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  • Jayesh 7 posts 27 karma points
    Jun 14, 2013 @ 06:59

    Create like website with video preview as default and full video on account activation.

    Hello Guys,

     I am creating an account based education website for the students for the education leraning. The Website needs to be have two functionalities as follows: 

    1) Video previewing as default about limited time and after account activation the student can login and have the full video viewing as tutorials are playing.

    2)video cannot be downloaded from the website and player needs to be custom not youtube or any other channel as we are going to upload our own video using DAMP. 

     I am already using DAMP for video/ media uploading but i need help in short video preview and video cannot be download using any html5 player.

    Also i like to know what will i require for hosting server to launch my site video playing smoooth and buffering faster as you tube.

    Thanks in advance for Helping and creating my this education website.



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