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  • Balesh 28 posts 49 karma points
    Apr 18, 2012 @ 13:22

    Umbraco crashes when multiple users access the admin section

    Hi All,

    Umbraco slow down when multiple user access it and finally crashes (with server error or timeout).

    We are using 5.0.1 version. We tried this exercise on 'Book' website as well (provided by Umbraco) and it also crashed. This is a huge limitation, as in our case, multiple admin can access and publish content.


    Balesh Kumar

  • Balesh 28 posts 49 karma points
    Apr 18, 2012 @ 14:11

    Umbraco Admin,

    Please help.


    Balesh Kumar

  • Balesh 28 posts 49 karma points
    Apr 19, 2012 @ 16:44

    Hi Umbraco,

    It is really disheartening that nobody is listening in umbraco. This is a show stopper bug at our end. Please reply. I also tried it with 5.1 beta, but no improvement there as well.



    Balesh Kumar

  • Balesh 28 posts 49 karma points
    Apr 20, 2012 @ 08:55

    Hi Umbraco,

    Please find below the error.


    could not execute query [ SELECT this_.Id as Id16_9_, this_.DateCreated as DateCrea2_16_9_, this_.DefaultName as DefaultN3_16_9_, this_.AttributeSchemaDefinition_id as Attribut4_16_9_, this_.NodeId as NodeId16_9_, attribalia3_.NodeVersionId as NodeVers3_11_, attribalia3_.Id as Id11_, attribalia3_.Id as Id5_0_, attribalia3_.AttributeDefinitionId as Attribut2_5_0_, attribalia3_.NodeVersionId as NodeVers3_5_0_, attributed7_.AttributeId as Attribut4_12_, attributed7_.Id as Id12_, attributed7_.Id as Id1_1_, attributed7_.Value as Value1_1_, attributed7_.ValueKey as ValueKey1_1_, attributed7_.AttributeId as Attribut4_1_1_, attributed7_.LocaleId as LocaleId1_1_, attributed8_.AttributeId as Attribut4_13_, attributed8_.Id as Id13_, attributed8_.Id as Id0_2_, attributed8_.Value as Value0_2_, attributed8_.ValueKey as ValueKey0_2_, attributed8_.AttributeId as Attribut4_0_2_, attributed8_.LocaleId as LocaleId0_2_, attributei6_.AttributeId as Attribut4_14_, attributei6_.Id as Id14_, attributei6_.Id as Id3_3_, attributei6_.Value as Value3_3_, attributei6_.ValueKey as ValueKey3_3_, attributei6_.AttributeId as Attribut4_3_3_, attributei6_.LocaleId as LocaleId3_3_, attributel5_.AttributeId as Attribut4_15_, attributel5_.Id as Id15_, attributel5_.Id as Id4_4_, attributel5_.Value as Value4_4_, attributel5_.ValueKey as ValueKey4_4_, attributel5_.AttributeId as Attribut4_4_4_, attributel5_.LocaleId as LocaleId4_4_, attributes4_.AttributeId as Attribut4_16_, attributes4_.Id as Id16_, attributes4_.Id as Id6_5_, attributes4_.Value as Value6_5_, attributes4_.ValueKey as ValueKey6_5_, attributes4_.AttributeId as Attribut4_6_5_, attributes4_.LocaleId as LocaleId6_5_, outerhisto2_.Id as Id18_6_, outerhisto2_.Date as Date18_6_, outerhisto2_.NodeVersionId as NodeVers3_18_6_, outerhisto2_.NodeVersionStatusTypeId as NodeVers4_18_6_, subselects1_.Id as Id19_7_, subselects1_.IsSystem as IsSystem19_7_, subselects1_.Name as Name19_7_, subselects1_.Alias as Alias19_7_, node18_.Id as Id9_8_, node18_.DateCreated as