just wondering if anyone had some hints or code examples for wrapping umbraco features in interfaces for unit testing.. was looking at writing an xslt extension that would retrieve a couple of node's by ID's and compare their collections and return a random result..
i.e. someone passes in a node ID.. we get that node by ID and then find 5 other random nodes from it's same level that aren't it and then build an xml result and return..
so I'd need to wrap umbraco.library.GetXmlNodeByID() etc.
Wrapping for unit testing
just wondering if anyone had some hints or code examples for wrapping umbraco features in interfaces for unit testing.. was looking at writing an xslt extension that would retrieve a couple of node's by ID's and compare their collections and return a random result..
i.e. someone passes in a node ID.. we get that node by ID and then find 5 other random nodes from it's same level that aren't it and then build an xml result and return..
so I'd need to wrap umbraco.library.GetXmlNodeByID() etc.
is working on a reply...