YouTube video embed working intermittantly with IE
Hi there,
I'm having an issue with embedding YouTube videos through the Umbraco 4 RTE. The videos show up fine on Chrome and Firefox but only show up sometimes in IE and when they do show they are no longer in their original IFrame but is a svg tag instead.
I have altered config files and mime types to allow for mp4 and iframes.
Was wondering if anyone has come across this issue before and managed to resolve it ?
It's version 4.11.1 and ive tried taking the embed code from YouTube and inserting straight into a text area and I've tried using the "Embed third party media" function. Both are producing the same results.
Nevermind me...don't think the above will work since it's not being inserted in the RTE if I remember correctly...I'll get back to you if I figure something out that you can try.
YouTube video embed working intermittantly with IE
Hi there,
I'm having an issue with embedding YouTube videos through the Umbraco 4 RTE. The videos show up fine on Chrome and Firefox but only show up sometimes in IE and when they do show they are no longer in their original IFrame but is a svg tag instead.
I have altered config files and mime types to allow for mp4 and iframes.
Was wondering if anyone has come across this issue before and managed to resolve it ?
Any help would be appreciated :-)
Hi Samuel and welcome to our :)
What exact version of Umbraco are you using? And how are you embedding the videos? Are you using a package or the embed code from youtube?
Hi Jan,
It's version 4.11.1 and ive tried taking the embed code from YouTube and inserting straight into a text area and I've tried using the "Embed third party media" function. Both are producing the same results.
Hi Samuel
Ok, what does the rendered code end up looking like?
It ends up rendering out like this
<path xmlns="" class="ytp-large-play-button-svg" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#1f1f1f" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M 84.15 26.4 v 6.35 c 0 2.833 -0.15 5.967 -0.45 9.4 c -0.133 1.7 -0.267 3.117 -0.4 4.25 l -0.15 0.95 c -0.167 0.767 -0.367 1.517 -0.6 2.25 c -0.667 2.367 -1.533 4.083 -2.6 5.15 c -1.367 1.4 -2.967 2.383 -4.8 2.95 c -0.633 0.2 -1.316 0.333 -2.05 0.4 c -0.767 0.1 -1.3 0.167 -1.6 0.2 c -4.9 0.367 -11.283 0.617 -19.15 0.75 c -2.434 0.034 -4.883 0.067 -7.35 0.1 h -2.95 C 38.417 59.117 34.5 59.067 30.3 59 c -8.433 -0.167 -14.05 -0.383 -16.85 -0.65 c -0.067 -0.033 -0.667 -0.117 -1.8 -0.25 c -0.9 -0.133 -1.683 -0.283 -2.35 -0.45 c -2.066 -0.533 -3.783 -1.5 -5.15 -2.9 c -1.033 -1.067 -1.9 -2.783 -2.6 -5.15 C 1.317 48.867 1.133 48.117 1 47.35 L 0.8 46.4 c -0.133 -1.133 -0.267 -2.55 -0.4 -4.25 C 0.133 38.717 0 35.583 0 32.75 V 26.4 c 0 -2.833 0.133 -5.95 0.4 -9.35 l 0.4 -4.25 c 0.167 -0.966 0.417 -2.05 0.75 -3.25 c 0.7 -2.333 1.567 -4.033 2.6 -5.1 c 1.367 -1.434 2.967 -2.434 4.8 -3 c 0.633 -0.167 1.333 -0.3 2.1 -0.4 c 0.4 -0.066 0.917 -0.133 1.55 -0.2 c 4.9 -0.333 11.283 -0.567 19.15 -0.7 C 35.65 0.05 39.083 0 42.05 0 L 45 0.05 c 2.467 0 4.933 0.034 7.4 0.1 c 7.833 0.133 14.2 0.367 19.1 0.7 c 0.3 0.033 0.833 0.1 1.6 0.2 c 0.733 0.1 1.417 0.233 2.05 0.4 c 1.833 0.566 3.434 1.566 4.8 3 c 1.066 1.066 1.933 2.767 2.6 5.1 c 0.367 1.2 0.617 2.284 0.75 3.25 l 0.4 4.25 C 84 20.45 84.15 23.567 84.15 26.4 Z M 33.3 41.4 L 56 29.6 L 33.3 17.75 V 41.4 Z" />
That's when it does show in IE
Hi Samuel
Ok, can you try going to the /config/TinyMceConfig.config file and then change the
configuration to look like below?Make sure to recycle the application pool afterwards. Does that help any?
Hi Samuel
Nevermind me...don't think the above will work since it's not being inserted in the RTE if I remember correctly...I'll get back to you if I figure something out that you can try.
Hi Jan,
I've tried embedding the code both through the RTE and a embedding tool. So I could try the valid elements tag.
Do you have any other ideas ?
Could it be a Java Script issue ?
is working on a reply...