DateCrea2_9_8_, node18_.IsDisabled as IsDisabled9_8_, node18_1_.Alias as Alias10_8_, node18_1_.Description as Descript3_10_8_, node18_1_.Name as Name10_8_, node18_1_.Ordinal as Ordinal10_8_, node18_1_.AttributeSchemaDefinitionId as Attribut6_10_8_, node18_2_.Alias as Alias11_8_, node18_2_.Description as Descript3_11_8_, node18_2_.Name as Name11_8_, node18_2_.SchemaType as SchemaType11_8_, node18_2_.XmlConfiguration as XmlConfi6_11_8_, case when node18_1_.NodeId is not null then 1 when node18_2_.NodeId is not null then 2 when node18_.Id is not null then 0 end as clazz_8_ FROM dbo.NodeVersion this_ left outer join dbo.Attribute attribalia3_ on this_.Id=attribalia3_.NodeVersionId left outer join dbo.AttributeDecimalValue attributed7_ on attribalia3_.Id=attributed7_.AttributeId left outer join dbo.AttributeDateValue attributed8_ on attribalia3_.Id=attributed8_.AttributeId left outer join dbo.AttributeIntegerValue attributei6_ on attribalia3_.Id=attributei6_.AttributeId left outer join dbo.AttributeLongStringValue attributel5_ on attribalia3_.Id=attributel5_.AttributeId left outer join dbo.AttributeStringValue attributes4_ on attribalia3_.Id=attributes4_.AttributeId inner join dbo.NodeVersionStatusHistory outerhisto2_ on this_.Id=outerhisto2_.NodeVersionId inner join dbo.NodeVersionStatusType subselects1_ on outerhisto2_.NodeVersionStatusTypeId=subselects1_.Id inner join dbo.Node node18_ on this_.NodeId=node18_.Id left outer join dbo.[AttributeDefinitionGroup] node18_1_ on node18_.Id=node18_1_.NodeId left outer join dbo.[AttributeSchemaDefinition] node18_2_ on node18_.Id=node18_2_.NodeId WHERE outerhisto2_.Id in (SELECT TOP (@p1) this_0_.Id as y0_ FROM dbo.NodeVersionStatusHistory this_0_ inner join dbo.NodeVersion innerversi1_ on this_0_.NodeVersionId=innerversi1_.Id inner join dbo.NodeVersionStatusType innertype2_ on this_0_.NodeVersionStatusTypeId=innertype2_.Id WHERE innerversi1_.NodeId = this_.NodeId ORDER BY this_0_.Date desc) and this_.NodeId in (@p0) ORDER BY outerhisto2_.Date asc ] Positional parameters: #0>10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 [SQL: SELECT this_.Id as Id16_9_, this_.DateCreated as DateCrea2_16_9_, this_.DefaultName as DefaultN3_16_9_, this_.AttributeSchemaDefinition_id as Attribut4_16_9_, this_.NodeId as NodeId16_9_, attribalia3_.NodeVersionId as NodeVers3_11_, attribalia3_.Id as Id11_, attribalia3_.Id as Id5_0_, attribalia3_.AttributeDefinitionId as Attribut2_5_0_, attribalia3_.NodeVersionId as NodeVers3_5_0_, attributed7_.AttributeId as Attribut4_12_, attributed7_.Id as Id12_, attributed7_.Id as Id1_1_, attributed7_.Value as Value1_1_, attributed7_.ValueKey as ValueKey1_1_, attributed7_.AttributeId as Attribut4_1_1_, attributed7_.LocaleId as LocaleId1_1_, attributed8_.AttributeId as Attribut4_13_, attributed8_.Id as Id13_, attributed8_.Id as Id0_2_, attributed8_.Value as Value0_2_, attributed8_.ValueKey as ValueKey0_2_, attributed8_.AttributeId as Attribut4_0_2_, attributed8_.LocaleId as LocaleId0_2_, attributei6_.AttributeId as Attribut4_14_, attributei6_.Id as Id14_, attributei6_.Id as