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  • Jason Burton 13 posts 33 karma points
    May 25, 2011 @ 19:31
    Jason Burton

    treeHandlerAssembly, treeHandlerType

    I'm having problems referencing an assembly, but unsure where to find out why...

    The AppTree contains the Assembly name of "myAssemblyTitle" (as the dll filename without dll) and the treehandlertype is the class information of "BaseTree" am I calling it incorrectly from the AppTree?


    namespace myNameSpace 
        public class MyClass : BaseTree
            public MyClass(string application) : base(application)
             //zero constructor
            // Initialize the tree..
            protected override void CreateRootNode (ref XmlTreeNode rootNode)
                rootNode.Icon = "FolderIcon";
                rootNode.OpenIcon = "FolderIconOpen";
                rootNode.NodeType = "init" + TreeAlias;
                rootNode.NodeID = "init";
                rootNode.Text = "My Section";
            // Override the render method to create the new section tree
            public override void Render(ref XmlTree Tree)
    Does anyone know why its not rendering the nodes? I think its because its calling the Assembly wrong but unsure..
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