Status: ReleasedReleased on Thursday, June 2 2022
There is a newer version available - v15.1.1
Release notes
9.5.1 is now available via NuGet
Related changes from the issue tracker
Bugfixes (7)
- GetPagedDescendantsInReferences query time makes unpublishing impossible
- Domains under "Culture and Hostnames" is ignored in Url Provider when publishing a node
- v9.5.0 - Getting error after adding new backoffice language
- Unable to log in to convert Umbraco 8 to Umbraco 9.5.0 - umbracoTwoFactorLogin
- URL redirect management does not generate redirects after installing a nuget site package
- V9: Send content type notifications on copy
- V9: Removed manic from greetings