Id3_3_, attributei6_.Value as Value3_3_, attributei6_.ValueKey as ValueKey3_3_, attributei6_.AttributeId as Attribut4_3_3_, attributei6_.LocaleId as LocaleId3_3_, attributel5_.AttributeId as Attribut4_15_, attributel5_.Id as Id15_, attributel5_.Id as Id4_4_, attributel5_.Value as Value4_4_, attributel5_.ValueKey as ValueKey4_4_, attributel5_.AttributeId as Attribut4_4_4_, attributel5_.LocaleId as LocaleId4_4_, attributes4_.AttributeId as Attribut4_16_, attributes4_.Id as Id16_, attributes4_.Id as Id6_5_, attributes4_.Value as Value6_5_, attributes4_.ValueKey as ValueKey6_5_, attributes4_.AttributeId as Attribut4_6_5_, attributes4_.LocaleId as LocaleId6_5_, outerhisto2_.Id as Id18_6_, outerhisto2_.Date as Date18_6_, outerhisto2_.NodeVersionId as NodeVers3_18_6_, outerhisto2_.NodeVersionStatusTypeId as NodeVers4_18_6_, subselects1_.Id as Id19_7_, subselects1_.IsSystem as IsSystem19_7_, subselects1_.Name as Name19_7_, subselects1_.Alias as Alias19_7_, node18_.Id as Id9_8_, node18_.DateCreated as DateCrea2_9_8_, node18_.IsDisabled as IsDisabled9_8_, node18_1_.Alias as Alias10_8_, node18_1_.Description as Descript3_10_8_, node18_1_.Name as Name10_8_, node18_1_.Ordinal as Ordinal10_8_, node18_1_.AttributeSchemaDefinitionId as Attribut6_10_8_, node18_2_.Alias as Alias11_8_, node18_2_.Description as Descript3_11_8_, node18_2_.Name as Name11_8_, node18_2_.SchemaType as SchemaType11_8_, node18_2_.XmlConfiguration as XmlConfi6_11_8_, case when node18_1_.NodeId is not null then 1 when node18_2_.NodeId is not null then 2 when node18_.Id is not null then 0 end as clazz_8_ FROM dbo.NodeVersion this_ left outer join dbo.Attribute attribalia3_ on this_.Id=attribalia3_.NodeVersionId left outer join dbo.AttributeDecimalValue attributed7_ on attribalia3_.Id=attributed7_.AttributeId left outer join dbo.AttributeDateValue attributed8_ on attribalia3_.Id=attributed8_.AttributeId left outer join dbo.AttributeIntegerValue attributei6_ on attribalia3_.Id=attributei6_.AttributeId left outer join dbo.AttributeLongStringValue attributel5_ on attribalia3_.Id=attributel5_.AttributeId left outer join dbo.AttributeStringValue attributes4_ on attribalia3_.Id=attributes4_.AttributeId inner join dbo.NodeVersionStatusHistory outerhisto2_ on this_.Id=outerhisto2_.NodeVersionId inner join dbo.NodeVersionStatusType subselects1_ on outerhisto2_.NodeVersionStatusTypeId=subselects1_.Id inner join dbo.Node node18_ on this_.NodeId=node18_.Id left outer join dbo.[AttributeDefinitionGroup] node18_1_ on node18_.Id=node18_1_.NodeId left outer join dbo.[AttributeSchemaDefinition] node18_2_ on node18_.Id=node18_2_.NodeId WHERE outerhisto2_.Id in (SELECT TOP (@p1) this_0_.Id as y0_ FROM dbo.NodeVersionStatusHistory this_0_ inner join dbo.NodeVersion innerversi1_ on this_0_.NodeVersionId=innerversi1_.Id inner join dbo.NodeVersionStatusType innertype2_ on this_0_.NodeVersionStatusTypeId=innertype2_.Id WHERE innerversi1_.NodeId = this_.NodeId ORDER BY this_0_.Date desc) and this_.NodeId in (@p0) ORDER BY outerhisto2_.Date asc]


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