
Status: Released

Released on Tuesday, January 28 2020

There is a newer version available - v15.2.2


This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.

Downloaded 3257 times - uploaded 28 January 2020

Also available on NuGet

Release notes

This is a patch release for 8.5.2 fixing a bug when using the external ModelsBuilder. To see a full list of features/fixes added in 8.5, please refer to the 8.5.0 release.

Umbraco 8.5 puts ModelsBuilder into the core of the CMS. We are keeping this release as close as possible to the 8.4 release, while now having the new ModelsBuilder as a built-in first class citizen of Umbraco CMS. You are free to keep using the old ModelsBuilder if you prefer. Existing sites being upgraded will not be affected by this change. 

Read more on our blog.

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