Is it possible to retrieve comment counts from the Blog4Umbraco package via the API, and if so, how would one go about this? I am using Linq to retrieve the posts via the API.. code below...
Dim blogRoot As Node = New Node(1133)
Dim latestBlogs = From folder As Node In blogRoot.Children _
From folderMonths As Node In folder.Children() _
From folderDays As Node In folderMonths.Children() _
From post In folderDays.Children() _
Order By post.GetProperty("PostDate").Value Descending _
Take 3 _
Select post
The comments aren't stored in Umbraco as content nodes, they are in a separate database table. There should be some API call(s) in the Blog 4 Umbraco API which will return comments
Getting Comment Counts Via API
Is it possible to retrieve comment counts from the Blog4Umbraco package via the API, and if so, how would one go about this? I am using Linq to retrieve the posts via the API.. code below...
The comments aren't stored in Umbraco as content nodes, they are in a separate database table. There should be some API call(s) in the Blog 4 Umbraco API which will return comments
is working on a reply...