missing
6453 - Health Check - Text alternatives for icons missing (In Groups)
6454 - Use umb-radiobutton component in relation types
6459 - Package repo categories selection updates
6460 - enables infinite editing for partial views
6461 - enables infinite editing for members
6470 - adds missing language key
6485 - Add umb-checkbox for publish unpublished content items with no variants
6488 - Use umb-checkbox for loglevel selection
6491 - Adjust log viewer search layout
6506 - add aria markup to umb-toggle so it behaves like the checkbox it is
6512 - Boolean editors - adds ID attribute to umbToggle
6519 - V8; Support allowed types for MNTP media picker
6522 - Marking the umb-overlay directive as deprecated
6524 - Support allowed types for MNTP member picker
6525 - Only show time in datepicker if format is HH/HH:mm/HH:mm:ss
6526 - Introduced confirm and confirmDelete functions in the Angular overlay service
6530 - Fixes Search an element from its GUID with the backoffice #6185
6531 - Use umb-checkbox in template section
6533 - Split events.directive into separate event directives
6538 - Refactor language picker to improve accessibility
6539 - Adjust layout in profiler dashboard
6542 - Replace checkbox with umb-checkbox for relate to original
6544 - Replace checkbox with umb-checkbox in listview publish and unpublish overlay
6550 - allow node preview content to wrap
6551 - Reload the media tree when folder contents changes
6555 - Labeled controls in Belle
6560 - Enable editing the search results directly from Examine Management
6563 - Added a test for if an empty titlePrefix is passed into the $changeTitle
6572 - Remove "Generic Properties" group from default member type
6573 - Help users create their first content type on blank installs
6579 - Add ability for the main Umbraco search to include media file names
6580 - It should be possible to disallow all types at content root
6584 - Copy to clipboard in query builder
6585 - V8 style preview badge
6587 - Adds missing danish dictionary keys, and changes a few others
6589 - Reload node children after publishing with descendants
6595 - Fix semantics for list views
6596 - Hide icons and use buttons instead of empty anchors in Examine dashboard
6598 - Turn the "empty recycle bin" warning into an actual warning
6600 - Add irreversible warning when deleting items from the recycle bin
6608 - Set focus to Umb-Tags when clicking property label
6609 - Set focus to RTE when clicking property label
6612 - Use umb-radiobutton in public access overlay
6613 - Do not warn about unpublishing multiple languages for invariant content
6619 - - set the border for the today class on the date picker
6625 - Data type usage reporting and deletion warning
6628 - install ngAria
6635 - Missing Italian translations
6643 - Clean up of change password section in member details
6646 - Changed the styling of change password button in users section to be action style
6650 - Update the create dialog on Relation Types to use umb-radiobutton
6651 - Handle duplicate keys in DataTypeMigration
6660 - Show the "remove" action for assigned user groups when editing users
6665 - Tweak the examine management dashboard
6666 - Clean up of the published cache status dashboard
6678 - Add validation to user groups when creating new users
6679 - Allow hash type on GenerateHash and remove obsoleted ToMd5 and ToSHA1 methods
6689 - V8 - umb-box-header shows values for non-localized and localized title and description
6706 - V8 - Make it possible to set content app badge through content app factory
6707 - Media picker: Fix semantics, missing dictionary items and hide icons non-visually
6719 - Use umb-checkbox in doctype collection
6727 - Style the umb-overlay header and footer like the rest of the overlays
6729 - Notifications span full width on user group save or delete
6730 - Make unit testing Umbraco sites easier
6769 - Style and translate the composition removal confirmation dialog
6771 - Harmonize content save/publish dialogs with mandatory languages
6775 - Datetime picker should submit its value on enter when entering time
6779 - Allow querystring parameters to set IsElementType checkbox on create document type route
6780 - Fix keyboard through the sections tray on small screens
6781 - Rollback dropdown - convert version dates to local
6782 - Cache lookup of macro by alias
6783 - Make the active state clearly visible for property "edit" and "delete" icons
6796 - Add UmbracoVirtualNodeByUdiRouteHandler
6797 - Extend the umb-radio button directive to handle localizations
6805 - Accessibilty improvement to media picker
6826 - Performance boost for loading and saving Nested Content
6832 - Don't YSOD when publishing content if a property editor has been removed
6835 - Replace old checkbox markup with umb-checkbox
6838 - Document type collection: Refactor labels to reference the proper input fields
6853 - Make the listview delete dialog warn about irreversible deletions
6858 - Confirm uninstall package: Change old checkbox to use umb-checkbox
6859 - Grid layout config: Replace the old checkbox with the umb-checbox directive
6861 - Log viewer: Localize texts and titles
6863 - Log viewer: Filter toggle
6876 - Removes "feature in preview" text from "Show open button" option
6976 - Update JQuery CDN In snippets, to use newer version without vulnerability
Breaking Changes
No items to display
Issues & Tasks
2997 - ContentService returns outdated result
5050 - Moving node doesn't create redirect.
