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  • Tim 1 post 21 karma points
    Jun 07, 2015 @ 21:25

    Html.BeginUmbracoForm generates a blank action in <form>

    Hi together,

    i am pretty new in using Umbraco and i realy like the MVC architecture but i have got an issue with the Html.BeginUmbracoForm function.

    I follow this documentation but the result is a blank action property in the form tag.

    Detailed view on my method i was try to do it:

    First of all i have a @Html.Action("SaveInterestedEmail", "HomeSurface") in my Home.cshtml. This Action executes the following method:

    public class HomeSurfaceController : SurfaceController
        public ActionResult SaveInterestedEmail()
            return this.PartialView("~/Views/Partials/_EmailForm.cshtml");
        public ActionResult SaveInterestedEmail(string email)
            using (var db = new CustomDbContext())
                db.With<InterestedUser>().Add(new InterestedUser { Email = email });
            return this.RedirectToCurrentUmbracoPage();

    As you see the first ActionResult is called which is responsible for rendering the PartialView _EmailForm.cshtml:

        using (Html.BeginUmbracoForm("SaveInterestedEmail", "HomeSurface", FormMethod.Post))
            @Html.TextBox("Email", string.Empty, new { @class = "form-control", placeholder = "E-Mail Adresse" })
            <br />
            <input type="submit" value="Registrieren" class="btn btn-xl" />

    I expect that an email adress which was typed into a textbox is saved into the database. The textbox and the button is displayed correctly:

    email form

    But all i get in my form method is this:

    <form action="/" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"><input class="form-control" id="Email" name="Email" placeholder="E-Mail Adresse" type="text" value="" />        
    <br />
    <input type="submit" value="Registrieren" class="btn btn-xl" />
    <input name='ufprt' type='hidden' value='1D7DF080055B1D1363D9BE7AC84D81F7DF99CAB9C7A86276B149CBFDEE51932D5C1FB51892CF1ED7DFF7668B6898219DE06A2612B37D77040B9C85E4D652C4A45477EF25C87F69704334E15D30413C465B7141CBE7AE60A6FD2EFE81A3DCA497B5D86FEE740F8F7036550A3E0E74F00678743B6B1348904A9E76AB67FFEFE58899FF920CAE68D46A8CFDB2B7038D1CAC351B4D97E8F77F638D9787A459DA780E' />

    So the result is a blank action property and the logical consequence is a button without any function. When i switch the Html.BeginUmbracoForm to Html.BeginForm i get this:

    <form action="/umbraco/Surface/HomeSurface/SaveInterestedEmail" method="post"><input class="form-control" id="Email" name="Email" placeholder="E-Mail Adresse" type="text" value="" />        <br />
            <input type="submit" value="Registrieren" class="btn btn-xl" />

    But the action is still without any function. Apart from my public ActionResult SaveInterestedEmail(string email) function whether it is correct or not, i would expect an exception message at least, but even this is not generated.

    Do you have got any idea what is wrong in my Umbraco From?

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