Controlling access to developer tree nodes - umbraco v 4.11.7
Im relatively new to the umbraco forums but I have been using the software for about 1 year.
Currently i am trying to hire a developer to start working on the site i have been developing.
In order to restrict the amount of access the developer has to my live site i have created a User Group specifically for Developers, Created a user, assigned the access to the Content, Developer and Setting Section and effectively set the permissions for the developer to browse conttent nodes not create them.
Giving access to the developer section allows them to access all nodes including the packages node. Is there any way to control access to the developer section tree nodes at user level? i had a look at trees.config but changes to that file dont seem to have any impact on the nodes being displayed.
Is there a package i could download to control node access in the developer and settings sections at a user level?
Controlling access to developer tree nodes - umbraco v 4.11.7
Im relatively new to the umbraco forums but I have been using the software for about 1 year.
Currently i am trying to hire a developer to start working on the site i have been developing.
In order to restrict the amount of access the developer has to my live site i have created a User Group specifically for Developers, Created a user, assigned the access to the Content, Developer and Setting Section and effectively set the permissions for the developer to browse conttent nodes not create them.
Giving access to the developer section allows them to access all nodes including the packages node. Is there any way to control access to the developer section tree nodes at user level? i had a look at trees.config but changes to that file dont seem to have any impact on the nodes being displayed.
Is there a package i could download to control node access in the developer and settings sections at a user level?
Any help would be appreciated.
is working on a reply...