I'm trying to create a signup form where the user can select their langauge as one of the createuserwizard steps.
The langauges correspond to the member group I've created in the members section of my Umbraco installation, and they are loaded into the createuserwizard from there, as elements in a checkboxlist.
The problem is that the role is not assigned to the user when i test it?
<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="RegisterUserWithRoles" runat="server" ContinueDestinationPageUrl="~/Default.aspx" LoginCreatedUser="False" CompleteSuccessText="<p>Thank you for registering.<p/>" CreateUserButtonText="Next" UserNameLabelText="Username" ContinueButtonText="Next" InstructionText="Fill out the form with your name, password and the email address where you wish to receive the newsletter.">
assign roles to member upon signup
I'm trying to create a signup form where the user can select their langauge as one of the createuserwizard steps.
The langauges correspond to the member group I've created in the members section of my Umbraco installation, and they are loaded into the createuserwizard from there, as elements in a checkboxlist.
The problem is that the role is not assigned to the user when i test it?
Can anyone spot the problem in my code below:
<%@ Master Language="C#" MasterPageFile="/masterpages/RunwayTextpage.master" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
<asp:content ContentPlaceHolderId="newsletterSignup" runat="server">
<div id="newsletterSignup">
<script runat="server">
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
// Reference the SpecifyRolesStep WizardStep
WizardStep SpecifyRolesStep = RegisterUserWithRoles.FindControl("SpecifyRolesStep") as WizardStep;
// Reference the RoleList CheckBoxList
CheckBoxList RoleList = SpecifyRolesStep.FindControl("RoleList") as CheckBoxList;
// Bind the set of roles to RoleList
RoleList.DataSource = Roles.GetAllRoles();
protected void RegisterUserWithRoles_ActiveStepChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Have we JUST reached the Complete step?
if (RegisterUserWithRoles.ActiveStep.Title == "Complete")
// Reference the SpecifyRolesStep WizardStep
WizardStep SpecifyRolesStep = RegisterUserWithRoles.FindControl("SpecifyRolesStep") as WizardStep;
// Reference the RoleList CheckBoxList
CheckBoxList RoleList = SpecifyRolesStep.FindControl("RoleList") as CheckBoxList;
// Add the checked roles to the just-added user
foreach (ListItem li in RoleList.Items)
if (li.Selected)
Roles.AddUserToRole(RegisterUserWithRoles.UserName, li.Text);
<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="RegisterUserWithRoles" runat="server" ContinueDestinationPageUrl="~/Default.aspx" LoginCreatedUser="False" CompleteSuccessText="<p>Thank you for registering.<p/>" CreateUserButtonText="Next" UserNameLabelText="Username" ContinueButtonText="Next" InstructionText="Fill out the form with your name, password and the email address where you wish to receive the newsletter.">
<titleTextStyle CssClass="wizardTitle" />
<labelStyle CssClass="wizardLabel" />
<continueButtonStyle CssClass="wizardButton" />
<createUserButtonStyle CssClass="wizardButton" />
<CompleteSuccessTextStyle CssClass="wizardComplete" />
<asp:CreateUserWizardStep ID="CreateUserWizardStep1" Title="Newsletter Signup" runat="server">
<asp:WizardStep ID="SpecifyRolesStep" runat="server" StepType="Step" Title="Specify Language(s)" AllowReturn="False">
<asp:checkboxlist id="RoleList" runat="server"> </asp:checkboxlist>
<asp:CompleteWizardStep ID="CompleteWizardStep1" runat="server">
Thank you :D
/ Ulla
is working on a reply...