I need to unpublish an already published node from Umbraco. Is there any way to Unpublish it without deleting the node?Is there any options available,not in xslt?
I know this thread is old but is there a way for permissions to be set for Users to only have the permission to Send to Publish, BUT still have the ability to Unpublish? Where or what control controls this functionality
How to Unpublish a node in Umbraco
I need to unpublish an already published node from Umbraco. Is there any way to Unpublish it without deleting the node?Is there any options available,not in xslt?
Pls reply ASAP
Go to the properties tab of the document and hit unpublish.
I know this thread is old but is there a way for permissions to be set for Users to only have the permission to Send to Publish, BUT still have the ability to Unpublish? Where or what control controls this functionality
It's build in. Better create an issue here so people can vote http://issues.umbraco.org/dashboard.
is working on a reply...