5238 - Saving a document type in Infinite Editing on a non-created content node results in 404
5722 - Tree header and dashboard tabs not aligned
5823 - U8.x: umbracoUrlAlias comma separated list is taken literally.
5840 - RelatedLinks error - migration from V7.15 - V8.1
5867 - 8.1 Can't tab to property alias when defining properties in a doctype
5919 - REFERENCE constraint on IContentService.deleteVerions
5931 - v7 Breadcrumb doesn't display for new content
6185 - Search an element from its GUID with the backoffice
6269 - Can't delete language because of tags
6299 - "Save and publish" options clash with "Reorder"
6376 - Delete member confirm button uses the wrong color
6389 - Only load in media thumbnails when the media item is in in the view port - else CPU Spike
6400 - Content Templates don't set name correctly when created from existing content.
6425 - Recent changes in UmbracoMapper cause an exception
6464 - Notifications throws error if content saved during startup.
6564 - Unpublished content throws error with alternate template, instead of 404
6571 - ChildrenOfType (and related methods) look(s) at substring of the alias
6590 - Creating a Macro Partial View in the backoffice with spaces in the name can't be used with a Macro.
6614 - Member group tree nodes are not highlighted
6648 - MultipleTextstring validation failure
6655 - ContentIndexPopulator not querying for published content
6663 - Deletion of a language causes unintended behavior on Content tree
6682 - Editor unable to sort nodes in content tree
6701 - 8.2: Full screen options in RTE doesn't work correctly
6712 - V8.2 RTE image dialog doesn't display title
6763 - V8.2 - RTE Inside Grid, does not render image URL
6869 - v8 - Installation of Machine Key Fails if web.config has multiple system.web sections
7051 - Creating a new membertype, causes built-in properties to have incorrect property types
7074 - Cannot rename Datatype Folders with an ampersand in name
7147 - Embed function in RTE removes previous content from RTE
7181 - Infinite editing doc type throws JS error when template is allowed
5949 - fix: Missing "=" in Flickr markup
6480 - V8/fix user group selection
6481 - V8/fix section selection
6527 - Make upload and image cropper mandatory validation work clientside
6549 - push overlay-right when opening help drawer
6567 - Don't allow deleting property groups with locked properties
6582 - Split IndexCreator and Index config methods
6696 - Use member type icon in member pickers
6697 - Use the member type icon in the Members section
6736 - Lazy loaded properties can be interacted with when creating content types
6748 - Fix for #3510 - health check for http headers was case sensitive, but…
6756 - Handle save keyboard shortcut from within the RTE
6764 - UmbracoApiController Testable
6766 - Create package form missing "Include all child nodes" label by Package Content Content selector
6768 - Make Nested Content resilient to missing property editors
6770 - Remove duplicate language labels in publish with descendants dialog
6776 - Do not allow deleting inherited content type groups
6777 - Remove "double tabbing" and duplicate editor for datatype picker
6778 - Make it possible to open tabs with the keyboard
6817 - Dim down the alias of locked/inherited properties
6821 - Make "add property" shortcut work with multiple groups
6824 - Create Interface for Member and Content Index to use in Populators
6833 - Set focus on content name when opening content for editing
6834 - Limit the number of tabbable elements in tree nodes
6836 - umb-checkbox: Fix text alignment
6848 - Removed the extra padding on the left on the overlay header
6850 - Do not allow copying items in the recycle bin
6851 - Apply trashed state to deleted content items with list view enabled
6854 - Fix styling for publish/unpublish dialogs with mandatory language in listviews
6855 - Listview unpublish dialog should automatically select all languages
6868 - Notification Component should log warning if siteUri is null.
6874 - Sets the appState currentNode when executing a menu action (Fixes #5416)
6875 - Fixes preview-nav css
6878 - Opens templates from umb-grid-selector in infinite editor
6983 - Do not allow rollback of deleted content
7203 - Bugfix - AB3875 untouchability checker: do not check style for document fragments
7211 - Rename reference to info