

Status: Released

Released on Thursday, September 10 2020

There is a newer version available - v14.3.1


This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.

Downloaded 2340 times - uploaded 10 September 2020

Also available on NuGet

Release notes

Umbraco 8.7 contains a bunch of new features such as the new Block List Editor, support for segments at API level, Content Apps for Document Types and complex validation in property editors. It also contains a lot of bug-, stability- and accessibility fixes from both HQ and community contributions.

Read all about this exciting release on our blog! ⚡

Related changes from the issue tracker

Notable features (4)
Breaking changes (5)
.NET Core (1)
Accessibility (27)
AngularJS decoupling (10)
API and API documentation updates (19)
Content migration (2)
Content variants (4)
Dependencies (4)
Developer experience (1)
Localization (11)
Modelsbuilder (3)
Packages (1)
Performance (8)
UI and UX updates (48)
Other features (6)
Bugfixes (44)