"No Document exists with Version..." while trying to empty recycle bin
Hi, i got this error:
"Message":"No Document exists with Version \u002700000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\u0027","StackTrace":" at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.web.Document.setupNode()\r\n at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.RecycleBin.CallTheGarbageMan(Action`1 itemDeletedCallback)
at umbraco.presentation.webservices.trashcan.EmptyTrashcan(RecycleBinType type)","ExceptionType":"System.ArgumentException"
when trying to empty recycle bin. This is an server answer from firebug.
I tried this:
SELECT * FROM umbracoNode, cmsContent --return nodes WHERE nodeObjectType ='C66BA18E-EAF3-4CFF-8A22-41B16D66A972'-- that are of type 'Content' AND umbracoNode.id NOT IN (SELECT nodeId FROM cmsContent)-- but are notin the 'Content' table
Solution is like described above with small changes. Searching for "bad" nodes:
SELECT * FROM umbracoNode -- return nodes WHERE nodeObjectType = 'C66BA18E-EAF3-4CFF-8A22-41B16D66A972' -- that are of type 'Content' AND umbracoNode.id NOT IN (SELECT nodeId FROM cmsDocument) -- but are not in the 'Document' table
then i found many methods to delete node from database and unite them:
declare @nodeID int select @nodeID = ''
DELETE FROM [cmsContent] WHERE [nodeId] = @nodeID
DELETE FROM [cmsPropertyData] WHERE [contentNodeId] = @nodeID
DELETE FROM [cmsDocument] WHERE [nodeId] = @nodeID
DELETE FROM cmsContentVersion WHERE [contentId] = @nodeId
DELETE FROM cmsContentXml WHERE [nodeId] = @nodeId
DELETE FROM umbracoRelation WHERE [parentId] = @nodeId
DELETE FROM umbracoNode WHERE (id IN (Select id from umbracoNode where parentID = @nodeID))
DELETE FROM [umbracoNode] WHERE [id] = @nodeID
Deleting "bad" nodes helps me, may be this would helpful for anyone else...
This solved the Recycle Bin issue for me (old Umbraco 4.5.2 installation with 2773 items in the bin):
delete from cmsPreviewXml where nodeId in (select id from umbracoNode where trashed=1)
delete from cmsContentVersion where contentId in (select id from umbracoNode where trashed=1)
delete from cmsDocument where nodeId in (select id from umbracoNode where trashed=1)
delete from cmsContentXML where nodeId in (select id from umbracoNode where trashed=1)
delete from cmsContent where nodeId in (select id from umbracoNode where trashed=1)
delete from cmsPropertyData where contentNodeId in (select id from umbracoNode where trashed=1)
delete from umbracoUser2NodePermission where nodeId in (select id from umbracoNode where trashed=1)
delete from umbracoNode where trashed=1;
"No Document exists with Version..." while trying to empty recycle bin
Hi, i got this error:
"Message":"No Document exists with Version \u002700000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\u0027","StackTrace":" at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.web.Document.setupNode()\r\n at umbraco.cms.businesslogic.RecycleBin.CallTheGarbageMan(Action`1 itemDeletedCallback) at umbraco.presentation.webservices.trashcan.EmptyTrashcan(RecycleBinType type)","ExceptionType":"System.ArgumentException"
when trying to empty recycle bin. This is an server answer from firebug.
I tried this:
but no records founded in database...
what else can cause this problem?
i have more than 1000 items in recycle bin and it hard to remove them manually)
p.s. i`m running umbraco 4.7
ok, i solved this...
Solution is like described above with small changes. Searching for "bad" nodes:
SELECT * FROM umbracoNode -- return nodes
nodeObjectType = 'C66BA18E-EAF3-4CFF-8A22-41B16D66A972' -- that are of type 'Content'
umbracoNode.id NOT IN (SELECT nodeId FROM cmsDocument) -- but are not in the 'Document' table
then i found many methods to delete node from database and unite them:
declare @nodeID int
select @nodeID = ''
DELETE FROM [cmsContent]
WHERE [nodeId] = @nodeID
DELETE FROM [cmsPropertyData]
WHERE [contentNodeId] = @nodeID
DELETE FROM [cmsDocument]
WHERE [nodeId] = @nodeID
DELETE FROM cmsContentVersion
WHERE [contentId] = @nodeId
DELETE FROM cmsContentXml
WHERE [nodeId] = @nodeId
DELETE FROM umbracoRelation
WHERE [parentId] = @nodeId
DELETE FROM umbracoNode
WHERE (id IN (Select id from umbracoNode where parentID = @nodeID))
DELETE FROM [umbracoNode]
WHERE [id] = @nodeID
Deleting "bad" nodes helps me, may be this would helpful for anyone else...
This solved the Recycle Bin issue for me (old Umbraco 4.5.2 installation with 2773 items in the bin):
is working on a reply...