Has this just started to happen suddenly? Have there been made any changes to the installation? Perhaps some customization somehow?
Otherwise check if the permissions have been set correctly on the umbraco root folder and all the way down. Also check that the app pool is running in integrated mode.
i have set debug = true in compilnation node in web.config and it started working. but it is not good to have debug= true in production environment. can anyone give suggestions to resolve or discover the root cause of this issue.
'Type' is undefined DependencyHandler.axd?s=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&t=Javascript&cdv=1, line 137 character 1
hey - the fact that the issue disappears when you set debug true indicates it is indeed the client dependency framework (dynamically minifies and loads css/js in the Umbraco admin UI) that is causing the problem.
I've had issues with this before - normally best resolved by going to \App_Data\TEMP\ClientDependency and then simply deleting everything here (these are cached files the CDF uses to server content).
I've seen this issue when either files are copied or deployed from one environement to the other (assume the CDF is unable to process the cached files and then fails to serve required content).
when i click on a node it doesn't display the content in editor.
i have a site on umbraco version 4.7.1
in Backend under the content node if i click on any node it doesn't display the content in editor. Also if i click on tabs in editor nothing happens.
i get the following js error in dependencyhandler.axd
Message: 'Type' is undefined
Line: 182
Message: 'scrollIcons' is null or not an object
Line: 223
Message: 'Umbraco.Controls.TabView' is null or not an object
Line: 214
i have tried to invaidate the clientdependency cache but same error.
deleted the umbraco.config from app_data folder but this also didn't help.
can anyone plesae help me to fix this issue?
Hi ani007
Has this just started to happen suddenly? Have there been made any changes to the installation? Perhaps some customization somehow?
Otherwise check if the permissions have been set correctly on the umbraco root folder and all the way down. Also check that the app pool is running in integrated mode.
Hope this helps.
Hi Jan,
Thanks for your reply..
this isssue started to happen suddenly.
1. permissions have been set properly on umbraco root folder and all the way down.
2. app pool is also running in integrated mode.
Can you suggest any other alternative.
i have set debug = true in compilnation node in web.config and it started working. but it is not good to have debug= true in production environment. can anyone give suggestions to resolve or discover the root cause of this issue.
while debugging got the following error in this line
'Type' is undefined DependencyHandler.axd?s=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&t=Javascript&cdv=1, line 137 character 1
hey - the fact that the issue disappears when you set debug true indicates it is indeed the client dependency framework (dynamically minifies and loads css/js in the Umbraco admin UI) that is causing the problem.
I've had issues with this before - normally best resolved by going to \App_Data\TEMP\ClientDependency and then simply deleting everything here (these are cached files the CDF uses to server content).
I've seen this issue when either files are copied or deployed from one environement to the other (assume the CDF is unable to process the cached files and then fails to serve required content).
Oh yeah and then clear your browser cache after deleting to force a refresh.
is working on a reply...