I am using this to allow members to submit their own details for approval.
Am I correct in thinking the User submitted to this function is the current logged in member rather than the umbraco cms user we want to approve the change?
Also, I'm already using this function and I'm seeing the content itself change in the CMS but the node is still marked as published and the history does not reflect the change. Does this only happen on publish? Is there any way to identify nodes awaiting approval for changes within the CMS?
[First Post yay!].... I am working on a member section that too uses the API to "save" data and send it for approval. Because of the nature of this site/program I cannot do it through the back office portion of Umbraco. I have no problems in getting the information/data to save, but I am not seeing it reflected in the node tree. They stay as published. Is there a way to still allow this through the asp.net API and get the nodes to update properly?
Be gentle with me.... I am new to Umbraco! :)
For anyone who has run into this simple problem...All I had to do was set the following value and save:
SendToPublication questions
I am using this to allow members to submit their own details for approval.
Am I correct in thinking the User submitted to this function is the current logged in member rather than the umbraco cms user we want to approve the change?
Also, I'm already using this function and I'm seeing the content itself change in the CMS but the node is still marked as published and the history does not reflect the change. Does this only happen on publish? Is there any way to identify nodes awaiting approval for changes within the CMS?
With regards to first part I thnk you are right you would need to make core change to make it the cms user to approve the change. To see what is in approval use the excellent http://our.umbraco.org/projects/developer-tools/notifications-dashboard
Great recommendation, I'll install that dashboard, cheers Ismail.
[First Post yay!].... I am working on a member section that too uses the API to "save" data and send it for approval. Because of the nature of this site/program I cannot do it through the back office portion of Umbraco. I have no problems in getting the information/data to save, but I am not seeing it reflected in the node tree. They stay as published. Is there a way to still allow this through the asp.net API and get the nodes to update properly?
Be gentle with me.... I am new to Umbraco! :)
For anyone who has run into this simple problem...All I had to do was set the following value and save:
You'll need to refresh the cache as well. I can't remember what the method is called off the top of my head.
is working on a reply...