Status: ReleasedReleased on Thursday, November 18 2021
There is a newer version available - v15.3.0
Release notes
The release candidate for Umbraco 9.1 is now available. See release notes below and the release candidate blog post for details: https://umbraco.com/blog/umbraco-91-release-candidate/
Related changes from the issue tracker
Notable features (1)
Breaking changes (1)
Acceptance tests (2)
Accessibility (1)
API and API documentation updates (4)
Dependencies (1)
Developer experience (4)
Localization (5)
Performance (1)
UI and UX updates (40)
10341: Use different picker for content types
Create content template localization
Falling back to contentTypeName when Block List label is empty
Grid: Add button styling fix
Implement icon parameter for doctype editor
Use umb-icon component for icons in content type groups and tabs
Accept udt as extension in import document type
Fix incorrect attribute in hidden prevalue attribute
Use medium sized overlay for doctype/mediatype/membertype icon picker
Change references of Web.config to be appsettings.json
Fixes wrong reference to enterSubmitFolder method in ng-keydown in mediapicker
11251: Don't add default dashboard to url
Return tempFiles from PostAddFile result
Fix SVG preview without sizing
Allow switching property editor from numeric to slider
Enables friendly pasting in multipletextbox
Removes annoying wait text, which causes layout jank
Link insertion with no selected text in RTE
11315: Don't unbind unbinding keys
contentpicker: Don't validate minNumber if empty and not mandatory
11331: Check property on instance if id is not set yet
Fix for misaligned focalpoint
Ensure block list thumbnails aren't cropped
Align create buttons styling
11343: Remove blocklist block on cancel
Align template picking more towards the other pickers
Added more detailed message when deleting items in the list view
Remove z-index
Update styling of imagepicker prevalue editor
Add warning overlay when deleting grid layout
Listview: Fix translations and use "Remove" text for button instead of icon
Allowed templates list: Change remove icon to text
Focus Lock: Exclude children elements where parent / grandparent etc. has a .ng-hide class set
adding . applying filter
Further clarification around where configuration goes
Publish hotkey doesn't work in RTE
New design for the default 404 page
Media Folder Picker View: Fix localizations
Hide localization key while loading
Cleanup examine search results, and adds ability to toggle fields
V9 (9)
v9 - Issue with file picker and referencing files from wwwroot returns 404
v9 IPublishedContentQueryAccessor isn't usable
IsLiveFactoryEnabled() will always return true
V9: Error when you try to invite user via backoffice
v9: Added Extension method to register all custom Notifications
v9: Created new system information section in help panel
Change template helper to use async partials
Also detect localdb 15
Simplify usage of integration tests from nuget package
Other features (7)
Allows replacing MainDom with alternate DB
Add notifcation when publishing varying culture without domains configured
Added missing documentation to Image Cropper Extension methods using MediaWithCrops
DocumentTypes: Add remove warning
Update Examine reference
Update to noUiSlider v15.5.0
Validate fileName to prevent path traversal on v8
Bugfixes (28)
Mandatory Image not validating after first time failure
Variant ContentSavedState incorrectly updated for failed publish
TimeOut Setting not being used in V9
There is no TEMP environment variable on Linux azure app service
An error occurred while trying to Add language
Performance: Don't load all translation files if they are not going to be used
Error During Examine Indexing
Fixed missing null check in BlockEditorPropertyEditor
v9 Fix build required before initial publish
Fix for Excessive header health check when excluding Cloudflare
Changed the case of BlockList to blocklist as it breaks on Linux Mint
Added support for Smtp PickupDirectory
11048: Bugfix for groups and properties that get replaced
Fixes (hides) customize button when connection string is already configured
Duplicate MemberGroup names cause MemberGroup mixup
If caching a published document, make sure you use the published Name…
Implement IUserSessionStore<BackOfficeIdentityUser> to fix timeout bug #11350
Make debugging work better in VS Code / Codespaces
Add validation errors when invalid composition due to duplicate property group aliases
Minor edits to the XPath query help sheet
Adjust styling to make grid config look better
UI API docs: Fixed incorrect method name
UI API docs: Added reset rules for .close class
Fix logger message placeholders being parsed literally
Remove comma that makes the JS task throw an error
V9: Fixes issue where PublishedContentQuery executes skip twice.
Obsoletes events added for local database initialization for Umbraco Cloud that are no longer required.
contentpicker: Don't validate minNumber/maxNumber if 0