+Modify umbraoc web.config file, by adding this line to <httphandlers>
path="CaptchaImage.axd"type="MSCaptcha.CaptchaImageHandler, MSCaptcha"/>
+ Create a macro bowser to the .NET user control ( i copy my control to the usercontrol folder of installed umbraco)
+Add it into the template
when i test the captcha in my test website it runs ok but when i put it into the umbraco folder the captcha does not display
By the way, Check the links inside your template, may be yu are not referencing the captcha control correctly. I always copy the controls (ascx) to the "usercontrols" folder .
Create a capcha for the contact form
I Create a .NET user control to implement a contact form in umbraco 4.6.0 alpha
I create a contact form .NET user control ( implement the captcha , I use the captcha in http://www.mondor.org/captcha.aspx)
To using captcha i do the following steps:
+Copy the MSCaptcha.dll to Bin of umbraco folder
+Modify umbraoc web.config file, by adding this line to <httphandlers> section:
<add verb="GET" path="CaptchaImage.axd" type="MSCaptcha.CaptchaImageHandler, MSCaptcha"/>
+ Create a macro bowser to the .NET user control ( i copy my control to the usercontrol folder of installed umbraco)
+Add it into the template
when i test the captcha in my test website it runs ok but when i put it into the umbraco folder the captcha does not display
Please help me.
Thank you for your patience.
Hi than,
I suggest you this http://www.google.com/recaptcha
By the way, Check the links inside your template, may be yu are not referencing the captcha control correctly.
I always copy the controls (ascx) to the "usercontrols" folder .
Sncere regards,
Eduardo Macho
is working on a reply...