Some kind of infinite loop issue after copying/creating site nodes in 6.1.4
I just upgraded a site in production to Umbraco 6.1.4 from 6.1.3 (originally developed on 6.0.0 and upgraded multiple times). I tested the upgrade on the staging site (although clearly not for long enough), and it was fine. I didn't test creating or copying nodes.
Copying a large set of nodes (from the root, to the root) took a little while but succeeded. The nodes appear in the tree, the CPU time of the IIS worker process drops back to zero. But when clicking on any of the new nodes, Umbraco never brings up the node in the right-hand panel.
EDIT: I'm having this problem even if I just create new nodes.
Instead, the process sits churning a constant chunk of CPU time and SQL profiler shows this SQL run over and over again:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT id, createDate, trashed, parentId, nodeObjectType, nodeUser, level, path, sortOrder, uniqueID, text FROM umbracoNode WHERE id = @id',N'@id int',@id=-1
$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::*[@isDoc and @level = 1]/descendant-or-self::MyParticularDocTypeItems[@isDoc]
This XPath is supposed to basically bring back all documents for selection under a certain node (MyParticularDocTypeItems in my example). It looks for MyParticularDocTypeItems in the current branch of the site (from node level 1) because there may be other ones in other branches of the site (e.g. for multi-country site).
With the document at level 1 unpublished, the process goes nuts.
Some kind of infinite loop issue after copying/creating site nodes in 6.1.4
I just upgraded a site in production to Umbraco 6.1.4 from 6.1.3 (originally developed on 6.0.0 and upgraded multiple times). I tested the upgrade on the staging site (although clearly not for long enough), and it was fine. I didn't test creating or copying nodes.
Copying a large set of nodes (from the root, to the root) took a little while but succeeded. The nodes appear in the tree, the CPU time of the IIS worker process drops back to zero. But when clicking on any of the new nodes, Umbraco never brings up the node in the right-hand panel.
EDIT: I'm having this problem even if I just create new nodes.
Instead, the process sits churning a constant chunk of CPU time and SQL profiler shows this SQL run over and over again:
This is a serious issue right now. Any ideas?
Turns out it was Multi-Node Tree Pickers.
With XPath Expressions such as this:
This XPath is supposed to basically bring back all documents for selection under a certain node (MyParticularDocTypeItems in my example). It looks for MyParticularDocTypeItems in the current branch of the site (from node level 1) because there may be other ones in other branches of the site (e.g. for multi-country site).
With the document at level 1 unpublished, the process goes nuts.
Probably related to this?
Does anybody know how I might modify this path so that it doesn't kill the site but still provides the functionality I need?
is working on a reply...