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  • Bram Loquet 72 posts 102 karma points
    Dec 02, 2010 @ 15:59
    Bram Loquet

    exporting/importing dictionary items

    I was just wondering, am I the only one or should it be handy to be able to export DictionaryItems?

  • Bram Loquet 72 posts 102 karma points
    Dec 02, 2010 @ 16:02
    Bram Loquet

    After all the dictionary items are stored in just 2 table (cmsDictionary / cmsLanguageText)

    Should someting like this make it to the core?
    Should we make a package for it? Like @aim24 said, a package.xml will do.

  • Stefan Kip 1614 posts 4131 karma points c-trib
    Dec 02, 2010 @ 16:22
    Stefan Kip

    Yes that would be nice!

    Last week I had to export dictionary items from my local dev to the staging and production servers, first I did it with SQL Scripts, but the doctionary broke because of these scripts :-/

    So I did it with a package and including all dictionary items and manually removed the unnecessary items, which sucks :P

  • Julius Bartkus 51 posts 76 karma points
    Jan 27, 2011 @ 00:33
    Julius Bartkus

    Here is some kind of solution using /base, however direct integration to backend dictionary UI would be awesome ;)

        public static void exportDictionary(int itemId)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            Dictionary.DictionaryItem item = new Dictionary.DictionaryItem(itemId); //Set the item id, check it in the dictionary           
            System.Web.HttpResponse hr = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response;
            XmlNode node = item.ToXml(doc);
            hr.ContentEncoding = new System.Text.UTF32Encoding();
            hr.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=ditems.xml");
            hr.ContentType = "application/xml";
        public static void importDictionary()
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            String path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("App_Data/xml/ditems.xml");  //Upload a file somewhere to reachable place
            FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); 
            XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(stream);
            XmlNode root = doc.SelectSingleNode("/DictionaryItem");

    Please share the improvements or ideas!

    /Julius Bartkus

  • Richard Soeteman 4049 posts 12922 karma points MVP 2x
    Jan 27, 2011 @ 06:20
    Richard Soeteman

    A client of mine is using Direct DB scripts as well. This shouldn't break. @kipusoep Have you done an IISReset when you ran the script?



  • Stefan Kip 1614 posts 4131 karma points c-trib
    Jan 27, 2011 @ 11:37
    Stefan Kip

    Yes I did, probably a fault of my own ;-)

  • Sander Houttekier 114 posts 163 karma points
    Feb 16, 2011 @ 13:23
    Sander Houttekier

    for translations in not umbraco projects,

    resource files are used, and these can be managed with existing tools like Zeta

    Wouldn't it be great if that export could be formatted in a resx schema, 
    that way it can be opened with Zeta and translations can be handled from there

    afterwards imported back again.

    i know what i'm saying does not really import dictionary items itself, its meant more exporting the translations, and importing them back again after sending them via the translator service / client / google translate...

    but its still nice to keep in mind when import / export is beeing programmed, be it core or package, making this possible would be a nice addition.




  • Jonathan Ben Avraham 43 posts 216 karma points
    May 05, 2016 @ 08:50
    Jonathan Ben Avraham

    I have created a package for this which allows you to export dictionary items, import dictionary items and also update languageText.

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