we're on umbraco v
4.5.2 (Assembly version: 1.0.3891.20719).
Since a while, I'm developping a web site without any problem.
Suddenly, I've got a problem assigning media picker property value (on any mediaPicker property type in any Doc type) : when I hit "Choose" on the property, MediaPicker pop's up but, remains void... even though I wait for a while.
I'm having having another umbraco APP, not customized (as installed from scratch) which does not behave like this. I'm then thinking I'm having a database problem.
In my first umbraco instence, I've had a media, in the root, named as "Image générale de gauche" : is this can cause a problem (a media name with french accent) ?
I thought it may be the cause but, even though I've deleted the media, I have the same behaviour with the MediaPicker.
I don't use any events or custom media picker, only the one which comes with the initial installation.
I've looked at the database table umbracoLog ( is it exactly what you were talking about ? ) but, nothing is logged while the media picker is invoked... only a Open statement for the selected page in umbraco...
Should I look for something particular in the log table ?
Somthing I really don't understand, I've tried to restore some backups, up to one month ago but, it still not working...eventhough I purge my browsers cache (tried with IE8, Firefox, Crome...).
I've noticed one particular comment in the log table :
id userId NodeId Datestamp logHeader logComment 6427 0 -1 2011-02-25 18:43:45.187 System Loading content from disk cache...
I'm having a void umbraco (in which I've only added a media picker property to the Runway Home Page doc, an a single media image) which I've used to compare.
While invoking MediaPicker :
1- (starting where it's interesting) I have the same query :
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT id, createDate, trashed, parentId, nodeObjectType, nodeUser, level, path, sortOrder, uniqueID, text FROM umbracoNode WHERE id = @id',N'@id int',@id=-21
this results as the Recycle Bin record.
2- Next profiled item, still an identical query :
exec sp_executesql N'select count(id) from umbracoNode where nodeObjectType = @nodeObjectType and parentId = @parentId',N'@parentId int,@nodeObjectType uniqueidentifier',@parentId=-21,@nodeObjectType='B796F64C-1F99-4FFB-B886-4BF4BC011A9C'
which, as of my understanding, results as the number of deleted media items.
In my void installation, the result is "1", but I have nothing in the recycle bin, as of the umbraco UI !
In the dev installation, the result is "0", but I have a some items in the recycle bin, as of the umbraco UI !
3- Next : no more query in the dev installation but, in the void one, I get :
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT id, createDate, trashed, parentId, nodeObjectType, nodeUser, level, path, sortOrder, uniqueID, text FROM umbracoNode WHERE id = @id',N'@id int',@id=-1
wihch seems to return the root node, and next query :
exec sp_executesql N'select count(children.id) as children, umbracoNode.id, umbracoNode.uniqueId, umbracoNode.level, umbracoNode.parentId, umbracoNode.path, umbracoNode.sortOrder, umbracoNode.createDate, umbracoNode.nodeUser, umbracoNode.text, cmsContentType.icon, cmsContentType.alias, cmsContentType.thumbnail, cmsContentType.description, cmsContentType.masterContentType, cmsContentType.nodeId as contentTypeId from umbracoNode left join umbracoNode children on children.parentId = umbracoNode.id inner join cmsContent on cmsContent.nodeId = umbracoNode.id inner join cmsContentType on cmsContentType.nodeId = cmsContent.contentType where umbracoNode.nodeObjectType = @nodeObjectType AND umbracoNode.parentID = @parentId group by umbracoNode.id, umbracoNode.uniqueId, umbracoNode.level, umbracoNode.parentId, umbracoNode.path, umbracoNode.sortOrder, umbracoNode.createDate, umbracoNode.nodeUser, umbracoNode.text, cmsContentType.icon, cmsContentType.alias, cmsContentType.thumbnail, cmsContentType.description, cmsContentType.masterContentType, cmsContentType.nodeId order by umbracoNode.sortOrder',N'@nodeObjectType uniqueidentifier,@parentId int',@nodeObjectType='B796F64C-1F99-4FFB-B886-4BF4BC011A9C',@parentId=-1
which results as the list of medias.
I've tried the last query in my dev installation and, it works : it returns the list of medias (folders and items).
Guest what I've done ? purge the Recycle Bin in my dev installation... media picker still void...
MediaPicker problem
we're on umbraco v 4.5.2 (Assembly version: 1.0.3891.20719).
Since a while, I'm developping a web site without any problem.
