Inheriting properties in Child Nodes is very usefull, but sometimes I'd like to hide some properties in user UI in Childe Nodes.
I have
ParentDocType with properties: firmName, firmAdress
ChildDocType with properties: workerFirstName, workerLastName
and I have 2 users:
admin (can add
ParentDocType and ChildDocType nodes)
hrEditor (can add only ChildDocType nodes)
hrEditor shouldn't change firmName, firmAdress in ChildDocType nodes so would be great to set firmName, firmAdress in ParentDocType as hiden in ChildDocType nodes
This solution could be used to prepare TopDocType with global settings which can be visible (for example in Razor) in every lower nodes but can be changed only in UI in Node of DocType where the property was defined.
Hiden properties in Child Nodes
Inheriting properties in Child Nodes is very usefull, but sometimes I'd like to hide some properties in user UI in Childe Nodes.
I have
and I have 2 users:
hrEditor shouldn't change firmName, firmAdress in ChildDocType nodes so would be great to set firmName, firmAdress in ParentDocType as hiden in ChildDocType nodes
This solution could be used to prepare TopDocType with global settings which can be visible (for example in Razor) in every lower nodes but can be changed only in UI in Node of DocType where the property was defined.
What do you think about it?
Check out
Thx Drik.
I checked it and it's super, but think it could be a standard.
is working on a reply...