I hope this is in the right area to start with. I mention a bug in the title but thats all i can deem it. I state now that everything is working a-ok.
A couple of days while demo-ing a site in IE 8 i noticed that umbraco decided to add <!--[endif]--> into certain rich text editors. I wish i could have seen a parten but on the surface it was very random, made all the more random by only a certain doctype being affected and even then only random rich text fields within each node.
While i believe i have solved the problem by manually removing the statements im curious to see if anyone else had noticed a similar problem and if they are any clearer on what caused it.
Yeah thats what I thought. I have some within my css for a side navigation that has been implemented but thats it and I wouldnt know why it would randomly input it in the rich text editor
I've seen this displayed in IE browsers when content from Word has been pasted directly into tinymce, complete with all the horrible markup that goes with it. In particular bulleted or numbered lists pasted from Word.
Once the pasted code even stopped the rendering of the remainder of the text & the page stopped dead at the point where the offending code was.
Ahhh. This leads me to believe that it could just be a copy and paste thing. The error occured in IE when i copied and pasted content from an existing website in firefox.
This is a classic Paste-From-Word issue. What you're seeing is part of the MS Word style declaration. One could think that Tidy would clean it away, but no.
Curiouser and Curiouser, A possible bug?
Hi All,
I hope this is in the right area to start with. I mention a bug in the title but thats all i can deem it. I state now that everything is working a-ok.
A couple of days while demo-ing a site in IE 8 i noticed that umbraco decided to add <!--[endif]--> into certain rich text editors. I wish i could have seen a parten but on the surface it was very random, made all the more random by only a certain doctype being affected and even then only random rich text fields within each node.
While i believe i have solved the problem by manually removing the statements im curious to see if anyone else had noticed a similar problem and if they are any clearer on what caused it.
Not seen this myself, but just to add that it seems like an IE conditional comment that is being added, for whatever reason
Yeah thats what I thought. I have some within my css for a side navigation that has been implemented but thats it and I wouldnt know why it would randomly input it in the rich text editor
Any other thoughts?
I've seen this displayed in IE browsers when content from Word has been pasted directly into tinymce, complete with all the horrible markup that goes with it. In particular bulleted or numbered lists pasted from Word.
Once the pasted code even stopped the rendering of the remainder of the text & the page stopped dead at the point where the offending code was.
Ahhh. This leads me to believe that it could just be a copy and paste thing. The error occured in IE when i copied and pasted content from an existing website in firefox.
This is a classic Paste-From-Word issue. What you're seeing is part of the MS Word style declaration. One could think that Tidy would clean it away, but no.
Ahhh thanks Stephan!
is working on a reply...