BUG? DependencyHandler using old (dead) absolute path to objects
I'm haveing trouble with my umbraco management. Most of the images will not load.
On closer inspection (using Fiddler2) I notice that most of the images are being requested to the website's original hostheader, wich I have since removed.
When looking into the DependencyHandler's CSS I notice that it's referencing to all of the images using an absolute path to the old hostheader. Removing it from the website's binding config (in IIS) and umbraco doesn't seem to have any effect, it still lingers in there.
This must be a bug.
p.s. I'm running IIS 7.5, Umbraco v4.5, and .net 4.0
Well I'll be, ClientDependency was my problem. I removed the ClientDependency folder from the App_Data folder, and the cache got cleared and everying go fixed (and probably some other issues I hadn't noticed yet... ;)
BUG? DependencyHandler using old (dead) absolute path to objects
I'm haveing trouble with my umbraco management. Most of the images will not load.
On closer inspection (using Fiddler2) I notice that most of the images are being requested to the website's original hostheader, wich I have since removed.
When looking into the DependencyHandler's CSS I notice that it's referencing to all of the images using an absolute path to the old hostheader. Removing it from the website's binding config (in IIS) and umbraco doesn't seem to have any effect, it still lingers in there.
This must be a bug.
p.s. I'm running IIS 7.5, Umbraco v4.5, and .net 4.0
Debug data (from Fiddler2)
The request:
GET http://dev.ardvis.is/umbraco/DependencyHandler.axd?s=L3VtYnJhY29fY2xpZW50L1RyZWUvdHJlZUljb25zLmNzczsvdW1icmFjb19jbGllbnQvVHJlZS9tZW51SWNvbnMuY3NzOy91bWJyYWNvX2NsaWVudC9UcmVlL1RoZW1lcy91bWJyYWNvL3N0eWxlLmNzczsvdW1icmFjb19jbGllbnQvcGFuZWwvc3R5bGUuY3NzOy91bWJyYWNvX2NsaWVudC9zY3JvbGxpbmdtZW51L3N0eWxlLmNzczsvdW1icmFjb19jbGllbnQvbW9kYWwvc3R5bGUuY3NzOy91bWJyYWNvL2Nzcy91bWJyYWNvR3VpLmNzczs%3d&t=Css&cdv=1 HTTP/1.1
Part of the responce (with old hostheader):
Did you deploy the ClientDependency folder? You shouldn't deploy that across environments.
What I did was:
Is there something wrong with that procedure? Is that perhaps something that should be in the upgrade guide ? (what upgrade guide? ;o)
Well I'll be, ClientDependency was my problem. I removed the ClientDependency folder from the App_Data folder, and the cache got cleared and everying go fixed (and probably some other issues I hadn't noticed yet... ;)
p.s. documentation for the ClientDependency (and how to clear it):
Had the same problem. Deleting the ClientDependency and kicking the IIS solved it for me.
is working on a reply...