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  • Aaron 14 posts 34 karma points
    May 02, 2012 @ 23:52

    Creating new Item in a Task (umbraco 5 + FluentAPI)

    Hey I am trying to create a new item so I can file news away automatically here is the code I have.

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using Umbraco.Hive;
    using Umbraco.Framework.Tasks;
    using Umbraco.Framework.Context;
    using Umbraco.Framework;
    using Umbraco.Cms.Web.Context;
    using Umbraco.Cms.Web.Tasks;
    using Umbraco.Cms.Web.Model;
    using Umbraco.Cms.Web;
    namespace Umbraco.Gravypower.Whirrakee.Kernel.Tasks
        [Task("25876d45-b834-48be-a2f5-5f5f024a458b", TaskTriggers.Hive.Revisions.PostAddOrUpdate, ContinueOnFailure = false)]
        public class FileNews : AbstractTask
            private IUmbracoApplicationContext _appContext;
            public FileNews(IFrameworkContext context, IUmbracoApplicationContext appContext)
                : base(context)
                _appContext = appContext;
            public override void Execute(TaskExecutionContext Context)
                var cms = _appContext.Hive.Cms();
                //gets the item that has triggered this task
                var currentItemID = ((HiveRevisionPostActionEventArgs)Context.EventArgs.CallerEventArgs).Entity.Item.Id;
                var currentItem = cms.Content.GetById(currentItemID);
                if(currentItem != null)
                    if (currentItem.ContentType.Alias == "news")
                        //grab the new folder
                        var newsFolder = cms.Content.GetById(Constants.Content.NewsFolder);
                        //gets the date
                        var date = currentItem.Attributes["date"].DynamicValue;
                        var year = (int)date.Year;
                        var yearFolder = newsFolder.Children().SingleOrDefault<Content>("NodeTypeAlias == @0", year);
                        if (yearFolder == null)
                            var yearFolderName = year.ToString();
                            var hiveManager = (IHiveManager)cms;
                            var contentBuilder = hiveManager.Cms().NewRevision(yearFolderName, yearFolderName, "newsFolder")
                            yearFolder = contentBuilder.Content;

    This however does not want to work and I cant work out what i am doing wrong can anyone help?





  • Aaron 14 posts 34 karma points
    May 07, 2012 @ 14:09
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