Status: ReleasedReleased on Thursday, October 1 2020
There is a newer version available - v15.1.2
This is the main Umbraco download, generally you won't need anything else.
Downloaded 2550 times - uploaded 01 October 2020Release notes
Umbraco CMS 8.8 contains a bunch of new features and improvements such as cropping images in the grid, editing styles and settings for the grid, listviews in the media picker and easier access to working with GUIDs and UDIs in our APIs. You'll also see improvements on the UI side, with changes to icons and a lot of accessibility updates.
You can read more about it all on the Umbraco blog.
Related changes from the issue tracker
Notable features (3)
Breaking changes (2)
Acceptance tests (2)
Accessibility (27)
- Update icon fonts to use svgs
- Property actions require additional tab to reach first menu item
- Add focus-lock directive
- umb-confirmation directive: move trashcan into directive and address accessibility issues
- fix: remove auto focus from package search box
- Random fixes for nested content "add" button
- Improve the accessibility of the cog icon
- Multi Url picker datatype: a11y fixes
- Made the logviewer more accessible
- Errors do not receive focus on submit (Accessibility)
- Replace anchor elements with button elements in public access overlay
- Replace anchor elements with button elements in treepicker
- Replace anchor elements with button in member and member groups
- Replace anchor elements with button element in image/media picker
- Improvements to accessibility of translations section
- Update user filter buttons
- Various fixes for macroparameterpicker view
- Use button elements in schedule overlay
- Accessibility: Fixes for "insert code snippet" view in macro pickers
- Accessibility: Grid config datatype improvements
- Userpicker view: Change anchor element to button
- General markup cleanup on buttons and icons
- Query builder: Convert `<a>` to `<button>`
- Users - fix semantics + fix focus on umb-checkmark directive
- Macropicker: Fix semantics
- Dictionary list - convert a to button and remove wrapping span element
- Itempicker - convert anchor to button
AngularJS decoupling (4)
API and API documentation updates (10)
- Access document, media and member types by guid and udi
- Access relation type by id, guid and udi
- Access template by id, guid and udi
- Access dictionary item by id, guid and udi
- Access member group by id, guid and udi
- RedirectToUmbracoPageResult - Extended to allow a Guid
- Logging content template save in back office to log table
- Added GetLog method to LogController
- Add config to define true and false value
- Use eventsService to tell everyone the current culture has changed
Auditing (1)
Content variants (1)
Dependencies (2)
Localization (1)
Media library (1)
Performance (5)
- TinyMCE loads non-minified plugins in non-debug mode and vice-versa
- Improve dictionary dashboard performance significantly
- Introduce IContentNestedDataSerializer to allow injecting a custom serializer for nucache
- Performance improvements to content type editor
- Umbraco to re-index data on background thread and fix potential Scope issue
Refactor (19)
- Adjust nested content overlay
- Adjust example for overlay in umb-child-selector
- Use overlayService for user overlay
- Add "umb-button-ellipsis" component
- Add umb-search-filter component
- umb-confirmation directive: move trashcan into directive and address accessibility issues
- Grid config row and editor checkboxes
- Use `optgroup` for listview columns grouping
- Streamline umb-checkbox and umb-radiobutton components
- Adjust toggle styling when checked and disabled
- Some decoupling from underscore => _.each
- Update boolean/toggle/checkbox label prevalues
- Richtext rules adjustments
- Some decoupling from underscore => _.each pt2 => content overlays
- Buttons cleanup
- Fix object iteration in underscore _.each changes
- Remove usages of angular.forEach in help drawer, content and infinite editors
- Update umb-mini-search component
- Update config comments and fix transforms
Test automation (2)
UI and UX updates (46)
- Log viewer refresh when no change in time period
- Render a larger textarea for editing dictionary items
- Make it possible to open user groups in infinite editor
- Tag length is limited in the database but not in the ui
- Overlay positioned top left when using hotkey
- Replace compositions checkboxes
- Don't append empty file names to search results
- Fix for "no search results" text shown on top of the search input field
- Package install - replace traditional checkbox with umb-checkbox component
- Improving database field labels in installer
- Use property editor width limit for slider property editor
- Use primary button style for save-button in content template
- Use code snippet component for insert field
- Use the correct media picker folder icon
- Remove sorting in grid layout configuration
- Grid config allow editors toggle
- Use ace editor json mode for grid configuration
- Adjust border radius of button in button group if having sub buttons
- Show SVG preview on upload
- Register dragover state of file upload
- Allow editor info to shrink for longer datatype names
- Align group builder property actions to top
- Sort on y-axis in sort dialog
- Update screenshots in default dashboard
- Don't auto-expand all content anchors on small screens
- Fix panel header spacing when a description is present
- Adjust styling of variant switcher for not created variant
- Update logviewer log level colors
- Show keyboard input focus on file property editors
- Grid cell error could use "umb-code-snippet" directive?
- Align icon in media grid item overlay
- Update prevalues multivalues sortable styling
- Update styling of listview layouts add button
- Update styling of listview layout icons
- Adjust image cropper crops
- Add missing backdrop when using the "Actions" button
- Make the entire tree menu ellipsis button clickable
- Only show mediapicker edit button if media is found
- Update styling of grid editor add button
- Userpicker: Add warning overlay when the "Remove" button is hit
- User property editor: Add "Remove" warning dialog
- Sort dictionary translations by display name
- Sort the languages by their display name
- Use umb-radiobutton component in grid configuration
- Spectrum colorpicker v2
- Added missing escape character on installer's DB config page
Other features (13)
- Add varchar(max) support
- U4-10518 - Adding a ListView to the Media Picker
- Allow Treepicker advanced filtering on metadata values using JSON format
- Allow for removing a user from the user picker
- Annoying overlay position when deleting grid row configurations
- Having Datepicker Show time with AM/PM
- Log configuration with AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory does not support Virtual Directories.
- Checkbox Property Default Value misconception
- Adds new methods to MembershipHelper for dealing with checking bulk paths for access
- Enable infinite editing of member types when editing a specific member
- Show open button for media and member in MNTP
- Update content type icon on save
- Allow for changing the weight of built-in and 3rd party dashboards
Bugfixes (25)
- If Umbraco.EmailAddress isn't mandatory it should be posible to be saved as empty
- GetCropUrl returns null with valid cropAlias param V8
- Inserting a macro in the rich test editor (RTE) in the Grid makes it disappear on Save & Publish
- Image can be added to root of Media when AllowAtRoot is false
- "[LogScrubber] " Task has failed if \App_Data\TEMP\FileUploads doesn't exist
- UserService.GetAllInGroup returns empty StartContentIds for users
- Repeatable textstring property editor saves whitespaces
- PropertyValueConverterBase contains unused HasValue method
- Focus issue when creating new page w. grid in backoffice
- Member fields of type label are not shown in the backoffice
- Nested content is not saved when you switch to another language and back
- Nested Content - Add content dialog doesn't render html (icon)
- Groups in Document Types are being removed if there is a duplicate
- 8.8RC: The login screen shows 404s on two icons
- Wildcards in tree searches causes YSODs
- Fix JS error when trying to insert a link in an empty RTE
- Fixes #8433 ensures there are no write locks when updating members during login
- Update model name in logviewer saved search
- Don't retain "move media" in busy state on error
- Support SQL Server 2012 syntax on SQL Server 2019
- Use correct woff and woff2 MIME types
- Ensure event handlers are unsubscribed in Core Components
- Fix JS error preventing newly created dictionary items from opening automatically
- Fix JS errors when creating folders in the settings section
- adjust default size of umb-button-ellipsis and its apperance in umb-tree