Suddenly, I've got a problem assigning media picker property value (on any mediaPicker property type in any Doc type) : when I hit "Choose" on the property, MediaPicker pop's up but, remains void... even though I wait for a while.
I'm having having another umbraco APP, not customized (as installed from scratch) which does not behave like this. I'm then thinking I'm having a database problem.
In my first umbraco instence, I've had a media, in the root, named as "Image générale de gauche" : is this can cause a problem (a media name with french accent) ?
I thought it may be the cause but, even though I've deleted the media, I have the same behaviour with the MediaPicker.
Anybody knows what's happening ?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
Seems like it can't load the tree, are you using events, or custom media pickers? Check the umbraco log table.
Thanks for your input Richard.
I don't use any events or custom media picker, only the one which comes with the initial installation.
I've looked at the database table umbracoLog ( is it exactly what you were talking about ? ) but, nothing is logged while the media picker is invoked... only a Open statement for the selected page in umbraco...
Should I look for something particular in the log table ?
Somthing I really don't understand, I've tried to restore some backups, up to one month ago but, it still not working...eventhough I purge my browsers cache (tried with IE8, Firefox, Crome...).
I've noticed one particular comment in the log table :
Is there a cache I should purge ?
Is there a verbose log that can be activated ?
Thanks in advance for your valuable answers.
I've used SQL Profiler to check what's happening.
I'm having a void umbraco (in which I've only added a media picker property to the Runway Home Page doc, an a single media image) which I've used to compare.
While invoking MediaPicker :
1- (starting where it's interesting) I have the same query :
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT id, createDate, trashed, parentId, nodeObjectType, nodeUser, level, path, sortOrder, uniqueID, text FROM umbracoNode WHERE id = @id',N'@id int',@id=-21
this results as the Recycle Bin record.
2- Next profiled item, still an identical query :
exec sp_executesql N'select count(id) from umbracoNode where nodeObjectType = @nodeObjectType and parentId = @parentId',N'@parentId int,@nodeObjectType uniqueidentifier',@parentId=-21,@nodeObjectType='B796F64C-1F99-4FFB-B886-4BF4BC011A9C'
which, as of my understanding, results as the number of deleted media items.
In my void installation, the result is "1", but I have nothing in the recycle bin, as of the umbraco UI !
In the dev installation, the result is "0", but I have a some items in the recycle bin, as of the umbraco UI !
3- Next : no more query in the dev installation but, in the void one, I get :
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT id, createDate, trashed, parentId, nodeObjectType, nodeUser, level, path, sortOrder, uniqueID, text FROM umbracoNode WHERE id = @id',N'@id int',@id=-1
wihch seems to return the root node, and next query :
exec sp_executesql N'select count(children.id) as children, umbracoNode.id, umbracoNode.uniqueId, umbracoNode.level, umbracoNode.parentId, umbracoNode.path, umbracoNode.sortOrder, umbracoNode.createDate, umbracoNode.nodeUser, umbracoNode.text, cmsContentType.icon, cmsContentType.alias, cmsContentType.thumbnail, cmsContentType.description, cmsContentType.masterContentType, cmsContentType.nodeId as contentTypeId from umbracoNode left join umbracoNode children on children.parentId = umbracoNode.id inner join cmsContent on cmsContent.nodeId = umbracoNode.id inner join cmsContentType on cmsContentType.nodeId = cmsContent.contentType where umbracoNode.nodeObjectType = @nodeObjectType AND umbracoNode.parentID = @parentId group by umbracoNode.id, umbracoNode.uniqueId, umbracoNode.level, umbracoNode.parentId, umbracoNode.path, umbracoNode.sortOrder, umbracoNode.createDate, umbracoNode.nodeUser, umbracoNode.text, cmsContentType.icon, cmsContentType.alias, cmsContentType.thumbnail, cmsContentType.description, cmsContentType.masterContentType, cmsContentType.nodeId order by umbracoNode.sortOrder',N'@nodeObjectType uniqueidentifier,@parentId int',@nodeObjectType='B796F64C-1F99-4FFB-B886-4BF4BC011A9C',@parentId=-1
which results as the list of medias.
I've tried the last query in my dev installation and, it works : it returns the list of medias (folders and items).
Guest what I've done ? purge the Recycle Bin in my dev installation... media picker still void...
I'm having a new weird problem : see my new topic at : http://our.umbraco.org/forum/core/general/17804
Did I've been hacked or what ?!??
I think your problem is related to file system permissions. Check the following page for the correct file permissions
It was the problem, I've recreate the file system structure and the problem is solved.
is working on a reply...